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Why is America At War

Cross in the ashes of the WTC

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The Powerful Story on the Twins
Lifting Each Other in Prayer with Ms. Margaret
Remembering 9/11 in'09
Fresh Hope, the ministry of Susan Sieweke, D.Min.

For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Our Children Our Future
What If A Nation Prayed

See Prayer List



Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

Know How They Voted

Truths To Share As Freedom Isn't Free

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Join with us in prayer (National Prayer List)


Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in Judge Roy Moore (11)


The Measure Of Success In The 2012 Election and What Now...

A lot are wondering who truly won and why and what to do now.   Very important questions but indeed what matters most is who measures that success.  We hear the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I think on the measurement of success we need to have perspectives right.

If you are a non-Christian then the measurement will be according to your standards.  I liken it to measuring with metric measures vs the standard.  To build something, you must know which measuring system is being used as it can lead to disastrous results.  Hence the way we look at things matter.  It matters most if you look at things through God's eyes and God's expectations.  Your own feelings of self-importance is of no consequence to an eternal God as your thoughts are certainly no higher than His thoughts.  Like an ant trying to think--there is no comparison.  So with that in mind how should we feel about this election and the results.

Personally, I think if you have done your best according to God's standards then that's what matters to God-- about you.  As a nation he will judge us accordingly but individually maybe differently.  The Bible is God's way of speaking to us and in his Word, He reminds us of Jeremiah who through the world's eye was a failure.  He was not wealthy and was rejected by his neighbors, false priests, and felt many times alone. He spoke of gloom and doom and his message of repentance and turning to God was largely ignored.  But God's measure of success for Jeremiah was his obedience and faithfulness--something that is available to all of us.

With that in mind, continuing in the course of waking this nation to God's ways will be the goal after this election.  It is a goal that probably will not change no matter who wins because those who awake may turn their life around and have an eternal home with the God of heaven and earth.

Please join in shining the light on these things that need our attention:

1.  Contact your House of Representatives (202 224-3121) to start an inquiry for impeachment--they can determine whether it should be done or not and in the inquiry--all Americans will learn why our Navy Seals were left to die by those in authority.  The men who did their duty to fight and die for us deserves the truth to be known at the very least and God said He seeks true worshipers that worship him in Spirit and in Truth.  Truth matters to God.

2.  Contact your House of Representatives to have hearings to shine the light on the vote fraud in the 2012 election and how to prevent it-- in light of what we now know that there are programs that can commit election fraud.  The election system is foundational for a free society so let's do our part to make it so (a quick call.)

3.  Contact your House of Representatives to have hearings on how to make sure our Military's vote is counted right and timely.  The military deserves this.

4.  Get encouraged by remembering God is in control and how he measures your sucess--watch this awesome video called "The Harbinger".  Also get the book from Neil Mammen--Jesus is Involved in Politics Too as Christians must awake to their proper role.

5.  Get to know what Race to the Top did to your parental rights over your children's education and what is the Common Core Standards.  Listen to this early podcast with Professors Sandra Stotsky and Jim Milgram who exposed it as well as this warning from Education Consultant Donna Garner and then learn the latest from

6.  Get educated on a lot of issues with more than soundbites by listening to City On A Hill (M-F live-streaming from 1:30-2:30PM and also available on podcast for you to listen at your convenience)- look at this link and the amazing guests God has given us.  Please share the show so that others can also be informed for such a time as this.

We started this show when Judge Roy Moore was removed from his office and our first program was aired on 9/11/04.  Judge Moore was through the Grace of God put back in his rightful position as Alabama's Chief Justice in this 2012 election.   God is great and yes--He still hears our prayers--so take courage--there's a lot more work to be done all is not lost.  Listen and be filled with hope and knowledge for with God all things are possible.


One thing for sure when you look at how God measures success--look at the story of Jeremiah and realize failure and success only truly is measured by the eye of the Maker--Creator of heaven and earth.  God is watching and may you seek to measure to his standards as George Washington, John Adams and many more did, and are grateful to God eternally...


Judge Roy Moore and Lou Campomenosi

Hear an interview with Judge Roy Moore and Lou Campomenosi on why it is important to acknowledge God's ways in America.  Judge Moore was elected as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in 2000. In 2003, Chief Justice Moore was removed from his position for standing up for the inalienable right to acknowledge God. The former chief justice lectures throughout the United States, teaching about America’s history and our right to acknowledge God, and he serves as the President of the Foundation for Moral Law in Montgomery, Alabama.  Dr. Lou Campomenosi is currently a professor at the Univ of South Alabama in Mobile.  He was a former professor at the Univ of Tulane.  He is the founder of the Louisiana Foundation for the Study of the Vietnam War and author of a book under review at Texas Tech Univ Press on the Vietnam War.  He lectures ( and debates on radio and television) on various military and constitutional topics and is an active defender of our rights in the Common Sense Campaign.

Hear wise words from men who have studied man's ways.


Judge Roy Moore, Tea Party Italy and Tea Party Patriots On The Constitution vs Socialism

Hear perspectives from home and abroad about the reality of what this administration's bent on socialism (with Obamacare, Common Core or National Standards among others) will lead to.  Luca Bocci of Tea Party Italian paints a very disturbing picture of a country who in their hope of forming a better constitution had thought it would give everyone more freedoms, more rights to free healthcare, housing, jobs (where you can't be fired from).  Only problem was their unlimited desires met up with limited money when used by an unlimited number of corrupt politicians who serve themselves (vote-buying) first just as America is seeing today.

However here in America, there is an incredible document called the Constitution to go back to.  But it's going to take Americans realizing the truth of where the Foundation is to be able to rebuild it back solid instead of the sinking sand so many in Washington keeps building on.



Here's some of the text on interview.  Be sure to listen to it's entirety as this is one of the best lessons you'll hear on your upcoming future and indeed how precious is the US Constitution.  It is a gift that must be dusted off by its citizens so that they can keep this the land of the free...


Judge Moore:

...I do think that what Mr. Luca said should inspire us in America because I understand his point.  We have the Constitution.

They did not have a document to restrict this power and they've naturally grown into what has become tyrannical government that tries to control everything.  But we do have the Constitution and we ought to be very grateful for it.

I looked recently at my schedule book, in our little daily schedules-printed in New York the schedulers or monthly planners whatever.  They have all these holidays-Mexico Independent, Mexican Revolution, Mexican Constitution and on September 17th they make no mention of Constitution Day and that's simply exemplary of what's going on in our country is an attempt to eliminate what the Constitution means. They say it's a living document or not a living document, it is a dead document.   We've got to understand what they mean by "living." 

They mean  that it changes like they supposed human nature changes and  therefore it's not viable.  But the point is human nature does not change because it's fallen from grace of God and therefore the Constitution which restricted that human nature is as viable today as it was yesterday or 200 years ago.  It is "living" in the fact that it  does not change because human nature does not change.  It is "not" a dead document.

But they've co-opted the language already, so that they've got us saying it's  not living.  Well, if it's not living its dead.  Now, I understand what they mean by living.  What they mean by living is wrong-- it (Constitution) does not change because human nature does not change. 

And human nature will not change and that's what we've got to understand.  The Constitution is very viable today as it was then...



October 2011 Guests Schedule

Schedule of Guests for October 2011 City On A Hill

Please remember show airs M-F at 1:30 pm ct (player is on home page of and programs are recorded and available on player on home page (within 10 min after) and day later on podsite.

Oct 3- Hear interview with Mrs. Annette Griswold--student/teacher of Bible Prophecies.

Oct 4-Hear an interview with John Bernard as he gives his perspectives on the latest on the war on terror.   We are always so grateful for his continued sacrifice and those of others such as his son Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard. 

Oct 5-Hear an interview with Dawn Wildman of Tea Party in California and National Co-ordinator of Tea Party Patriots along with Kaylon Jones of the Wiregrass Tea Party group. What makes for a great Tea Party?

Oct 6-Hear interview with Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt and what chaplains are facing ( also about what is going on in the middle-east specially in Israel. He was the former U.S. Navy Chaplain who made national headlines by standing up for the rights of military chaplains to pray publicly "in Jesus' name."  

 Oct 7-Hear the latest on Common Core Standards and Race To The Top and the No Child Left Behind Waiver-inducement from Obama Administration.  Hear perspectives from Peyton Wolcott (, Dawn Wildman (California Tea Party and National Co-ordinator of Tea Party Patriots) and Lou Campomenosi (Common Sense Campaign). They are specialists in following the money trail.  Why is the Obama administration pouring all this money to get states to accept Common Core Standards and so fast?  Get to know the truth before it is too late--if you value  parental input in childrens' education.

Oct 10-Hear perspectives from State Board Member, Mrs. Betty Peters on the Common Core Standards and Race To The Top and NCLB waivers.  She is one of the leaders fighting for quality education and parental input.  She is determined to inform the people of what Common Core Standards is all about so that all can make better decisions for the future of our children.

Oct 11-Hear truths about Christopher Columbus most people have never heard.  Seeing history through the world Columbus lived in helps get this nation on the right focus.  God's hand is evidenced by the life of this great man and here we come to terms that it is not about religion but about a relationship that can make a difference in our lives.

Oct 12-Hear perspectives of Tea Party Italia's Luca Bocci and Tea Party Patriot's Dawn Wildman with Judge Roy Moore on the right foundation.  Hear  a  conversation about basics that affects not just America's economy but also the world's.  Can we learn from our mistakes and are countries willing to make changes ? Will nations continue to be led by those who hide the truth using mainstream media and the powers money can buy?

Can citizens make a difference today in these economies?  Get informed and share truths that has proven itself trustworthy.

Oct 13-  Hear from our two historians talk about God's hand upon man and freedom.
Oct 14-Hear our teachers, historians-Mr. Wayne Wood and Mrs. Barbara Moore on the sermon that changed America and really the entire world.  The sermon by Jonathan Edward which he gave to the congregation of Enfield, Massachusetts (later Connecticut) in July 1741 known as  Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God .  It was a sermon for a particularly hard-hearted congregation. It covered-the magnitude of sin, the wrath of an infinitely holy God, and that unknown time when God "will" execute justice.  It sparked an awakening then and may it do the same in our hearts today the world over...

Oct 17- Hear perspectives from Don Simmons, author of The Unborn Series as we remind America of the price of lack of knowledge--it has meant the death of innocents.  Please get informed and help the most beautiful of God's creation--innocent tiny human beings--receive what we have---"life"...

Oct 18- Hear latest from our war on terror expert--USMC Sgt. (ret.) John Bernard.  He spent 26 years in the USMC, both active and reserve and have spent 47 years in the trade.He is a political conservative. He has been married for 27 years and have one daughter and one son (KIA Dahaneh 08/14/09)--Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard.  He will be sharing with us his perspective on the latest in the middle east specially with the death of Osama bin Laden.  His hard work is because he knows freedom isn't free and he hopes you feel the same...Visit his blog and get informed as your help is needed to help our defenders fight well.

Oct 19- Hear perspectives Pastor Tom Anderson, Alabama State Senator Scott Beason and Al Eagle Forum Pres. Mrs. Eunie Smith about the battle for the mind of a child going on throughout this nation.  All three are taking a stand in places many fear to tread and it is making a  difference for the state of Alabama.

Oct 20- Hear interview with a woman who was born to unmarried teenagers in what was then communist Yugoslavia, Radica Quackenbos.  As an infant, she was left in the care of her alcoholic father. Later, Radica was sent to live on her mother's farm, where she was forced to forage for herself and sleep with the animals in the barn. Dirty and ragged, she began stealing food and clothing.  As a teen, Radica was raped and lived with an alcoholic.  She had a baby girl and moved to Florida for an arranged marriage. Badly abused, she had had four more children by the time her husband left her for another woman. With five dollars in her pocket and limited English skills, she had nowhere to live and no way to support herself and her children. Where does a woman in those circumstances find help?  Listen and find out...

Oct 21 - Hear perspectives from Dawn Wildman of Tea Party Patriots and Pastor Cary Gordon of Iowa(helped oust Iowa judges) about the latest concerns in the culture clash in the halls of Congress.  Both are dedicated leaders trying to help lead this nation back to the right foundation and they are proof that indeed with God "all things" are possible.  The incredible hand of God is very clear in the amazing things that their perseverance has helped pave the way.  Hear and be encouraged in the fight to shine the light of truth...that sets men free.

Oct 24- Hear perspectives from Mr. Dan Parker of CI Agents Solutions as he talks to us about the latest in the future of energy and regulations.  His company is a global leader in solutions for oil and fuel spill cleanup and containment.

Oct 25- Hear perspectives from Col. John Eidsmoe and Ben Dupre (Foundation for Moral Law).  Col Eidsmoe is also a constitutional and historical scholar, a law professor at the Oak Brook College of Law and Public Policy, and former professor of Regent University School of Law, and the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law. Ben Dupree is another of the Foundation's great attorneys and is a leader in the Personhood Movement that is gaining attention throughout.  They will be informing us of the latest in their defense of our rights and freedoms.

Oct 27- Hear perspectives from Finn Laursen who serves as Executive Director of Christian Educators Association International. CEAI ( is a professional association for Christian Educators in both the public and private schools.  Hear us talk about the latest concerns for teachers.

Oct 28- Hear an interview with Michael Young, leader of The Peoples Constitution Coaliton of Ohio (PCCOH), a project to promote governmental compliance with and accountability to our state and federal Constitutions.  There is too much over-reach from the Obama administration and they are one of the voices trying to make a difference for their state.


Find Out About Judicial Review with John Eidsmoe and Ben Dupree and How Citizens Can Take Back Control Of Judiciary


Ben Dupree with the Foundation For Moral Law will be updating us with the latest battles these staunch defenders of our rights are facing. Foundation for Moral Law was started with Judge Roy Moore--famous for his stand for the acknowledgment of God (after all that's what the Founding Fathers wanted as a legacy for us today.)  He became a judge of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of Alabama in 1992, and served until his election as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in 2000. In 2003, Chief Justice Moore was removed from his position for standing up for the inalienable right to acknowledge God.  Today he and the Foundation For Moral Law which includes Ben Dupree and Col John Eidsmoe have stood up to defend our rights and is helping steer this nation back on the right track.  Please visit their website

Also, John Eidsmoe helps us to understand about the powers of the courts and how "We the People" are supposed to limit their powers.  An out of control judicary is unfortunately what we have today and many in it have not followed the Constitution and the Original Intent of the Founding Fathers.  lGet to know the truths and share it.  This is one of the best ways this nation can be steered back to the right course. Col Eidsmoe is a constitutional and historical scholar, a law professor at the Oak Brook College of Law and Public Policy, and a former law professor at the O.W. Coburn School of Law at Oral Roberts University, Regent University School of Law, and the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law. Col. Eidsmoe has published 13 books and other writings including the invaluable must-read Christianity and the Constitution: The Faith of Our Founding Fathers, as well as God and Caesar, Columbus and Cortez: Conquerors for Christ, and others. He has produced numerous video and audio lecture albums including the Institute on the Constitution and Here I Stand: A Biblical Worldview for a New Millennium


Our Radio Show Guests for December--Please share their podcast with your friends and family

Link To Audio Podcasts

Dec 1st Wed--Dan Fraley helps us look at the Jewish Festival of Hanukkah

Dec. 2nd Thurs-- Hear our Jewish friend Luden talk about what is going on in Israel.  Also hear about ministering to the poor and indigent with Harold Bannin who has given his life to doing just that

Dec. 3rd Fri--Hear an interview with Dawn Wildman with a Tea Party perspective on the lame-duck session.

Dec. 6th Mon--Hear two historians Barbara Moore and Wayne Wood take a look at America today.

Dec 7th Tues- Hear an update from John Bernard on the war on terror and perspective on Islam.

Dec 8th Wed--Hear interview with our Jewish friend Luden on what is going on in Israel this week.

Dec. 9th Thurs--Hear an interview with Singer-Songwriter Loree Brownfield about faith and music and a great awakening.

Dec 10th Fri--Hear an interview with Candi Cushman (Focus on the Family) and Betty Peters (Alabama State Board of Education) on the anti-bullying law and safe schools czar Kevin Jennings.

Dec 13th Mon--Hear a conversation between our two history co-hosts Barbar Moore and Wayne Wood

Dec. 14th Tues--Interview with Dr. Shayesteh ( , a former Iranian who shines the light on truth on the clash of cultures we see today. 

Dec. 15th Wed--Interview with Judge Roy Moore of the Foundation For Moral Law, Rev. Cary Gordon (leader of Iowa Pastors who took a stand against the Iowa Supreme Court Judges), Pastor Tom Anderson and Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear.  Pastors led to a great change in America and the world--when they preach truths that sets men free. 

Dec 16th--A look at DADT and its implications for the future of this nation.

Dec 17th Fri--Hear an interview with Nick Lamatrice of  as he follows Jesus way of teaching men how to fish--this time with coffee.  What a great God idea that churches need to see for such a time as this.


Dec 20th Mon--Hear an interview with singer-songwriter Loree Brownfield on her latest CD.

Dec 21st Tues- Hear an update from John Bernard on the war on terror and perspective on Islam.

Dec 22nd Wed-Hear an interview with our good friend Annette Griswold as she shares with us Christmas thoughts.

Dec 27th--Interview with Mr. Dan Parker of CI Agents Solutions who was part of the oil spill clean-up in the Gulf. Get his interesting perspective on the oil spill and where we are after that incident.

Dec 28th--Hear a story of Johnny Crews who was so moved by Christmas that he wrote a song for it. His story is one of many about this special time of the year that affects us all over this world in incredible ways. What an awesome God we serve and it is hard to comprehend the amazing reach of His love that it changes man for eternity. Hear the inspiration for the song It's Finally Christmas.

Dec 29th--Interview about the work ahead for good education in 2011 with Mrs. Betty Peters member of a State Board of Education.

Dec 31st Fri--Interview with Mr. Dan Fraley about Jewish Roots and how to look at our world through biblical eyes. It is time as the Savior's coming draws near. He reminds us throughout history--be ready.


Drawing A Line In The Sand-Rev Cary Gordon of Iowa, Judge Roy Moore, Patriot Pastor Lear, Pastor Tom Anderson-With Faith All Things Are Possible


Link to radio program podcasts

Title:  Faith To Move Mountains 12/15/10

Is there not a cause?  Hear about Valley Forge and the sacrifices paid so that we can have our way of life.  The men and women who fought for this nation then saw that indeed there was a cause worth giving their all.  It's time the rest of us today understood that.

Hear what seeds great men of faith have planted and are seeing a crop to bless all of us.  Hear the hard steps taken by Judge Roy Moore, Pastors Garrett Lear, Tom Anderson and Cary Gordon in Iowa, that have converged on Nov 2nd and awakened a nation to the fact that all things are possible with God.  What they did needs to be done across this land and we will see a reborn America --to give our children and grandchildren a better future.  Hear their moving and hope-filled conversation and steps they took.  A must hear for all Americans who want to help make this nation shine bright like a "city on a hill".  Share it and most certainly with pastors with prayers.