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Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries by City On A Hill (340)


Texans Are Excited And It's Contagious. They Saw What Sets Rick Santorum Apart So What Happened in Texas Will Be Shared And The Rest Of The Country Will See...

“Santorum’s Texas Visit”

by Donna Garner




According to the Associated Press (2.8.12), Rick Santorum is in second place in the delegate race; and as of this last Tuesday night, he has won 4 of the 8 nominating contests while Romney has won 3 and Gingrich 1.


Coming off such an exciting but exhausting Tuesday night, how would Santorum do when he came to Texas yesterday?


It was my privilege to be there for three public appearances and to evaluate Santorum personally.  Because I was a Presidential appointee of Reagan’s and  testified in the halls of Congress numerous times, I know politics and have seen many politicians up close; but I have never observed anyone quite like Santorum was yesterday.


When Rick came into the small room at the Courtyard Marriott in Allen, Texas, where about 50 conservative leaders from our state were gathered, there was not the usual sense of his campaign staffers first entering the room to hush the crowd to get them ready to “worship” their dark-haired leader. They and Rick entered in a quiet and unassuming manner, smiling, excited to be there, and eager to interact with the participants. 


Rick had gotten behind with his previous appearance in Dallas and was late in arriving at our meeting.  At one point, we feared that he might have to cancel his meeting with us because he also had a scheduled appearance with the Collin County Republicans right after ours. Instead, he came into the room, promised us 30 minutes; and without any notes or teleprompter, he began in an unhurried and unflustered way to address the four questions that had been submitted previously by participants. (I have posted the YouTube of his answers further on down the page.)


As Rush Limbaugh has so aptly said, “We conservatives don’t need to make notes about what we believe.”  Neither did Santorum --  


Next, Rick took questions from the audience and patiently answered them, looking the person right in the eyes as he spoke.  His honest answers, transparent exchanges with the questioners, fresh look, twinkling eyes, tousled semi-curly dark hair, and ruddy cheeks all created the impression of a humble person who is secure in his own skin but totally sure of his mission in life.  We saw a man of integrity whose word could be trusted.


I saw no guile, no ego, no self-focused absorption. Rick was humble and genuine. He did not mind admitting when he had been wrong about a particular issue, and he did not feel compelled to blame someone else.


At the end of the small-group meeting, we went with him to the next public appearance with the Collin County Republicans. This was a bit more formal with a big crowd and a podium, yet Rick’s statements were clear and direct without the usual politically pleasing remarks that are solely geared to raise campaign donations. His speech was interrupted with loud applause numerous times, particularly when he emphasized the importance of the family structure in our society and our Constitutional right to worship as we please even though Obama is trying to destroy that right.     


Leaving Allen, we drove as quickly as possible to Fairview Farms in Plano. This is a huge country/western barn restaurant that normally holds upwards of 400 people. The place was packed out; and therefore, two of the barn doors had been raised so that people could stand outside the restaurant to be able to hear Rick. 


When we drove up, the parking lots were full with people streaming to the event; many  were going back to their cars because they could not get inside the restaurant.


We stood outside in the cold weather (probably 38 degrees or so) for almost an hour.  I am not good at estimating crowds, but someone from the area said that well over 2,000 must have been present. Of course, many people left when they found they could not get inside to hear Rick speak.  


What thrilled me was to see how many young families came, bringing their children with them. One young father had no coat. He held his three-year old daughter in his arms the entire time, keeping her snuggly by wrapping his coat around her.  He listened intently and stayed for the entire speech, and I have to believe that he was there because he cares about that daughter and knows that this coming election will determine her future life.  


We who stood outside could not even hear all of what Rick said; but the part that we could hear energized us; and we loudly applauded as we heard him say that it is God who gives us rights and not the government.  


Now comes the most impressive part of the night. After Rick spoke, the emcee announced that Rick had to go right to a taping for the Sean Hannity Show.  Many of the people inside the barn left; but because we had not been able to get inside during the event, a number of us went in to look around and to locate friends.


Various candidates were inside mixing with the crowd; but in about 30 minutes, Rick Santorum came back unannounced into the restaurant and spent another 45 minutes with the crowd.   


Here was a man who had probably stayed up until the wee hours Tuesday night tracking his three-state victories, had flown to Dallas, had arisen early on Wednesday to attend an early-morning prayer rally with pastors, had done a Q&A with the press, had driven to Dallas to a fund-raiser luncheon, had driven back to Allen for the two back-to-back Courtyard Marriott rallies, had given a campaign speech at the barn restaurant, and had done an interview with Sean; however, Santorum still took the time to come back and meet and greet the public. Amazing!


Rick never rushed anyone through. He gave autographs, engaged with people, allowed myriads of photos to be taken, and genuinely acted as if he was glad to be there.  His staffers did not form a barrier to “protect him from the crowd” nor did they try to force him into glad-handing.  He took his time, focused his attention on the person with whom he was talking, and did not continually pan the room for possible notables.


After being a part of the events yesterday, I can honestly say that Rick Santorum is the kind of person who has one thing on his mind; he genuinely cares about America, recognizes the potential and human worth of each individual, and is committed to rescuing our country from the Obama administration.


I did not have access to paper/pen at the time, but here is a summary of some of Rick Santorum’s main points that sent chills down our spines: 

Let’s try to imagine what another term under Obama would be like -- when he is not having to worry about re-election.


Think what he would do to ObamaCare.


Think what type of appointments he would make to all federal benches.


Think how he would force our country into redistribution of wealth.


Think what would happen to our oil and gas supplies without the Keystone pipeline and without increased oil production from Alaska. What would it be like in America for every one of us if we had to depend on OPEC for all of our gas and oil?  


Think what would happen if Obama were able to take away deductions for all charitable donations. It is these organizations that stand between us citizens and the government.  It is these organizations that see to the needs of people in our society. It is these churches, synagogues, organizations, and groups that help the poor and minister to hurting people.


Think what another term under Obama would do to freedom of religion.


Think how many more babies would be aborted. 


We must rise up and take back our country from Obama and his ruthless administration. Santorum is the person who presents the sharpest contrast to Obama.  Santorum is the only real conservative in the race, and he is a man of integrity and courage. He will not have to test the polls before taking action because he has a moral compass that is attuned to the Source of all wisdom and knowledge.   




2.8.12 – “Rick Santorum, Tea Party Q&A – Courtyard Marriott, Allen, Texas” –



Donna Garner




Perfect Example of Romney Ads Painting Him As The Conservative--Will Patriotic Americans See Through? Or Will Ad Buys-Buy Their Vote?

Why is the media — including the supposed "conservative" media — refusing to bring up what is perhaps Romney's most serious failing as Governor of Massachusetts: his violation of the Massachusetts Constitution in implementing "gay marriage"?

That is a question posed in this link on Renew America and they explained so clearly.  Wish everyone knew the truth about Romney and same-sex marriage.  There was an ad played for Romney today that used National Review Online's article that painted him as a good conservative.  Portions sounds like it came from their Editor's -Romney For President dated Dec 11, 2007--

"We believe that Romney is a natural ally of social conservatives... No other Republican governor had to deal with both human cloning and court-imposed same-sex marriage. He was on the right side of both issues, and those battles seem to have made him see the stakes of a broad range of public-policy issues more clearly... Whatever the process by which he got to where he is on marriage, judges, and life, we’re glad he is now on our side — and we trust him to stay there."

I don't know who really wrote the NRO article but it is old and hopefully that person is gone or has seen their error.  How smart of the Romney camp to use this article.  However facts as stated by Renew America can't be erased.  It was Romney's illegal directives while gov of Massachusetts that started a nightmare that for so many parents continues today.  Romney is no different from Kevin Jennings the previous Obama safe-school czar who was the founder of GLSEN that promotes the homosexual agenda.  Romney promoted it in Massachusetts--unconstitutionally and now we are to believe as another ad states Romney has deep affection for the Constitution.  I hate to say it but Mitt Romney has shown that as a "big fat lie" in the issue of his handling of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.  I pray the true patriots of this nation will wake up and certainly awake others--America can do better with the likes of Santorum.  Don't compromise America--see through the ads before those millions of shiny ads--"blinds you".

Share these videos and remind Americans to study the candidates instead of depending on the ads and mainstream media...


Rick Santorum--His Idea of Welfare Reform Put Millions of Americans To Work-Reducing Unemployment Of Even The Hardest To Employ


You want a better economy?  Give it to  Rick Santorum--he will fight for it and his record has shown he can move Washington DC to work for "We the People"--PUTTING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS TO WORK! 

Sen. Chuck Grassley explained to the Des Moines Register that he was unconvinced about welfare reform until Santorum paid him an office call and “took a lot of time to convince me of his point of view. . . . The sincerity and effort that he has to get his point across in the presidential campaign is almost a total reflection of how he operated as a United States senator.” Grassley yielded and voted for reform.

This is what happened because Rick Santorum authored and managed the passing of that landmark Welfare Reform:
Increased Employment
Since the mid-1990s, employment rate of single mothers increased dramatically. Again, contrary to conventional wisdom, employment increased most rapidly among the most disadvantaged, least employable groups:

    * Employment of never-married mothers increased nearly 50 percent.
    * Employment of single mothers who are high school dropouts rose by two-thirds.
    * Employment of young single mothers (ages 18 to 24) nearly doubled.

Overall poverty, child poverty, black child poverty, poverty of single mothers, and child Hunger declined substantially.  Employment of single mothers increased dramatically, and welfare rolls plummeted.  The share of children living in single-mother families fell, and -- more important -- the share of children living in married-couple families grew, especially among black families. 

He saw to it that Washington D.C. worked for "WE THE PEOPLE" -PUTTING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS TO WORK!  OPEN  YOUR EYES AMERICA.  See why Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, James Dobson, Phyllis Schlafly and other passionate true conservatives are praising Rick Santorum.  

As one voter said"Santorum has shown to me by his record, not only does he believe that... but he has gotten it done"!  MPR News 12-31-11. 

See report:


Alabama's Immigration Law Under Attack-- What Moves The Attorney General?

Hear an interview with Mrs. Elois Zeanah of the Alabama Federation of Republican Women on the Alabama Immigration Policy and what the results are.  Where is it headed and why.  Get information on the state whose policy is turning their state as well as the nation's thinking upside down.  It has resulted in lower unemployment rate and that is causing changes in perceptions across the land.  Here is an excellent handout to help on this issue.  Also please hear this very informative interview:



Alabama’s Immigration Law is Under Attack And Needs YOUR Help
The immigration law is working!

Why, then, is this law under attack by GOP leaders?--Maybe the repeal for Section 29--which requires proof of citizenship to register to vote--may hint at the heart of the matter!!!
Read and be shocked.


PROBLEM:  The Alabama Attorney General has taken what I believe is an unprecedented step to recommend repeal of key sections of Alabama’s immigration law while the judicial review is underway.  In my view, this act jeopardizes Alabama’s law and prejudices the state’s defense.
The AG’s recommendations to repeal key sections of Alabama’s immigration bill that encourage illegal aliens to leave the state would drastically weaken the bill.  His revisions seem to show an unwillingness to vigorously defend the bill, as well as a strange desire to surrender in areas where the state is winning.  According to the papers, the Governor and House Speaker are working with the AG to pre-file a bill to change our immigration law.
ACTION REQUESTED:  Please contact your legislators and request that NO CHANGES, whether major or minor, be voted on by the Legislature until after the U.S. Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of the Arizona law, which will directly impact Alabama’s law.   This ruling will happen in May or June, so it is not too much to ask our legislators to wait if they are sincere in their statement that they do not intend to weaken the bill.
·    Legislators had the courage to take intense heat and gave us the strongest immigration bill in the nation.  We applaud them!  
·    The law is working:  Trailer parks, jobs, and schools are being emptied as illegals flee the state.  The state is saving money as the demand for public benefits by illegal aliens is down.  Courts have upheld most of the law.  
Why cave, then, to the Obama administration and businesses which want their cheap illegal labor back and rush to change this bill before the Supreme Court rules in just three months?  
Legislative action on the immigration bill BEFORE the U.S. Supreme Court rules in May or June would give the impression that Republicans were never committed to a strong immigration bill, and all the time had planned to use “tweaks” as the Trojan horse to axe this bill.
1.    SECTION 5 authorizes citizens to sue government officials who refuse to enforce Alabama’s immigration law.  The purpose is to ensure that Alabama does not become a sanctuary state.   These sections were not enjoined by either the District Court or the Appeals Court.  One excuse given for repeal is that police fear they will be sued.  This is a fallacious excuse since police are exempted from lawsuits under Section 5(g).
2.    SECTION 10 requires aliens to carry registration documents on their person to show they are in the country legally.  This requirement is not new; it has been federal law for decades and all countries require this.  This requirement, perhaps more than any other, motivates illegal aliens to leave our state since most illegal aliens are caught during routine traffic stops.  
3.    SECTION 13 (a) holds landlords accountable for knowingly renting to illegal aliens, and (b) makes it a crime to encourage an illegal alien to move to the state.  Landlords talk about how their rental houses were vacated immediately after the law went into effect; and the Washington Post reports that trailer parks were emptied as well.  
4.    SECTION 27 prohibits courts from enforcing any contract with an illegal alien if the party knew the alien was in Alabama unlawfully.  Neither the District Court nor the Appeals Court enjoined this section.  So why repeal it?
5.    SECTION 28 requires schools to count the number of children of illegal aliens who attend public schools to better budget education costs.  Alabama citizens must show documentation, so why would the AG want to exempt aliens?  The AG did not cite any law that this provision violates.  
6.    SECTION 29 requires proof of citizenship to register to vote.  This section was not enjoined by EITHER the District Court or the Appeals Court of Appeals, so why repeal it?  I can’t imagine any other Alabama citizen who would not want aliens to prove their eligibility to vote to prevent voter fraud.
The AG’s recommendations for repeal remove sections that encourage illegal aliens to leave Alabama.  The Legislature should not agree to consider any changes to the immigration law that’s working so well until after the U.S. Supreme Court rules so that the Legislature will know which sections, if any, of our immigration law do not pass constitutional muster.  
If you have any questions, please contact:
Elois Zeanah, President
Alabama Federation of Republican Women
Email:  eloisz@hotmail. com




Judge Roy Moore and Lou Campomenosi

Hear an interview with Judge Roy Moore and Lou Campomenosi on why it is important to acknowledge God's ways in America.  Judge Moore was elected as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in 2000. In 2003, Chief Justice Moore was removed from his position for standing up for the inalienable right to acknowledge God. The former chief justice lectures throughout the United States, teaching about America’s history and our right to acknowledge God, and he serves as the President of the Foundation for Moral Law in Montgomery, Alabama.  Dr. Lou Campomenosi is currently a professor at the Univ of South Alabama in Mobile.  He was a former professor at the Univ of Tulane.  He is the founder of the Louisiana Foundation for the Study of the Vietnam War and author of a book under review at Texas Tech Univ Press on the Vietnam War.  He lectures ( and debates on radio and television) on various military and constitutional topics and is an active defender of our rights in the Common Sense Campaign.

Hear wise words from men who have studied man's ways.


2.2.12 – Today’s Rasmussen poll – Santorum moving ahead  


 The good thing about Rasmussen and his pollsters is that they poll registered voters – the people who will most likely go into the voting booth and vote for a President.


Today’s most recent poll results are very encouraging for Rick Santorum because even though Rasmussen deliberately skewed the poll results to include more Democrats than Republicans (30% Democrats and only 23% Republicans), the results put Santorum with 26% favorable and only 27% unfavorable.


This proves that Santorum is respected even among the more liberal and/or independent voters. After we get past the primaries, our Republican candidate will need to have broad appeal going into the General Election.


Evidently Rasmussen deliberately set up the poll specifications to be able to weigh the electability factor across party lines, and Santorum came out ahead of any of the other Republican candidates.    


Santorum’s integrity, strong family values, experience, voting record, and outspoken conservatism are quite appealing to a large percentage of Americans who are desperate for a real leader in the White House – someone they can trust and respect.


Results in today’s Rasmussen poll (deliberately skewed to sample more Democrats than Republicans) --


Santorum – 26% (favorable) to 27% (unfavorable) – minus 1

Romney – 31% (favorable) to 36% (unfavorable) – minus 5

Gingrich – 22% (favorable) to 48% (unfavorable) – minus 26

Ron Paul – 26% (favorable) to 32% (unfavorable) – minus 6


Head to head with Obama:


Obama (46%) – Romney (45%) – 1 point

Obama (46%) – Santorum (44%) – 2 points

Obama (49%) – Gingrich (41%) – 8 points

Obama (45%) – Ron Paul (42%)  -- 3 points



2.2.12 – The Weekly Standard – “Rasmussen: Obama Leads Romney by 1, Santorum by 2” --


1.27.12 – “The Last Man Standing” – by Donna Garner


Donna Garner









Pro-Lifer Sandra Cano of Doe v Bolton -Endorse Santorum for President

Press Release

Sandra Cano, the former "Doe" of Doe v Bolton companion case to Roe v Wade in the 1973 Supreme Court decisions allowing abortion and even permitting late-term abortion, believes we need Rick Santorum for President.  "Senator Santorum has strong faith and family values.  He's our man!" 
Sandra Cano has placed her trust in Rick Santorum and her "trust" is not lightly given. 

She was taken advantage of when she was a poor, uneducated, pregnant woman.  Although she was told she was getting legal-aid for divorce and custody of her children,  instead her case was used to open the door to abortion on demand.  Sandra Cano has never had an abortion, considered abortion or supported it.  She champions the rights of the unborn and disabled children.   Recently Sandra Cano's story was made part of a documentary called, "The Gift of Life" narrated by Mike Huckabee.  
In an interview with City On A Hill Radio Show that airs in southeast Alabama, she said "I think (all) life will have a better chance if Senator Santorum gets to be our long as he has God first, he will protect life and care about the people he is going to serve."   Go to for more.

Sadly, we hear the news about of the fight for life in Rick Santorum's child Bella.  According to Santorum,  “I don’t know whether her life is going to be measured — it’s always been measured — in days and weeks. Yet here I am. … because I feel like I wouldn’t be a good dad if I wasn’t out here fighting for a country that would see the dignity in her and every other child", from Palm Beach Post 1-28-12.

Indeed with Rick Santorum one can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he knows how precious life is and  will serve this nation knowing that-- not just in his head--but his heart.  He has a passion to see the quick repeal of the life-destroying Obamacare.  Like Santorum, Sandra Cano is a fighter for life and she says with Rick Santorum as President you can be sure--"life" has a chance.

Media contact
Diana Crews