The Measure Of Success In The 2012 Election and What Now...
Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 09:57PM
City On A Hill in 2012 election success, God and his grace, God is sovereign, Jesus is LORD, Judge Roy Moore, faith in America, hope for the jobless

A lot are wondering who truly won and why and what to do now.   Very important questions but indeed what matters most is who measures that success.  We hear the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I think on the measurement of success we need to have perspectives right.

If you are a non-Christian then the measurement will be according to your standards.  I liken it to measuring with metric measures vs the standard.  To build something, you must know which measuring system is being used as it can lead to disastrous results.  Hence the way we look at things matter.  It matters most if you look at things through God's eyes and God's expectations.  Your own feelings of self-importance is of no consequence to an eternal God as your thoughts are certainly no higher than His thoughts.  Like an ant trying to think--there is no comparison.  So with that in mind how should we feel about this election and the results.

Personally, I think if you have done your best according to God's standards then that's what matters to God-- about you.  As a nation he will judge us accordingly but individually maybe differently.  The Bible is God's way of speaking to us and in his Word, He reminds us of Jeremiah who through the world's eye was a failure.  He was not wealthy and was rejected by his neighbors, false priests, and felt many times alone. He spoke of gloom and doom and his message of repentance and turning to God was largely ignored.  But God's measure of success for Jeremiah was his obedience and faithfulness--something that is available to all of us.

With that in mind, continuing in the course of waking this nation to God's ways will be the goal after this election.  It is a goal that probably will not change no matter who wins because those who awake may turn their life around and have an eternal home with the God of heaven and earth.

Please join in shining the light on these things that need our attention:

1.  Contact your House of Representatives (202 224-3121) to start an inquiry for impeachment--they can determine whether it should be done or not and in the inquiry--all Americans will learn why our Navy Seals were left to die by those in authority.  The men who did their duty to fight and die for us deserves the truth to be known at the very least and God said He seeks true worshipers that worship him in Spirit and in Truth.  Truth matters to God.

2.  Contact your House of Representatives to have hearings to shine the light on the vote fraud in the 2012 election and how to prevent it-- in light of what we now know that there are programs that can commit election fraud.  The election system is foundational for a free society so let's do our part to make it so (a quick call.)

3.  Contact your House of Representatives to have hearings on how to make sure our Military's vote is counted right and timely.  The military deserves this.

4.  Get encouraged by remembering God is in control and how he measures your sucess--watch this awesome video called "The Harbinger".  Also get the book from Neil Mammen--Jesus is Involved in Politics Too as Christians must awake to their proper role.

5.  Get to know what Race to the Top did to your parental rights over your children's education and what is the Common Core Standards.  Listen to this early podcast with Professors Sandra Stotsky and Jim Milgram who exposed it as well as this warning from Education Consultant Donna Garner and then learn the latest from

6.  Get educated on a lot of issues with more than soundbites by listening to City On A Hill (M-F live-streaming from 1:30-2:30PM and also available on podcast for you to listen at your convenience)- look at this link and the amazing guests God has given us.  Please share the show so that others can also be informed for such a time as this.

We started this show when Judge Roy Moore was removed from his office and our first program was aired on 9/11/04.  Judge Moore was through the Grace of God put back in his rightful position as Alabama's Chief Justice in this 2012 election.   God is great and yes--He still hears our prayers--so take courage--there's a lot more work to be done all is not lost.  Listen and be filled with hope and knowledge for with God all things are possible.


One thing for sure when you look at how God measures success--look at the story of Jeremiah and realize failure and success only truly is measured by the eye of the Maker--Creator of heaven and earth.  God is watching and may you seek to measure to his standards as George Washington, John Adams and many more did, and are grateful to God eternally...

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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