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Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries by City On A Hill (340)


Foundation For Moral Law--Honoring God

It is truly an act of grace from God to give us memorials of his goodness and that when He lives in men's hearts that wonders never cease.  One of those is a story among many woven in truth as only God can.  Please go to and read the blogs--here is one for Thanksgiving worth sharing to all:


The Angel of Hadley and Judges Cave: A Robust Thanksgiving Tale

Home  »  Christianity  »  The Angel of Hadley and Judges Cave: A Robust Thanksgiving Tale
Nov 23, 2011 No Comments ›› John Eidsmoe JUDGES CAVE

The Angel of Hadley and Judges Cave: A Robust Thanksgiving Tale

Last weekend I made my annual “pilgrimage” to Plymouth, Massachusetts, for a Board meeting of the Plymouth Rock Foundation.  The hallowed landmarks continue to inspire: the statue of William Bradford, the statue of Chief Massassoit, the vault containing the bones of many of the pilgrims who died during the first winter, the Church of the Pilgrimage, the Old Burial Hill, Old Plimoth Plantation, the replica of the Mayflower, and of course Plymouth Rock.

On Saturday afternoon I drove three hours west to New Haven, Connecticut, and a nearby town called Milford, to preach Sunday morning for the Milford Christian Church, a wonderful group of believers led by Pastor Jim Loomis and his wife Cathy.

Just as Plymouth was the home of the Pilgrims, so New Haven was the “haven” of the Puritans. McManus describes New Haven as the “ultra-puritan” colony,[1] and Pfeffer said New Haven was “possibly more extreme in its theocracy than Massachusetts.”[2]  And as Pastor & Mrs. Loomis showed me Saturday night, New Haven is a treasure-house of colonial Christian history.  In the course of an hour or so I viewed the graves of Constitutional Convention delegate Roger Sherman and “America’s schoolmaster” Noah Webster,  a statue of Lt. Nathan Hale on the campus of his alma mater Yale University (founded in 1701 to counter apostasy at Harvard), and three converging streets named Dixwell, Whalley, and Goffe.

Sunday after church I hiked up the trail in West Rock Ridge Park to view and explore Judges Cave (above), a huge collection of boulders with inside passages at the top of a large cliff overlooking New Haven below, and the Regicides’ Trail that leads to it.

Dixwell, Whalley, Goffe, and Judges Cave?  How do these tie together?  That’s the robust tale.

But the tale begins in England, where, in 1649, the Puritan Parliament captured the royalist King Charles I and tried him for treason because of his acts of tyranny and making war on the Parliament.  With good justification, Parliament claimed to be the legitimate representatives of the people of England, and therefore, when Charles made war upon Parliament, he waged war against the English people.  Charles was convicted of treason and executed on 30 January 1649; fifty-nine commissioners (judges) appointed by Parliament signed the King’s death warrant.

Fast-forward to 1660, when the Cromwell Protectorate was ended and the monarchy restored with Charles II, son of Charles I, as England’s king.  In a spirit of some generosity Charles II agreed to clemency for all who had opposed his father, except for the fifty-nine judges who had signed his death warrant.  Of these, nine or ten were executed; others were imprisoned, exiled, or barred from holding public office.

Three – Dixwell, Whalley, and Goffe, fled to North America, believing they would be safest in the Puritan colonies of New England.

John Dixwell (1607 – 1689), had served as a colonel in the Parliamentary army and as a member of Parliament.  He was condemned to death as a regicide (king-killer), but he escaped execution by fleeing to New Haven, where he lived under the assumed name of John Davids.  Unlike the others, Dixwell/Davids was the subject of no manhunts because the English assumed he was dead, and even in New Haven few if any knew his true identity until he was on his deathbed.  He held a constant hope that there would be a rebirth of liberty in England, and before he died in 1689 he may have learned of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and of plans for the English Bill of Rights that was to follow.

Dixwell’s years in exile seem to have been calm and peaceful if uneventful.  Not so with Edward Whalley (c. 1607 – c. 1675) and his son-in-law William Goffe (1605? – 1679?).  Whalley distinguished himself as a regimental officer in the Parliamentary army, rising to the rank of lieutenant general.  He was entrusted with the care of the captured King Charles I, treated his captive with courtesy, and refused orders to remove Charles’s chaplains, for which Charles wrote him a letter of thanks.  Goffe rose to the rank of major general and commanded a regiment at the Battle of Dunbar and the Battle of Worcester.

Whalley and Goffe landed in Boston on 27 July 1660.  The Puritan populace received them kindly, but there was always danger from royal informants.  Sensing danger, in February 1661 they left Massachusetts, and they arrived in New Haven 7 March.  The Puritan Rev. John Davenport housed them, but New Haven Governor William Leete received word that he would soon receive orders for their arrest.  Leete managed to delay the orders, giving them time to flee into the wilderness.

Most of the summer of 1661 they spent in Judges Cave.  Without naming them or discussing their situation, Rev.  Davenport preached a sermon to his congregation on Isaiah 16:3:  “Hide the outcasts; discover not him that wandereth.”  His Puritan congregants knew his meaning, and each night they sent provisions to a place near Judges Cave.

The English weren’t the judges’ only fear.  One night they heard a haunting howl outside, and came to the entrance and found themselves face-to-face with a panther.  That, coupled with growing English suspicions that they were in the area, led them to flee again, this time to the small town of Hadley, Massachusetts, where Rev. John Russell sheltered them in the cellar of his house. Dixwell may have joined them there for awhile.  There they kept a diary for six or seven years, and Goffe conducted correspondence with his wife under the pseudonym of Walter Goldsmith.  The diary and letters contain much of Hadley’s history, although Professor Miller says “there is too much religion in their letters for the taste of the present day.”[3]  Despite intense searches, the English never found them.  In 1675 Whalley was still alive but in poor health; he probably died shortly thereafter.

Whalley and Goffe in Massachusetts make their home.

Then to Quinnipiac in haste pursue their way,

Nor know they where to rest, nor where to roam,

Until in Hadley concealed and lonely they stay.[4]

Until he died around 1679, Goffe lived an uneventful life in hiding – or did he?

In 1675 the Wampaqnoag war chief popularly known as King Philip led a coalition of tribes in warfare against the European settlers of New England.  It is said that his warriors conducted a surprise attack on the village of Hadley in September 1675.  Patrick Browne writes,

According to legend, such an attack struck Hadley in September of 1675 while the inhabitants were at worship. When the alarm was raised, men grabbed their weapons and ran out to meet the attack. Completely disorganized, confused and afraid, many of them unarmed, the settlers of Hadley were in no way prepared to defend themselves. The utter annihilation of the town seemed imminent.

Suddenly, in the midst of this chaos appeared an elderly man carrying an old sword. No one had seen him before. He seemed out of place, quite different than the rest of the settlers. His bearing was distinctly military. He coolly placed himself in command, rallied the settlers, and quickly instructed them as to how they should fight. The attack was repulsed. As soon as the conflict had ended, the mysterious stranger disappeared, leaving many to wonder if he had been an angel from God.[5]

Who was the Angel of Hadley?

Some doubt his existence.  Some doubt whether the attack ever occurred, as there is no mention of it in the town annals, but such records are often incomplete.  Increase Mather described the attack in his 1676 history of King Philip’s War, but he mentioned no angel or commanding figure.

But what if an old judge, a judge who had served as a major general in the army of Oliver Cromwell and the Parliament, had been hiding in the cellar of Rev. Russell’s home, and emerged at the hour of peril to protect his protectors?

This is not idle speculation on my part.  Thomas Hutchinson, then Lt. Gov. of Massachusetts, in his 1764 History of Massachusetts, related the attack and identified the old man as General William Goffe.  The Rev. Ezra Stiles, President of Yale (whose grave I saw Saturday night), in his 1794 A History of Three of the Judges of Charles I, likewise identified the Angel of Hadley as General Goffe.  Stiles wrote:

That pious congregation were observing a fast at Hadley, on the occasion of the war; and being at public worship in the meeting-house there, on a fast day, September 1, 1675, were suddenly surrounded and surprised by a body of Indians. It was the usage in the frontier towns, and even at New Haven, in those Indian wars, for a select number of the congregation to go armed to public worship. It was so in Hadley at this time. The people immediately took to their arms, but were thrown into great consternation and confusion. Had Hadley been taken, the discovery of the Judges had been inevitable. Suddenly, and in the midst of the people there appeared a man of very venerable aspect, and different from the inhabitants in his apparel, who took the command, arranged and ordered them in the best military manner, and under his direction they repelled and routed the Indians, and the town was saved. He immediately vanished, and the inhabitants could not account for the phenomenon, but by considering that person as an Angel sent of God upon that special occasion for their deliverance; and for some time after said and believed that they had been delivered and saved by an Angel. . . . The Angel was certainly General Goffe.[6]

Whatever happened at Hadley, the story inspired New Englanders at that time, and it also inspired later generations.  Sir Walter Scott used the Angel of Hadley as a model for his tale in Peravil of the Peak in 1823, Nathaniel Hawthorne used the Angel as a model for The Gray Champion, and James Fenimore Cooper, Delia Bacon, and Harriet Beecher Stowe all wrote tales based on the Angel of Hadley.  Henry David Thoreau referred to Goffe in Walden as though his name were a household word.   The late University of Pennsylvania Archivist Douglas Wilson suggested that Goffe wanted to be remembered as a shadowy, ethereal figure, not only to inspire, but also to evade discovery and arrest.[7]  That might explain why the people of Hadley did not record the attack.

Back at Judges Cave, I was reminded that these three judges, all fervent Puritans who were willing to fight and die for their Lord, sacrificed their careers, their estates, and their creaturely comforts to wander as outcasts in the wilderness, to secure and preserve the God-given blessing of liberty.  In an age of abject submission to total government, it is hard to remember an era in which Christian men believed it was necessary to interpose by force against a tyrannical king, and a later age in which place of refuge would be honored as Judges Cave and the path to the cave as Regicides Trail.  The plaque on Judges Cave says it best:


 Here May Fifteenth 1661 and for some weeks

thereafter Edward Whalley and his son-in-law

William Goffe, members of the Parliament General,

officers in the army of the Commonwealth and

signers of the death warrant of King Charles

First, found shelter and concealment from the

officers of the Crown after the Restoration.

“Opposition to tyrants is obedience to God.”


Contemplate the price of liberty, and have a truly blessed Thanksgiving!


[1] Edgar J. McManus Law and Liberty in Early New England: Criminal Justice and Due Process 1620 – 1692 (University of Massachusetts Press 1993) 17.

[2] Leo Pfeffer, Church, State and Freedom (Beacon Press 1953) 68.

[3] Jon Miller, Associate Professor of Englilsh, University of Akron, “Thomas Hutchinson and Ezra Stiles on the Regicides” (1764, 1794).

[4] Lewis Sprague Mills, “The Story of Connecticut” (1932).

[5] Patrick Browne, “The ‘Angel of Hadley,’” Historical Digression (blog), September 5, 2011.

[6] Ezra Stiles, quoted by Miller op. cit.

[7] Wilson, Douglas C. “Web of Secrecy: Goffe, Whalley, and the Legend of Hadley.” New England Quarterly LX (1987): 515-548.

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Common Core Standards--Could It Awake The Bible Belt Of America?

Today was a sad day for Alabama as the rights of parents over their child's education was seen as unimportant in the scheme of the more important thing--accepting national standards to make education for our kids better.  That is a failure at the get go as they discount the most important help to the child--his parents.  It is again the perfect pattern we see of promoting something evil as good and vice versa.  If one doesn't have his bearings right--it is so easy to be misled and turned upside down. 

The godly foundation of this nation is being undermined daily and God's ways which the Founders followed in that monumental instrument called the Constitution are being diminished in importance.  Result is a nation with people who are making more laws yet are more out of control than ever, a nation with more education bureaucrats yet lower literacy, a nation with a government that says it cares about its citizens yet slowly steals away their rights.  And today in Alabama, they stole one right too many---the right of parents over their children's education.

Many hoped the vote made last November to accept common core standards could be rescinded as more truths have been found (go to  However the majority of Alabama's state school board decided " Washington knows best".  For those that do not believe that, here are some suggestions for action:

  1. Get your pastor to read Letter To Alabama Pastors from one of this nation's best --Pastor Cary     Gordon (he helped oust the three Iowa Supreme Court Justicies last year).
  2. Along with the above letter, give your pastor the list of what pastors and churches can and cannot do (some may be so bold that they don't mind making the right stand and will do so at any cost.) and ask him to allow you to distribute info (such as this article).
  3. Find out as much information on common core standards from
  4. Listen to City On A Hill's interviews (live or at any time on podcast) to gain perspectives from those in the fight and what you can do to help.  We interview everyone we can such as Eagle Forum, Donna Garner of Ed Watch, Al State Board Member Betty Peters, Elois Zeanah of AFRW,Tea Parties, legislators and constitutional lawyers such as with the Foundation For Moral Law.
  5. Make this cause a part of your prayer as it is a fight for your family as we know the power of prayer (George Washington's prayer blessed us all).  Remember God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind!

Get encouraged as there are avenues ahead.  The loss today was really a win because truth shone and now the Bible Belt of America has awakened...tomorrow is really the start of freedom for many-- as "truth sets men free".  Share this and may God bless you for being part of the Awakening!




Letter To Pastors To Fight Against Violation of Biblical Principles Coming Through Common Core Standards (Nationalization of Education)


This letter was written for Alabama Pastors to help Alabamians (know the truth of what will ultimately influence the minds of children) for an upcoming vote to rescind common core standards on Nov 10th 2011.  However it is applicable for almost all states have adopted common core standards.


Dear Pastor,

This may well be the most peculiar “political” letter you’ll ever receive. Why? Because I am not running for office, and I absolutely have no interest in your money. Nor am I angling to get your contact information for future marketing purposes. In fact, I don’t even live in your state, and I stand to gain NOTHING in writing this letter. I’m asking for you to help me help you. Specifically, what I’m searching for – what I’m appealing for you to give – is your fearless pastoral leadership on an issue of extraordinary importance that directly impacts the duties of your calling as a pastor.

As you well know, nearly 4000 years ago, the Bible tells us that out of all the men on this planet, God chose to intervene in the course of history by making a covenant with one particular man named Abram. Why him? Because God saw evidence that he had faithfully taken responsibility to educate his children. “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD…” Central to the criteria for anointing this man as the “Father of Nations” was his understanding of family sovereignty, and the fatherly responsibility to educate children (see Genesis 18:19).

It is said that when Karl Marx decided to revolutionize the world by spreading Atheism, one of the most important things he did was to subvert education by rewriting history to marginalize and de-emphasize the positive effects of Christianity in the world. In my church, we’ve come to realize that when our young people enter this world, they inherit the debits and credits of previous generations. The bad news is Alabama’s children are about to inherit something very corrupt if their shepherds and parents don’t stand side by side to stop the hungry wolves.

Indeed, something very dangerous is on its way to your state right now. I know because they used my state of Iowa as a proverbial “guinea-pig.” It’s called the “Core Curriculum,” and it is another federalized encroachment against the families and parents attending your church that must be stopped! Let me tell you what is hiding inside the public school curriculum now being used in my state of Iowa, and coming to a school near you.

Health: If you were to assume that good foundational teachings built upon old-fashioned biology lessons were going to be the primary purpose of the Core Curriculum’s goals in “health class,” you would be sorely mistaken. In Iowa, we have a section of our curriculum labeled “Health Literacy” where kids, as young as third grade, are taught about “sexual wellness” and encouraged to “seek professional help” if they are worried about their “sexual wellness.” I believe their pliable young minds are being prepared for the abortion mills.

Science: When I went to science class in the eighth grade, I looked forward to studying specimen jars filled with strange little animals preserved in formaldehyde. I expected to dissect a frog or two. Those simple days are now gone. In an Iowa public school, children are now taught principles of liberal environmentalism. They are encouraged to explore the advantages of owning a hybrid car, and they learn how to calculate their personal “carbon-footprint.” They are encouraged to share their “environmental concerns” with their city council. (Sounds more like lobbyist training than science class.)
Civics: Children are taught about “rights” as citizens, but at no point in the curriculum is the Declaration of Independence properly explained as the organic law of the United States. Most alarmingly, children are not taught where the Declaration plainly says their rights originate. Thus they are left to assume that human and civil rights come from…other people. This is pure anti-American humanism that defies our founding principles and endangers our future as a nation.

Economics: At no point that I am aware of in our Iowa curriculum does a student learn that free-market capitalism is a naturally occurring financial system within a democratic constitutional republic. At no point in the study are students shown how the American system of economics is tethered to our Declaration and Constitution. Instead, a bias in favor of labor unions (the invention of atheist Karl Marx), along with a bias in favor of centralized financial globalization remains dominant.
History: Instead of simply teaching what happened throughout history, a relativistic focus sort of analyzes culture, processes, and transitions. Children are taught to compare a “minority” with “dominant” groups, and the liberal-speak proves to be a political minefield.
Pastor, education has always been within the purview and jurisdiction of the local church. It is within the local church where families are taught the ways of the Lord. The danger is that from Monday through Friday, a very aggressive, hostile, and competitive worldview continues to chip away at what you taught last Sunday morning. Your teaching and instruction time is probably outmatched at a ratio of 35 to 1. The typical student receives training from the local educator for around thirty-five hours for every one hour of exposure to you. Some studies suggest that ratio is not much better for their parents.

What can a pastor do?

First, I’m asking for you to prayerfully consider addressing this threat from your pulpit. In case you do, I’ve offered some biblical texts that directly relate to the issue of education at the end of this letter. So few pastors today seem willing to broach a subject like that of education, despite the fact that church history is replete with the very opposite. Martin Luther once warned, “I’m afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of youth.”

Second, I’m asking you to provide contact information for the parents in your church, so they can know how to contact their state representatives who still have time to resist this federal takeover of American education across the country. It may be too late for my beloved state of Iowa, but it isn’t too late for Alabama!

Third, I’m asking you to use your influence in your community to personally warn state representatives that you won’t stand idly by and allow this kind of violation of Biblical principles to go on without a fight. You may not realize it, but your voice carries more great weight with elected officials than some of them might like to let on. In many congressional offices (state and federal), clerks are taught to count the number of “yeas” and “neas” that come in by phone from their constituents. When a “regular” citizen calls the tally changes by one number, but when a pastor calls to voice opposition against something, the tally changes by one hundred and fifty.

I pray you will do a better job of protecting your children in Alabama than we did here in Iowa.
Thank you for your courage and leadership as one of God’s shepherds in your local community.

Pastor Cary K. Gordon
Cornerstone World Outreach
Sioux City, Iowa

Family Government is Basis of Civil Government
Genesis 18:18-19
Genesis 35:11
I Kings 14:22
II Kings 15:9
Nehemiah 9:2
Daniel 9:16

Truth is Absolute and Should Be Taught as Such
John 14:6
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Galatians 1:8
Ephesians 6:4
I Corinthians 4:15
Deuteronomy 4:9
Hebrews 13:8-9
Malachi 3:6
James 1:17

Family Government is Sovereign
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Deuteronomy 4:9
Proverbs 1:7-9
Proverbs 13:24
Proverbs 22:6-7
Proverbs 27:10
Joshua 24:15
Matthew 22:21
Ephesians 6:4

Education Must Glorify God
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Proverbs 1:7-9
Hosea 4:6
Proverbs 9:10
Job 28:27-28
II Timothy 3:16
II Corinthians 10:5
Colossians 2:8

Virtue of Bridled Speech to Be Learned
II Timothy 3:16-17
James 3:1-2
Titus 1:10-11
II Kings 2:23
II Timothy 2:14-17, 23
Colossians 2:8
I Corinthians 1:10

Teacher Must Distinguish Truths and Deceptions for the Student
I Timothy 1:4
Colossians 2:8
II Timothy 3:6-9
Galatians 1:8
Proverbs 1:7
Hebrews 13:9

No Philosophy or Study of Nature has Merit Outside the Authority of God’s Word
II Timothy 3:16-17
Proverbs 1:7
Psalm 19:7
II Corinthians 10:5
Colossians 2:8

Decentralized Education is Wise
Proverbs 27:10
Psalm 74:17
Judges 2:1-3
Acts 17:26
II Corinthians 6:16-18


Link to map--showing Al State Board Districts

Also more info on issue at :
and Eagle Forum at


Below is from e-mail received from CWA with important phone numbers in bottom--Please Call WED and Thurs.  Vote is set for morning of Thurs Nov 10, 2011.

Please ask the Alabama State Board of Education to reverse their decision to adopt the Common Core Standards!

What are Common Core Standards, and why should you be concerned?

The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) establishes national minimum educational standards for students in our schools. The State Board of Education adopted the CCSSI in November 2010.

Education has historically been the function of the local school district with some governance from the State Board of Education. Setting academic standards, writing curriculum, and developing methods of instruction have always been handled within the state.

The move to national standards is the latest move to nationalize education and take the authority and oversight of local education away from parents and local school boards. The role of the federal government in our local schools should be limited; parents, teachers and schools boards should be in control.

"These initiatives transfer authority away from local school officials, increase federal power, and place even more strings on federal funding," says Rep. Martha Roby (R-Alabama)

Your calls are needed to the following members of the Alabama State Board of Education before Thursday, November 10!

Ask them to reverse their decision to adopt the Common Core Standards.

Gov. Robert J. Bentley
(334) 242-7100

Joseph B. Morton
(334) 242-9700

Mr. Randy McKinney J.D.--District 1
(251) 967-2166

Yvette Richardson Ed.D.--District 4
(205) 923-7262

Mrs. Ella Bell--District 5
(334) 834-2811

Dr. Charles E Elliott M.D.--District 6
(256) 580-1705

Mr. Gary B. Warren--District 7
(205) 486-9696

Mary Scott Hunter J.D.--District 8
(888) 531-1312

(Board members Betty Peters and Stephanie Bell oppose Common Core Standards.)

Make your calls today and forward this on to a friend!


Valerie Askew
State Director


A large turn-out at the BOE meeting and a long list of those who want to speak on the issue of Common Core Standards would certainly get the attention of the Board members who are sitting on the fence and might be the deciding factor on getting their votes to rescind Common Core Standards. Please forward this on to others who might attend even if they don’t want to speak, as their presence will be noticed by the Board and is a statement in itself.

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer



Common Core Standards--The Long And Short Of It For Parents And Teachers--Help Is On The Way --But It Needs You To Call Congress To Defund Common Core and RTT

Hear interviews pivotal in getting the fire burning in the battle against the national take-over of education.  Home Schoolers and Private Schoolers--BE Warned--it will affect all.

Here's an excerpt from an e-mail from very concerned parent:

Private and homeschool students may not get accepted into college or be allowed to take the classes in college that they choose because of Common Core Standards.

According to the discussion draft "Common Core State Standards and Teacher Preparation: The Role of Higher Education" (1st 2 pages attached in pdf file) by the Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative:

"higher education (colleges and universities) will need to consider how to use the assessments developed to measure high school students' master of those content domains in college admissions and placement.  ... universities in the states that have committed to one of the two consortia developing assessments (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers [PARCC] and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) have made a commitment to include assessment results in making placement decisions."


Universities and colleges in most of the 50 states “have made a commitment to include assessment results in making placement decisions.”  In other words, if a university in a Common Core State receiving Federal funds has to make a choice between a public school student who completed a high school under Common Core and a private or homeschool student who did not, guess who is not getting admitted into that college.  If a child is private schooled or homeschooled, they would not have taken the assessments developed for Common Core Standards curriculum that public school students will be taking.  Or will parents who do not public school their children be forced to submit their children to these assessments?  I’ve also attached one of the source documents for the discussion above, “Implementing the Common Core Standards:  An Agenda for Higher Education”, as it talks about this issue and the assessments in more detail.


Audio Link for 10-26-11 with Pastor Cary Gordon of Iowa and Betty Peters:

Hear an interview with one of the leaders that helped oust three of Iowas Supreme Court Justices in last years election. Hear perspectives with Pastor Cary Gordon of Iowa. It is a time for those who love children to learn what is at stake and what they can do. Common core standards also known as national standards are being implemented and those in Obamas Dept of Ed thinks they know better than all parents as to whats best for the children. The recent news of the outrage of NYC parents over the sex-ed (which includes teaching about beastiality) ought to shock parents into reality. Plans are underway not to control just healthcare but also the mind of your child. And the enemy loves lack of knowledge because as the Bible tells us---it detroys. Please share todays show and pray and contact your Congress to Defund Common Core and Race To The Top. It may not pass the Senate but passing it in the House will make this most important foundation making or breaking topic known to hopefully majority of children loving people of America. And who knows-- as with God all things are possible!

Audio Link for 10-27-11 with Finn Laursen of CEAI:

Hear an interview witih Finn Laursen who serves as Executive Director of Christian Educators Association International. CEAI ( is a professional association for Christian Educators in both the public and private schools. Hear us look at what will happen to those in the teaching profession with the (national standards) common core standards coming out of Washington.  Many are already looking to get out of this field and what will that mean for our children?

Audio Link for 10-19-11 with Eunie Smith of Eagle Forum and Sen Scott Beason

Hear interview with perspectives from State Senator Scott Beason and Alabama Eagle Forums Mrs. Eunie Smith. Get informed on how this new idea that is worse than No Child Left Behind will affect states and the nation and most important--parents and families.


Judge Roy Moore, Tea Party Italy and Tea Party Patriots On The Constitution vs Socialism

Hear perspectives from home and abroad about the reality of what this administration's bent on socialism (with Obamacare, Common Core or National Standards among others) will lead to.  Luca Bocci of Tea Party Italian paints a very disturbing picture of a country who in their hope of forming a better constitution had thought it would give everyone more freedoms, more rights to free healthcare, housing, jobs (where you can't be fired from).  Only problem was their unlimited desires met up with limited money when used by an unlimited number of corrupt politicians who serve themselves (vote-buying) first just as America is seeing today.

However here in America, there is an incredible document called the Constitution to go back to.  But it's going to take Americans realizing the truth of where the Foundation is to be able to rebuild it back solid instead of the sinking sand so many in Washington keeps building on.



Here's some of the text on interview.  Be sure to listen to it's entirety as this is one of the best lessons you'll hear on your upcoming future and indeed how precious is the US Constitution.  It is a gift that must be dusted off by its citizens so that they can keep this the land of the free...


Judge Moore:

...I do think that what Mr. Luca said should inspire us in America because I understand his point.  We have the Constitution.

They did not have a document to restrict this power and they've naturally grown into what has become tyrannical government that tries to control everything.  But we do have the Constitution and we ought to be very grateful for it.

I looked recently at my schedule book, in our little daily schedules-printed in New York the schedulers or monthly planners whatever.  They have all these holidays-Mexico Independent, Mexican Revolution, Mexican Constitution and on September 17th they make no mention of Constitution Day and that's simply exemplary of what's going on in our country is an attempt to eliminate what the Constitution means. They say it's a living document or not a living document, it is a dead document.   We've got to understand what they mean by "living." 

They mean  that it changes like they supposed human nature changes and  therefore it's not viable.  But the point is human nature does not change because it's fallen from grace of God and therefore the Constitution which restricted that human nature is as viable today as it was yesterday or 200 years ago.  It is "living" in the fact that it  does not change because human nature does not change.  It is "not" a dead document.

But they've co-opted the language already, so that they've got us saying it's  not living.  Well, if it's not living its dead.  Now, I understand what they mean by living.  What they mean by living is wrong-- it (Constitution) does not change because human nature does not change. 

And human nature will not change and that's what we've got to understand.  The Constitution is very viable today as it was then...



National Federation of Republican Women Resolution To Defeat National Standards--Pass On To Your State--Call Congress To Defund Common Core

Defeat National Standards for State Schools
Passed Unanimously at the NFRW36th Biennial Convention
Kansas City, MO – October 1, 2011
WHEREAS, The national standards-based “Common Core State Standards” initiative is the centerpiece of the Obama’s Administration’s agenda to centralize education decisions at the federal level;
WHEREAS, The Obama Administration is using the same model to take over education as it used for healthcare by using national standards and boards of bureaucrats, whom the public didn’t elect and can’t fire or otherwise hold accountable;
WHEREAS, National standards remove authority from States over what is taught in the classroom and how it is tested;
WHEREAS, National standards undercut the principle of federalism on which our nation was founded;
WHEREAS, There is no constitutional or statutory authority for national standards, national curricula, or national assessments and in fact the federal government is expressly prohibited from endorsing or dictating state/local decisions about curricula; and
WHEREAS, The Obama Administration is attempting to evade constitutional and statutory prohibitions to move toward a nationalized public-school system by (1) funding to date more than $345 million for the development of national curriculum and test questions, (2) tying national standards to the Race to the Top charter schools initiative in the amount of $4.35 billion, (3) using the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) to pressure State Boards of Education to adopt national standards with the threat of losing Title 1 Funds if they do not, and (4) requesting Congress to include national standards as a requirement in the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary School Act (No Child Left Behind);
BE IT RESOLVED, That the National Federation of Republican Women vote to encourage all State Federation Presidents to share information about national standards with their local clubs; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That State Federation Presidents ask their members to (1) contact their State Boards of Education members and request that they retain control over academic standards, curriculum, instruction and testing,  (2) contact their Congress Members and request that they (i) protect the constitutional and statutory prohibitions against the federal government endorsing or dictating national standards, (ii) to refuse to tie national standards to any reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, (iii) defund “Race to the Top” money, and (iv) prohibit any more federal funds for the Common Core State Standards Initiative, including funds to assessment and curriculum writing consortia, and (3) spread the word about the threat of a federal government takeover of education.
Submitted by:  Alabama Federation of Republican Women
Elois Zeanah, President

Nebraska Federation of Republican Women            
Delaware Federation of Republican Women                
Wisconsin Federation of Republican Women
Georgia Federation of Republican Women
Tennessee Federation of Republican Women


Why?--See what's brewing:


 Warnings from Leaders Who Have Researched Both Sides Of The Story and What They Found To Be True:  Al State Board Member -Betty Peters, Texas--Donna Garner--Al Fed Of Rep Women Elois Zeanah and others.




October 2011 Guests Schedule

Schedule of Guests for October 2011 City On A Hill

Please remember show airs M-F at 1:30 pm ct (player is on home page of and programs are recorded and available on player on home page (within 10 min after) and day later on podsite.

Oct 3- Hear interview with Mrs. Annette Griswold--student/teacher of Bible Prophecies.

Oct 4-Hear an interview with John Bernard as he gives his perspectives on the latest on the war on terror.   We are always so grateful for his continued sacrifice and those of others such as his son Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard. 

Oct 5-Hear an interview with Dawn Wildman of Tea Party in California and National Co-ordinator of Tea Party Patriots along with Kaylon Jones of the Wiregrass Tea Party group. What makes for a great Tea Party?

Oct 6-Hear interview with Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt and what chaplains are facing ( also about what is going on in the middle-east specially in Israel. He was the former U.S. Navy Chaplain who made national headlines by standing up for the rights of military chaplains to pray publicly "in Jesus' name."  

 Oct 7-Hear the latest on Common Core Standards and Race To The Top and the No Child Left Behind Waiver-inducement from Obama Administration.  Hear perspectives from Peyton Wolcott (, Dawn Wildman (California Tea Party and National Co-ordinator of Tea Party Patriots) and Lou Campomenosi (Common Sense Campaign). They are specialists in following the money trail.  Why is the Obama administration pouring all this money to get states to accept Common Core Standards and so fast?  Get to know the truth before it is too late--if you value  parental input in childrens' education.

Oct 10-Hear perspectives from State Board Member, Mrs. Betty Peters on the Common Core Standards and Race To The Top and NCLB waivers.  She is one of the leaders fighting for quality education and parental input.  She is determined to inform the people of what Common Core Standards is all about so that all can make better decisions for the future of our children.

Oct 11-Hear truths about Christopher Columbus most people have never heard.  Seeing history through the world Columbus lived in helps get this nation on the right focus.  God's hand is evidenced by the life of this great man and here we come to terms that it is not about religion but about a relationship that can make a difference in our lives.

Oct 12-Hear perspectives of Tea Party Italia's Luca Bocci and Tea Party Patriot's Dawn Wildman with Judge Roy Moore on the right foundation.  Hear  a  conversation about basics that affects not just America's economy but also the world's.  Can we learn from our mistakes and are countries willing to make changes ? Will nations continue to be led by those who hide the truth using mainstream media and the powers money can buy?

Can citizens make a difference today in these economies?  Get informed and share truths that has proven itself trustworthy.

Oct 13-  Hear from our two historians talk about God's hand upon man and freedom.
Oct 14-Hear our teachers, historians-Mr. Wayne Wood and Mrs. Barbara Moore on the sermon that changed America and really the entire world.  The sermon by Jonathan Edward which he gave to the congregation of Enfield, Massachusetts (later Connecticut) in July 1741 known as  Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God .  It was a sermon for a particularly hard-hearted congregation. It covered-the magnitude of sin, the wrath of an infinitely holy God, and that unknown time when God "will" execute justice.  It sparked an awakening then and may it do the same in our hearts today the world over...

Oct 17- Hear perspectives from Don Simmons, author of The Unborn Series as we remind America of the price of lack of knowledge--it has meant the death of innocents.  Please get informed and help the most beautiful of God's creation--innocent tiny human beings--receive what we have---"life"...

Oct 18- Hear latest from our war on terror expert--USMC Sgt. (ret.) John Bernard.  He spent 26 years in the USMC, both active and reserve and have spent 47 years in the trade.He is a political conservative. He has been married for 27 years and have one daughter and one son (KIA Dahaneh 08/14/09)--Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard.  He will be sharing with us his perspective on the latest in the middle east specially with the death of Osama bin Laden.  His hard work is because he knows freedom isn't free and he hopes you feel the same...Visit his blog and get informed as your help is needed to help our defenders fight well.

Oct 19- Hear perspectives Pastor Tom Anderson, Alabama State Senator Scott Beason and Al Eagle Forum Pres. Mrs. Eunie Smith about the battle for the mind of a child going on throughout this nation.  All three are taking a stand in places many fear to tread and it is making a  difference for the state of Alabama.

Oct 20- Hear interview with a woman who was born to unmarried teenagers in what was then communist Yugoslavia, Radica Quackenbos.  As an infant, she was left in the care of her alcoholic father. Later, Radica was sent to live on her mother's farm, where she was forced to forage for herself and sleep with the animals in the barn. Dirty and ragged, she began stealing food and clothing.  As a teen, Radica was raped and lived with an alcoholic.  She had a baby girl and moved to Florida for an arranged marriage. Badly abused, she had had four more children by the time her husband left her for another woman. With five dollars in her pocket and limited English skills, she had nowhere to live and no way to support herself and her children. Where does a woman in those circumstances find help?  Listen and find out...

Oct 21 - Hear perspectives from Dawn Wildman of Tea Party Patriots and Pastor Cary Gordon of Iowa(helped oust Iowa judges) about the latest concerns in the culture clash in the halls of Congress.  Both are dedicated leaders trying to help lead this nation back to the right foundation and they are proof that indeed with God "all things" are possible.  The incredible hand of God is very clear in the amazing things that their perseverance has helped pave the way.  Hear and be encouraged in the fight to shine the light of truth...that sets men free.

Oct 24- Hear perspectives from Mr. Dan Parker of CI Agents Solutions as he talks to us about the latest in the future of energy and regulations.  His company is a global leader in solutions for oil and fuel spill cleanup and containment.

Oct 25- Hear perspectives from Col. John Eidsmoe and Ben Dupre (Foundation for Moral Law).  Col Eidsmoe is also a constitutional and historical scholar, a law professor at the Oak Brook College of Law and Public Policy, and former professor of Regent University School of Law, and the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law. Ben Dupree is another of the Foundation's great attorneys and is a leader in the Personhood Movement that is gaining attention throughout.  They will be informing us of the latest in their defense of our rights and freedoms.

Oct 27- Hear perspectives from Finn Laursen who serves as Executive Director of Christian Educators Association International. CEAI ( is a professional association for Christian Educators in both the public and private schools.  Hear us talk about the latest concerns for teachers.

Oct 28- Hear an interview with Michael Young, leader of The Peoples Constitution Coaliton of Ohio (PCCOH), a project to promote governmental compliance with and accountability to our state and federal Constitutions.  There is too much over-reach from the Obama administration and they are one of the voices trying to make a difference for their state.