Wikileaks--when Julian Assange and Bradley Manning leaks hate
Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 08:48PM
City On A Hill in Bible Prophecy, afghanistan, bradley manning, depression, homosexuals in military, iraq, julian assange, wikileaks

Who is Julian Assange and Bradley Manning that have put it upon themselves to put secret war documents for the world to peruse?  Why did they do it?  Bradley Manning a young man dejected from a failed homosexual relationship decides to turn on his country and leak information he was entrusted with.   At a time when this obama administration thinks homosexuals should have an open door in the military.  This was certainly not a good foreboding of such a decision.

Julian Assange, who at this time sees this move as of prime importance, seems to have forgotten that he is but a man and assurance of no repercussions on the people that were in his leaked documents is worth nothing more than the paper it is on.

These two made strange bed-fellows in the supposed aim of fighting for truth.  Some day they can look back at this move on the great stage of world news and probably find the same thing King Solomon did--it is all vanity.  There is nothing new under the sun--even now Iragis are not surprised at the news.

All is not fair in war and everything is certainly not cut and dry.  Hindsight is better than foresight and Julian Assange is a like an armchair quarterback but in fact this is not a game--there is a war out there and which side he is truly helping--I don't even think he truly knows.

Divulging secret files is something he won't be stopping at soon. "We make a promise to our sources, who go through incredible risks sometimes to get us material, that we'll do justice to their efforts and get them the maximum political impact possible," he said.

It's sad when he can't see that he, Julian Assange, is also a pawn in the world stage of hate and in this case his prime source, Bradley Manning leaked for anger's sake.  Who will scrape up the lives his wikileaks will open the way for murder...but then he promised that won't happen--I guess he forgot he is just a man.


All things we do have a reason.  Julian's anger which is probably the driving force (and it certainly was for Bradley Manning) at a world, or nation or people that disappoints, will hopefully someday subside.  As his anger has great weight when the enemy can use it for their gain.

Matthew 5:21-22  You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.'  But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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