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Why is America At War

Cross in the ashes of the WTC

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The Powerful Story on the Twins
Lifting Each Other in Prayer with Ms. Margaret
Remembering 9/11 in'09
Fresh Hope, the ministry of Susan Sieweke, D.Min.

For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Our Children Our Future
What If A Nation Prayed

See Prayer List



Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

Know How They Voted

Truths To Share As Freedom Isn't Free

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Join with us in prayer (National Prayer List)


Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in afghanistan (9)


The COIN Strategy and Rules of Engagement Must Be Seen For What It Truly Is--A Plan For Losing

 If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was and never will be. Thomas Jefferson


Hear an interview with John Bernard as he shares with us the roles of Hesham Islam and Gordon England that subverted truth to the point that America embraced a plan on how not to win.  When you tie the hands of the best trained military to the point where they are constantly on the move backwards--how can you not ultimately hand the keys to the enemy.  That is what we are now seeing played out in Afghanistan.  Can America afford to be ignorant now that the truth is out?  It depends on whose perspective is being proclaimed.  Political correctness is now the prime tool of the enemy as subterfuge has reached the highest levels.  Who can believe what?  Well--the facts of history--yesterday and today speaks volumes as to which road we must take.  Open your eyes America starting today and honor the heroes like Joshua who gave his very best so that  you can continue to live in the land of the free because they are the brave. Learn about the COIN strategy and the rules of engagement so that you can  help change it because as Ronald Reagan pointed out:

"Perhaps at this late date we can all agree that we've learned one lesson: that young Americans must never again be sent to fight and die unless we are prepared to let them win."- Excerpt from his speech at the Vietnam War Memorial.

--America you are needed today to honor those who give their lives for you and me...

Please go and learn from John Bernard at


The Mole That Led To Our Wrong Strategy In Afghanistan With Its Unbearable ROE--It Must Be An Election Tool To Embolden Freedom Fighters--Because To Continue With Truth Now Known Is Unacceptable

Missing the mark on our mideast policy because of the role of Hesham Islam with his friend Gordon England should no longer have a cover.  Please listen to the interview and go to this website ( )  and read these three related articles from USMC (Ret.) Sgt. John Bernard:


Introduction and Definitions of Betrayal and Doctrine

The Cast of Characters

The Message, Apathy and Malfeasance


What follows is a summary of a problem that finds it's genesis in the office of then Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordan England. Elements of this story were reported on by Mil-Blogs and a couple of smaller news agencies in 2008 but the most egregious details of the story were either missed or glossed over as not news-worthy. Even the federal agencies that investigated this story missed the crucial elements of it in lieu of a lesser issue; that of Hesham Islam's questionable ties to organizations considered 'unfriendly' to the United States. By itself, any relationship to these various organizations would be inconsequential without an associated intent to harm. Lacking a "smoking gun", federal authorities and the court determined his associations unwise and applied pressure for him to resign from his post…


Above paragraph is an excerpt from it's beginning.  It is a must read and indeed a very helpful tool in understanding why we are where we are now in Afghanistan--back full circle and essentially where we might probably be again-- in even Iraq (if you've heard the recent remark of ungratefulness from that nation's leaders) after we have given not just money but the "blood, sweat and tears" of the very best this nation has to offer.

Our current President's involvement and inability to face our problems squarely can not be ignored as it appears this administration will stop at nothing including throwing our best allies under the bus(Israel).  Lies and manipulations must be found out by everyone concerned about where our nation is headed and followed with prayers and right action.  As in the days of the foundation of this nation and from the example of our First President--his prayers were answered and ours can be too.   As it is written--not by power nor by might but by thy Spirit says the LORD.  Please read and share that more eyes be opened and the light of truth will shine to set men free...


Help Honor Our Heroes by Remembering On Memorial Week-end and Always....And Pray then Act...

Here are audio links to help you remember:

Audio Link--Hear our Memorial Tribute with John Bernard who lost his son KIA in Afghanistan in 2009 as he urges the citizens to become involved as freedom isn't free and vote with wisdom and knowledge.  He also dares to ask the church why don't they know?  The church should be very much involved and concerned with matters of government and policies after all it costs him and many in this nation dearly.

Audio Link--Hear about the Hope a Helpless Soldier found that made all the difference.  Hope all soldiers hear this.  Half of the program is about a queen who risked it all

Audio Link--Hear about stories of the past such as about George Washington.

Audio Link--Michael Behenna--Defend Him As He Unselfishly Defended You

Hear a story that you can help give a happy ending for him and others like him who give their very best so we can live in the land of the free.  Share it and act by demanding Congress allow the truth to be heard that will set this soldier and his family free.  This is a great American family story that deserves a great ending.  Their sacrifice for you and me warrants prayers and action as the injustice can not be tolerated by true patriotic and grateful Americans.


Elaine Donnelly--Will You Join Her In Defending Our Brave?


Hear a 15 min interview with Elaine Donnelly on the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy and the danger looming ahead for today's military cohesion.  Should there be any question as to who is the priority--lives of men and women vs lifestyle of the homosexuals and their agenda.  Truly loving and caring and patriotic people would put the safety of our soldiers ahead--if you are one of those--please contact those listed below before December.  Every one matters and so will your voice.  We can fight for freedom and our soldiers in the comfort of our home via telephone or letter.  What a miniscule step that means so much to them and their families.  November 2nd showed there is indeed Hope for a Better America--let us keep it going in the right direction and keep it the land of the free and yes--the home of the brave.  The brave needs our help--please pray and act.  The founding fathers did and it made all  the difference.  


Plea from Chaplain Klingenschmitt (

Last month Reid allowed ZERO amendments, so Sen. Collins said she and Snowe would support the homosexual agenda, but only if Reid opened up the "tree" of amendments (presumably for Maine Pork-barrel spending), which Reid's comment now hints he's eager to pay.  Pork $ to betray our troops.  Weren't Snowe (up for election in 2012) and Collins (2014) paying attention to this week's elections?  Tea party voters are NOT afraid to replace sitting Senators in primaries, even if they risk losing a general election. Just ask Delaware, Utah, Alaska voters.  Maine primary voters are not asleep...they're hungry.  >
Everybody please call Snowe (R-ME, 202-224-5344) and Collins (R-ME, 202-224-2523), and both Arkansas Democrat Senators Pryor (D-AR, 202-224-2353) and Lincoln (D-AR, 202-224-4843).



Wikileaks--when Julian Assange and Bradley Manning leaks hate

Who is Julian Assange and Bradley Manning that have put it upon themselves to put secret war documents for the world to peruse?  Why did they do it?  Bradley Manning a young man dejected from a failed homosexual relationship decides to turn on his country and leak information he was entrusted with.   At a time when this obama administration thinks homosexuals should have an open door in the military.  This was certainly not a good foreboding of such a decision.

Julian Assange, who at this time sees this move as of prime importance, seems to have forgotten that he is but a man and assurance of no repercussions on the people that were in his leaked documents is worth nothing more than the paper it is on.

These two made strange bed-fellows in the supposed aim of fighting for truth.  Some day they can look back at this move on the great stage of world news and probably find the same thing King Solomon did--it is all vanity.  There is nothing new under the sun--even now Iragis are not surprised at the news.

All is not fair in war and everything is certainly not cut and dry.  Hindsight is better than foresight and Julian Assange is a like an armchair quarterback but in fact this is not a game--there is a war out there and which side he is truly helping--I don't even think he truly knows.

Divulging secret files is something he won't be stopping at soon. "We make a promise to our sources, who go through incredible risks sometimes to get us material, that we'll do justice to their efforts and get them the maximum political impact possible," he said.

It's sad when he can't see that he, Julian Assange, is also a pawn in the world stage of hate and in this case his prime source, Bradley Manning leaked for anger's sake.  Who will scrape up the lives his wikileaks will open the way for murder...but then he promised that won't happen--I guess he forgot he is just a man.


All things we do have a reason.  Julian's anger which is probably the driving force (and it certainly was for Bradley Manning) at a world, or nation or people that disappoints, will hopefully someday subside.  As his anger has great weight when the enemy can use it for their gain.

Matthew 5:21-22  You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.'  But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment


What more can the American Soldier give up for freedom's sake?

Podcast will be on podsite by 8-22

Interview on 8-17-10 with John Bernard discusses his memories about his son Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard KIA 8-09 in Afghanistan.  As we talk about his great loss, one can't help but be inspired by this family and their love for God and Country.  This love is so strong that despite the loss they can push forward to continue on in the fight in whatever capacity they can.  They remind us that we too must be a part of preserving this God-blessed nation that many great men and women have give their very best for.  What a family--what a God and what a Country.   Let us not forget the Joshua Bernards and with God we will see them someday in that eternally heavenly place.  Hope you will be there too meanwhile let us persevere.

Link to John Bernard's blog



Video of Moslem Saying The Message of Ft. Hood Shooter


The Lord gave me this passage on Sat. 10-3-09--it is very encouraging for He is with us and is something to remember in these times--


Jeremiah 50:34--Yet their Redeemer is strong;
       the LORD Almighty is his name.
       He will vigorously defend their cause 
       so that he may bring rest to their land...


We do have to pray for these who live in darkness





From the video:"...The message that should be taken from yesterday in Ft. Hood where 12 American soldiers were killed-this war that America begged for, they instigated and they started will not be simply fought in Moslem soil, Moslem lands-.....-this war will be fought on American soil....this is what the attacker wanted you to understand..."

  More to read and please pray over these things also:

Fight for your right while this is still your country:  "This is not my opinion; federal law enforcement confirms there exists a network of wealthy Islamic organizations within the U.S. dedicated to supporting terrorist groups and subverting our constitutional government."  Read this other WND article also.

On 9/11 they came in large planes--this time around they think they have found a better way.  Americans can't afford to be asleep on this issue.  We know not all  mean us harm but neither can we deny that those that do are very devout and very determined to use any weapons they can and even their very own family is not safe.  

The story of Rifqa Bary (link to report from former FBI on flawed report) a former Moslem who knows the truth and the repercussions that can come even from her own family needs to also be held by us in prayer. Due to political correctness her life now hangs in the balance.  Hear one of our podcast of an interview with a missionary who says honor killing is commonplace and yet we doubt Rifqa's fears. This is another warning--can we really afford to look the other way when signs are there?  Some people did in the case of Maj Hasan, and the price was paid with so many lives whose breath and dreams have been taken away because of the power of "one" sincerely wrong.  To their children, their mothers and fathers, their spouses, their best friends, their families and many in this nation-- those that died were very important people.   It is easy for some to overlook this but to many citizens of this great nation and those whose grief and pain we can only imagine--they wish someone had not looked the other way.

I pray for supernatural wisdom and discernment for our leaders and as in the days of the Foundation of this nation--I pray for boldness to seek the truth for all of us.  The problems were great too at that time and was insurmountable.  As I heard it said--a betting man would not have bet on US but because we serve Jehovah-God what is impossible with men is possible with Him.  He blessed America then--supernaturally--so don't forget to pray as well as act.  Thank you