Video of Moslem Saying The Message of Ft. Hood Shooter
Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 11:01PM
City On A Hill in Ft Hood shooting, afghanistan, counter-insurgency, iraq, moslem video on ft hood shooting, nidal malik hasan, rifqa bary, soldiers, war on terror


The Lord gave me this passage on Sat. 10-3-09--it is very encouraging for He is with us and is something to remember in these times--


Jeremiah 50:34--Yet their Redeemer is strong;
       the LORD Almighty is his name.
       He will vigorously defend their cause 
       so that he may bring rest to their land...


We do have to pray for these who live in darkness





From the video:"...The message that should be taken from yesterday in Ft. Hood where 12 American soldiers were killed-this war that America begged for, they instigated and they started will not be simply fought in Moslem soil, Moslem lands-.....-this war will be fought on American soil....this is what the attacker wanted you to understand..."

  More to read and please pray over these things also:

Fight for your right while this is still your country:  "This is not my opinion; federal law enforcement confirms there exists a network of wealthy Islamic organizations within the U.S. dedicated to supporting terrorist groups and subverting our constitutional government."  Read this other WND article also.

On 9/11 they came in large planes--this time around they think they have found a better way.  Americans can't afford to be asleep on this issue.  We know not all  mean us harm but neither can we deny that those that do are very devout and very determined to use any weapons they can and even their very own family is not safe.  

The story of Rifqa Bary (link to report from former FBI on flawed report) a former Moslem who knows the truth and the repercussions that can come even from her own family needs to also be held by us in prayer. Due to political correctness her life now hangs in the balance.  Hear one of our podcast of an interview with a missionary who says honor killing is commonplace and yet we doubt Rifqa's fears. This is another warning--can we really afford to look the other way when signs are there?  Some people did in the case of Maj Hasan, and the price was paid with so many lives whose breath and dreams have been taken away because of the power of "one" sincerely wrong.  To their children, their mothers and fathers, their spouses, their best friends, their families and many in this nation-- those that died were very important people.   It is easy for some to overlook this but to many citizens of this great nation and those whose grief and pain we can only imagine--they wish someone had not looked the other way.

I pray for supernatural wisdom and discernment for our leaders and as in the days of the Foundation of this nation--I pray for boldness to seek the truth for all of us.  The problems were great too at that time and was insurmountable.  As I heard it said--a betting man would not have bet on US but because we serve Jehovah-God what is impossible with men is possible with Him.  He blessed America then--supernaturally--so don't forget to pray as well as act.  Thank you

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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