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Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

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The Book Of Acts




Chapter 1

An In-depth Study


        If you were to give a different title to the book of Acts you could call it "The Master Plan for World Evangelism", or you could call it "Luke II" because it is written by him. This book focuses on Jesus'/Yeshua's ministry after His death and resurrection. Covers a time from about 30 AD until about 62 AD. Jesus was born in 4 BC and lived 33.5 years dying in 30AD.  Writings in the Jewish Talmud cause us to believe He died in 30 AD. Strange things are recorded that happened on the temple mount starting in 30 AD. The menorah closest to the Holy of Hollies/Ha'Kadoush HaKadoushiem went out every night until the temple was destroyed in 70 AD. The large brass gate leading into the Temple mount would unlock and swing open every  night. Other strange things were recorded in the Talmud that leads me to believe Jesus died in 30 AD.

       Verse one of the book tells us who wrote the book; "The former account (what I wrote before or my first book) I made O Theophilus" tells us it was Luke. Turn to Luke 1:3 and we see Luke writing to Theophilus (which means "One who loves God"). Why do you think Luke did not identify himself?  I think it was an act of humility, giving the credit to the one the book is about. If you have ever been to a Passover Seder you will see no credit is given to Moses, even though he brought the children of Israel out of captivity, but it focuses on the message of God. His name is not in the Seder anywhere. It focuses on what God did. The writers of the gospels did not say look what I am doing, but see what the Messiah is doing. (It is going to take a while to cut through this study, so keep looking for more added as you log on.)

       Verse two tells us the subject of this book. The book of Luke was until Jesus was taken up and Acts is about afterwards when the Holy Spirit gives His commandments to the apostles/sent ones.

       Verse three is about the in-between time of resurrection and giving of the Holy Spirit. (read John 20-21) Jesus died, resurrected, went to His Father in Heaven and came back and taught the apostles for 40 days one on one. "By many infallible proofs", can be studied in Lk. 24;1 Cor. 15:6-20; 2 Pet. 1:14.

       Verse four commands them to wait for the Holy Spirit before they leave Jerusalem to start their ministry.  They would receive their promise of the Father there.

       Verse five is in red letters, and is the quote of Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit baptism.  Baptise in Hebrew is "tavilah" and it means totally immersed.  John totally immersed in water, "I will totally immerse you in the Holy Spirit".

       Verse six is a question to Jesus about the Kingdom. The kingdom mentioned here is not the same as verse 3.  Verse three is the Kingdom of God and verse 6 is the kingdom of Israel. They still had the idea in their heads that Jesus was there to restore the kingdom through conquering the Romans. Isn't it ironic that the Jews ignored Isaiah 53 back then as they do now. We have a tendency to get ahead of prophesy because we want it to unfold as we think it should.  The Jews were all looking for the shackles of Rome to be blown off and Israel made into a self ruling kingdom. Unbelief and ignorance is still running rampant before the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  John chapter 6:15 tells us the same thing.  They can not get the two comings of Messiah in their minds.

       Verse seven is an answer to them. He says the times and seasons for these things are for only the Father to know. Times is "Moadiem" in Hebrew (1 Thes. 5:1 tells of these times) The Holy Spirit is the difference between these two different verses. Without the Holy Spirit there is no understanding and afterwards they do.

       Verse eight is the table of contents for the book of Acts. Three different times in their ministry. Each place mentioned is a separate part of the mission. In Jerusalem until the stoning of Stephen, then to Judaea and Samaria after the scattering and the uttermost parts of the earth, which is still going on now. It is like a circle expanding out from Jerusalem. Chapters 1-7 are Jerusalem, chapters 8 and 9 are all Judaea and Samaria, then from chapters 10 on describes the witness of the disciples to the gentiles.

       Verse nine and ten, Jesus is taken up after giving them His last word about the power they would receive and where they were to go.  He predicted this in Mt. 24:27.  Where they are talking about this is Bethany on Mount Olives. Two men were with Jesus in the cloud. Were they Angels or Saints?  It is not important, but what they say in verse 11 is.

       Verse eleven, the two men in the cloud with Jesus ask them-- Why are you standing here gazing up into heaven? As if to imply "get to work, don't just stand there".  Then the two men/Angels say a prophetic thing, "He shall come back in like manner as you see Him go into Heaven".  Jesus will come as He left from where He left.  Read about the second coming in Rev. 19:11-21, Daniel 7:13-14.  He will come as He left, in the clouds.  Multitudes of believers coming in white robes.  The dead in Christ and those that are alive and well.  Matthew 27:45--He was giving up the spirit at 3:00pm on the 14th day of the first month which is the beginning of Passover.  If you read in Lev. 23, Passover starts at  "Bain HaEraviem", the middle of the evening which starts not at sundown, but at at 3:oo o'clock in the afternoon. In verse 52 of Matthew 27 we see the first resurrection of the dead saints, just as will happen at the second coming. And by the way, read Rev. 11:11, doesn't this sound familiar?  This is my feeling on this, so decide for your self.  When the two witnesses are resurrected after three and a half days of lying in the streets of Jerusalem, doesn't it make sense that the resurrection of all the sleeping saints will happen at the same time? Do you recon it could be the blast of the "Last Trump"/Shophar that sounds and the return of the Lord is imminent?  Matthew 26:63 tells the high priest that he will see Yeshua/Jesus coming in the clouds. Doesn't the Bible tell us that "every eye will see, and every tongue confess",  lets turn to Ish. 18:3 says all inhabitants in the world and in the earth...........everyone living and dead will see Messiah coming in the clouds with power and glory! Luke 21:25-28 signs are coming!  Read this and ponder it. 

      Verse 12, a Sabbath day's journey to Jerusalem is a short trip from Olivet/Bethney. A Sabbath day's journey out side a walled city, by law was 2000 cubits, or just over a half a mile. One could walk anywhere inside a walled city, but only a half a mile out side.

       Verse 13, the "upper room" in this scripture is not believed to be the same upper room where Jesus/Yeshua had the Passover meal with His disciples. It is thought by most scholars, that this is on the "Temple Mount" which was also called the "Upper Room".  There were places on the "Temple Mount" where groups could hold meetings and pray. Different groups and sects hung-out together at different places on the Mount (we will see this better in chapter 2). The word "abode" can also represent  a lot of time spent in a certain place. The important thing is that they came together to pray, wait on the Lord's instruction and to ponder His sayings. There are about a hundred people at this gathering even though it mentions only eleven in this scripture.  They scattered when Jesus/Yeshua was first arrested, but they are back together here.  A resurrection was a powerful witness of the validity of Jesus's mission.  They all believed He is who He said He was, the "Messiah".

       Verse 14, In "one accord" is "yachdah" in Hebrew and has a special meaning for me, turn back to the book of Exodus chapter 19:8. Just before the "ten commandments were given, the children of Israel were gathered together, unified in one mind. The same word is used here, "yachdah", to describe the marriage of the people to Father Yah/God at the foot of the mountain where the Torah was given. Jesus/Yeshua commanded them (the gathered in the upper room) to stay in Jerusalem until His promised "Ruach HaKadosh"/Holy Spirit came. These gathered have seen many miracles, but the thing that truly convenes them of His validity was Him dying and Him rising up again. He has got their attention now and they will do as He says and wait for His promise. And with one mind they will do it. 

       Verse 15; Time has passed about 40 days but less than 50. It is before "Shavuot"/Pentecost but after the ascencion.  "Peter stood up and talked to them", this phrase makes some believe that Peter was the leader of the congregation at this time, but if we turn to Acts 15:13, we see that Jesus' half brother James was.  Peter was made bold by the in-dwelling of the "Ruach HaKadosh"/Holy Spirit to address the crowd.  James, was the Nasi/leader of the Biatdaim/court or house of judgment, in the congregation in Jerusalem.

       Verse 16-17; The Ruach Ha'Kadosh/Holy Spirit  spoke through the mouth of King David prophesying about Judas.  David was not just a King, He was a prophet. (Psalm 41:9) Read Gen. 3:15 and John 13:18-19.  See how they all relate to Judas. Judas knew the prophesies, but never realised he was the one who would lead Jesus' captives to Him.

Verse18;  This verse is used by scoffers to prove the New Testament is not true.  Other scriptures such as Mat 27 3-10 in the Gospels refer to this verse with throwing the money down and "hanging".  Remember the lack of knowledge of those interpreting the ancient writings. What you are reading here is what hanging was in Yeshua's time. We think of a rope, because we have seen too many westerns, and hanging by rope was used during the early European cultures. Back then one would place a pole in the ground slightly down an embankment and jump on it so it would pierce their solar-plexes. Then the scoffers would say how could he buy a field if he was dead?  According to Jewish law, leaders of the Temple could not use blood money, so they bought a field in his name.  It was still Judas' money. This verse is very descriptive of the truth of the incident.

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