Common Core Standards--The Long And Short Of It For Parents And Teachers--Help Is On The Way --But It Needs You To Call Congress To Defund Common Core and RTT
Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 09:16PM
City On A Hill in Education, Eunie Smith, Finn Laursen, Pastor Cary Gordon, arne duncan, betty peters, common core standards, common core standards, donna garner, national standards, obama, socialism

Hear interviews pivotal in getting the fire burning in the battle against the national take-over of education.  Home Schoolers and Private Schoolers--BE Warned--it will affect all.

Here's an excerpt from an e-mail from very concerned parent:

Private and homeschool students may not get accepted into college or be allowed to take the classes in college that they choose because of Common Core Standards.

According to the discussion draft "Common Core State Standards and Teacher Preparation: The Role of Higher Education" (1st 2 pages attached in pdf file) by the Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative:

"higher education (colleges and universities) will need to consider how to use the assessments developed to measure high school students' master of those content domains in college admissions and placement.  ... universities in the states that have committed to one of the two consortia developing assessments (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers [PARCC] and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) have made a commitment to include assessment results in making placement decisions."


Universities and colleges in most of the 50 states “have made a commitment to include assessment results in making placement decisions.”  In other words, if a university in a Common Core State receiving Federal funds has to make a choice between a public school student who completed a high school under Common Core and a private or homeschool student who did not, guess who is not getting admitted into that college.  If a child is private schooled or homeschooled, they would not have taken the assessments developed for Common Core Standards curriculum that public school students will be taking.  Or will parents who do not public school their children be forced to submit their children to these assessments?  I’ve also attached one of the source documents for the discussion above, “Implementing the Common Core Standards:  An Agenda for Higher Education”, as it talks about this issue and the assessments in more detail.


Audio Link for 10-26-11 with Pastor Cary Gordon of Iowa and Betty Peters:

Hear an interview with one of the leaders that helped oust three of Iowas Supreme Court Justices in last years election. Hear perspectives with Pastor Cary Gordon of Iowa. It is a time for those who love children to learn what is at stake and what they can do. Common core standards also known as national standards are being implemented and those in Obamas Dept of Ed thinks they know better than all parents as to whats best for the children. The recent news of the outrage of NYC parents over the sex-ed (which includes teaching about beastiality) ought to shock parents into reality. Plans are underway not to control just healthcare but also the mind of your child. And the enemy loves lack of knowledge because as the Bible tells us---it detroys. Please share todays show and pray and contact your Congress to Defund Common Core and Race To The Top. It may not pass the Senate but passing it in the House will make this most important foundation making or breaking topic known to hopefully majority of children loving people of America. And who knows-- as with God all things are possible!

Audio Link for 10-27-11 with Finn Laursen of CEAI:

Hear an interview witih Finn Laursen who serves as Executive Director of Christian Educators Association International. CEAI ( is a professional association for Christian Educators in both the public and private schools. Hear us look at what will happen to those in the teaching profession with the (national standards) common core standards coming out of Washington.  Many are already looking to get out of this field and what will that mean for our children?

Audio Link for 10-19-11 with Eunie Smith of Eagle Forum and Sen Scott Beason

Hear interview with perspectives from State Senator Scott Beason and Alabama Eagle Forums Mrs. Eunie Smith. Get informed on how this new idea that is worse than No Child Left Behind will affect states and the nation and most important--parents and families.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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