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For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

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Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

Know How They Voted

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield


Common Core Standards --All Alabamians Need To Decide If They Want Washington Control Over Their Child's Education

Common Core Standards agreed upon for RTT---click on picture to study


Link to article with contact info of legislator and tips on how to contact them

Why is it so hard to get rid of common core when more and more states are trying to get out of the program.  Alabama State School Board signed us on to Common Core as part of condition in hopes of receiving Race To the Top money on January of  2010 (when the final draft of these standards were not out until March 2010 and published in June 2010)!

Could it be that lies and pride get in the way?  What else could it be when educators failed to study the truth for themselves?  Priorities become misplaced and they rely on what others tell them instead of doing what they were trained to do--study for themselves.   If they did,  they would realize the truth that Alabama no longer has control of their standards no matter what Tommy Bice may say--you will have to go to Washington.  Obamacore is to education as Obamacare is to health--these are tools for control (deja vu-Nancy Pelosi plan of "let's pass the bill," so we can know what's in it--was deployed).

The first law that started education was the Old Deluder Satan Act and it was set up so children would know how to read and compare laws being made against God's Word.  What a wonderful reason for learning: wisdom and "fear or awe" of the LORD.  Wisdom without perspective in the Word of God is like mindless chatter--it is no good.
On 2-27-2013 many came to Montgomery, Alabama to a joint hearing in regard to Common Core Standards.  But alas the Republican led Senate and House Committee on Education Policy gave misleading information causing only a small number of those who came to speak against common core to be heard (22 min vs 58 min) It was really incredible to see such a large gathering of educators especially so many superintendents.

Here are truths people have found out and shared at the hearing amidst the clamor of the wonders of common core and how we have so much invested in it (that we surely must keep on going the wrong way--sounds like Obamacare all over again)!
In summary,  Jane Robbins plus Emmett McGroarty of The American Principles Project, along with Lisa Harris a former Georgia teacher and others shared great information.  Read some excerpts of what they said and/or you can watch their videos below.


  • Jane Robbins  said:  "On quality of standards--there were two pre-eminent content experts on the Common Core Validation Committe --the only mathematician on the committee said--it was almost a joke to think that students who went thru common core would be ready for University level math.  And as far as  economic development, if Alabama doesnt have Common Core I don't  think that means you're not going to get any  business anymore (as someone in the hearing testified)  because the state that has the most business in the country now (new business flooding in) is Texas and Texas does not have common core."


  • Lisa Harris (former teacher from Georgia) said:  "Georgia is two years ahead in the implementation of Common Core.  They were one of the first nine states that jumped in full force,  got the waiver--got the grant--got the money.  Now two years into it they hit a brick wall and they are trying to repeal it in Ga.  Two examples how the standards are reduced--Algebra is being moved from 8th to 9th--hurts math success.  In English Language Arts--there is an increase of informational text vs literature--which uses lower level of thinking skills instead of the higher thinking skills are taught through literary devices (as in great literature).  Without the higher thinking skill they will not be successful even in College 101."
  • Emmett McGroarty said:  "Common Core infringes on state autonomy-Standards were developed by private entities.   Entities that have copyrighted the standards.  Participaton in Common Core commits states to using 100 percent of standards.  States can add 15 per cent but cannot change any of it." States also face a number of issues going forward on governance of the standards (issues states  previously decided for themselves).  For example:  who will pay for and will be in charge of evaluating and validating standards and assessments, updating, revising standards; responding to parental concern and complaints; possibly adding new subjects.  Fordham Institute (received funding to propagate common core) knows these have to addressed but is being kicked like a can down the road.  Fordham suggest 10 or 12 member on an Executive Council to govern  these standards-- includes representatives from federal government and variety of private groups but no single representative from any state.  North Carolina Governor Nikki Haley spoke to these concerns when she issued a letter of support in favor of a bill in her state that would end participation to common core."  In summary he is saying Alabama will have no control.  Here is link to Press Conference held prior to hearing which gave so much more great information from Jane Robbins and Emmett McGroarty.

Jane Robbins

Jane Robbins

Lisa Harris


Emmett McGroarty

Betty Peters


Map of States Getting Out of Common Core




This map dated 2.26.13 shows the many states that are pulling back from the Common Core Standards.


Legislators in Alabama today are holding a public hearing on HB 254 (companion bill SB 190) that would repeal Alabama’s commitment to the Common Core Standards.


Some of the Alabama legislators are using scare tactics to say that if Alabama decided to leave the Common Core Standards, they would become an “island” all alone among the other states.


This map shows that that is absolutely not true. Numerous states are pulling back from the Common Core Standards:



In fact, more and more states are pulling back from Common Core Standards once they know how terribly expensive it is going to be for states’ taxpayers to pay for the cost of the national assessments.  The federal government will not pay for the cost of administering and implementing the national assessments; the states’ taxpayers will.



For instance, Alabama taxpayers will have to come up with $282 Million to implement the Common Core Standards assessments built upon Common Core curriculum standards that have never even been piloted nor internationally benchmarked.  


Nobody knows definitively whether or not the Common Core Standards and the accompanying national assessments will increase students’ academic achievement in any way. 


In fact, students’ academic achievement could well go down since the Common Core Standards do not include a systematic approach to the teaching of reading nor grammar/usage/spelling/cursive writing – the most important skills that a student must master to be successful in all other courses.



Former Texas Commissioner of Education Robert Scott has recently testified that he was pressured to commit Texas to the Common Core Standards before they were even written. The same thing undoubtedly occurred in other states, too.  (Thankfully Commissioner Scott and Gov. Rick Perry rejected the Common Core Standards early-on, and Texas has adopted its own curriculum standards and state tests.  Since Texas used public dollars to adopt its own curriculum standards (TEKS), those standards can be utilized by other states free of charge.)   



California has received $104 Million in federal funds but would have to spend $2.1 Billion to implement the inferior Common Core Standards assessments built upon the inferior national curriculum standards that are not as rigorous as the ones California has in place right now! 



The cost to states’ taxpayers for the implementation of the Common Core Standards assessments is no secret.  Henry W. Burke has published a report that details the costs for each of the states:



10.15.13 – “States’ Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards” by Henry W. Burke --



For taxpayers to spend such atrocious amounts of money on these non-proven/unresearched national standards, national curriculum, national assessments, national teacher evaluations, and a nationally intrusive database of all students/teachers/families is as foolish as “spitting in the wind.”


Donna Garner


Obama's Climate Change Agenda--Can America Afford It Or Does He Even Care?

Obama's Climate Change Agenda


by Henry W. Burke








Many environmentalists have changed the term "global warming" to "global climate change" because they have not been able to decide whether the earth is getting warmer or cooler.  The new invented term of "global climate change" is a "safe bet" for them because it covers either situation.



No authentic scientific data proves that there is a correlation between man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) and global warming, and there is also no proof that the current warming trend is caused by the rise of man-made CO2



If all of the Antarctica ice melted, sea levels would rise around the world about 200 feet; but because the average temperature in Antarctica is -37o C, the ice there is never going to melt.  In fact, the Antarctica has broken the record for the greatest sea ice extent ever measured at either pole.  Additionally, glaciers are getting larger on K-2, the second highest mountain in the world.



When the Obama Administration's "Cap and Tax" bill failed in 2009, they simply made an end run around Congress and turned to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to accomplish what they could not do through legislative means.



The EPA has undertaken a significant power grab by declaring that greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide) endanger human health and threaten the environmentThe EPA's plan to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) would cause $7 trillion in lost activity and the loss of 3 million jobs!









In Barack Obama's Inaugural Address on January 21, 2013, he stated:


We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations.  Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and more powerful storms.



Based on this address and his past actions, it is obvious that Obama has bought the global warming lie and is using this to further his income redistribution and "sustainable energy" agenda. 



Global warming proponents (like Al Gore) have been making dire predictions that the polar ice caps and glaciers are rapidly melting, which will result in rising sea levels and flooding of the coastal cities.  They claim that tornadoes and hurricanes are getting worse, and polar bears are becoming extinct.  The global warming advocates are telling us that mankind is doomed unless we take immediate drastic actions.



When it comes to global warming, raw subjectivity has replaced the scientific method.  Many scientists and researchers began with preconceived notions and theories and then proceeded to find ways to support them.  Ideology is controlling the conclusions instead of true science.



I will provide a reasoned, logical and factual approach to global warming.  Scientific facts are extremely important when we are making decisions that impact our economy and country.






Author's Experience in Air Pollution Control



I served as a Sanitary Engineer in the National Air Pollution Control Administration (NAPCA) from 1968 to 1970.  Our group developed air quality criteria documents for various air pollutants (sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide, particulate matter, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, oxidants, and nitrogen oxides).  We also formulated air quality control standards and approved regional air quality standards.  Shortly after I left the organization, NAPCA was integrated into the newly created Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 



Most people would agree that today's air quality is much better than it was 40 years ago.  I am proud that I played a small part in cleaning up our nation's air.  Many civil engineers spend their careers designing and building systems that improve the quality of our air and water.  I know that clean air is important; however, I strongly believe that our approach should be based on sound science, not on political ideology and "junk science."





The Greenhouse Effect



The greenhouse effect is real and helps to regulate the temperature of our planet.  It is the result of heat absorption by certain gases in the atmosphere (called greenhouse gases because they trap heat in the lower atmosphere).  The Earth’s greenhouse effect is good because it keeps the Earth warm and makes our planet habitable.  Without a natural greenhouse effect, the temperature of the Earth would be about zero degrees F (-18 ºC) instead of its present 57 ºF (14 ºC).  If the Earth did not have the greenhouse effect, it would probably look a lot like Mars!



Greenhouse gases (GHGs) make up about 1 % - 2 % of the Earth’s atmosphere.  Approximately 95 % of the greenhouse gases are water vapor; 3.62 % are carbon dioxide (CO2); and 1.38 % are other gases.  Stated differently, CO2 makes up about 0.04 % of the Earth’s atmosphere.




What are the sources of CO2?  Carbon dioxide is a by-product of the combustion of organic matter.  Nature contributes 96.6 % of the annual CO2 emissions, and humans produce 3.4 % of the emissions.  Several sources contribute to the greenhouse effect.  Water vapor provides 95 %; ocean biologic activity, volcanoes, decaying plants, animal activity, etc. contribute 4.72 %; and humans contribute 0.28 % of the greenhouse effect.  In other words, humans are responsible for about one-quarter of 1 percent of the greenhouse effect.





Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming



The basic premise (first assumption) behind global warming is that increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) are causing the Earth’s atmosphere to become warmer.  The NCPA report indicates:


Over long periods of time, there is no close relationship between CO2 levels and temperature.  The Earth’s average temperature has risen a little less than 1oC over the past century.  Although almost half of this warming occurred before 1940, greenhouse gas emissions began to rise substantially only after the 1950s.



The second assumption with global warming is that CO2 is a poison.  I have never seen a health effect study that showed CO2 was a poison and was harmful to humans.  When we were developing air quality criteria documents in NAPCA for the various air pollutants, we would have ridiculed anyone who suggested that carbon dioxide was an air pollutant!  CO2 is not an air pollutant and it is not a poison! 



We exhale CO2 and much of it is taken up by plants.  Actually, about 40 % of CO2 is reabsorbed by plants and trees.  The statistics on carbon dioxide emissions usually disregard the percentage that is reabsorbed by plants.




The third assumption is that climate change models can actually predict the atmospheric temperature.  These models produce drastically different results and are highly inconsistent.  The climate model graphs in the NCPA publication show dramatically different predictions, ranging from 1 oC to 5 oC temperature increases from 1990 to 2050.  Several other climate models predicted a warmer 1990s, but that decade actually turned out to be slightly cooler.  The warming proponents' climate models have been abysmal failures!





The key to the global warming alarmists’ work is to tie increasing atmospheric temperatures to higher levels of CO2, but not just any CO2; it must be CO­2   produced by human activities (anthropogenic). 



Have the global warming proponents considered the effects of solar activity on the earth’s temperature?  Why have the global warmers largely ignored the temperature readings taken from satellites? 



Many environmentalists are using the term global climate change instead of global warming.”  Apparently they haven’t decided whether the earth is getting warmer or cooler; with the new term, they are covered either way.  Also, they can throw tornadoes, hurricanes, forest fires, and droughts into the mix under the broader "climate change" label. 



Even though some environmentalists try to say that global warming causes an increase in hurricane activity, scientific evidence does not support this theory.  There is no correlation between man-made CO2 and hurricanes, tornadoes, precipitation, drought, forest fires, or human disease.






Global Temperature Trends


For nearly 50 years, and through literally thousands of research papers presented in the refereed scientific literature, scientists established that the earth’s climate has hardly been stable or constant.  Between 4,000 and 7,000 years ago, the earth’s mean temperature was some 1-2 degrees Celsius (1-2 ºC) higher than it is today, for largely unknown reasons.




Three distinct categories of temperature records are gathered: surface, satellites, and weather-balloons.  Even though the satellite and weather balloon data are collected in different ways, there is very good agreement.



Thousands of land and ocean temperature measurements are recorded each day around the globe. This includes measurements from climate reference stations, weather stations, ships, buoys, and gliders in the oceans.  These surface measurements are also supplemented with earth-orbiting satellite measurements. Weather balloons have been used to measure the earth's temperature since the late 1940s; satellites have been recording the earth's temperature since 1979. 



These measurements are processed, examined for random and systematic errors, and then finally combined to produce a time series of global average temperature change.



The (U.S.) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operates the National Climatic Data Center.  According to a recent report (Global Climate Change Indicators):

            Global average temperature is one of the most-cited indicators of global climate change, and shows an increase of approximately 1.4°F since the early 20th Century


          [This is 0.78 ºC per century, or 0.078 ºC per decade.]






The Cato Institute report states that the rate of warming observed from surface stations is 0.28 º F per decade.  During the period of overlapping observations, the rate of warming in the troposphere measured by satellites is 0.25 º F per decade.

[This would be 2.5 º F per century]





Contiguous United States Temperatures


NOAA also provides temperature data for the Contiguous United States.  When a researcher is analyzing temperature trends, the variables must be considered.  The base period, starting and ending dates, and filters will affect the results.  From the NOAA website, the following temperature trends are obtained:


1.  1895 - 2012 Data Values, Base Period is 1961 - 1990:

          Trend = 0.09 ºF per decade (0.05 ºC per decade)


2.  1950 - 2012 Data Values, Base Period is 1961 - 1990:

          Trend = 0.44 ºF per decade (0.24 ºC per decade)


3.  1970 - 2012 Data Values, Base Period is 1961 - 1990:

          Trend = 0.51 ºF per decade (0.28 ºC per decade)


4.  1997 - 2012 Data Values, Base Period is 1961 - 1990:

          Trend = - 0.71 ºF per decade (- 0.39 ºC per decade)



For the full period from 1895 to 2012, the temperature trend is 0.09 ºF per decade.  For the much shorter recent period from 1997 to 2012, the temperature trend is (a declining) - 0.71 ºF per decade.





Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming?



Temperatures are increasing somewhat as we recover from the "Little Ice Age" that occurred in the early 1800s.  It may become warmer without any human assistance. 



Global average surface temperatures increased approximately 0.7 ºF in the early part of the Twentieth Century (1910 - 1945), before changing atmospheric composition (added CO2) could have had much influence on the climate.  In mid-century, temperatures fell slightly.  From 1977 - 1997, global temperatures increased another 0.7 ºF.  In 1998, a very strong El Nino event resulted in record temperatures in 1998.  The rate of warming at the surface is about 0.28 ºF per decade.




Noted atmospheric physicist Dr. Fred Singer points out that the World Meteorological Organization (UN-WMO) purposely confuses two different concepts -- global temperatures and global temperature trends.




Dr. Singer stated:


The current warming trend is not unusual: Climate is always either warming or cooling, and ice is either melting or accumulating…The human contribution to global warming appears to be quite small and natural climate factors are dominant.

There is no proof at all that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from human activities, such as the generation of energy from the burning of fuels.

          (Letter to the Editor: The Wall Street Journal, June 20, 2006)






Estimates show that CO2 levels have risen about 35 % since the beginning of the industrial revolution with more than 80 % of that rise occurring since 1950.  CO2 concentrations in 1750 were about 275 ppm (parts per million) and were about 370 ppm in 2000. 



Engineer and aerospace pioneer Burt Rutan prepared a startling chart of human CO2 emissions versus global temperature data.  The temperatures were based on the IPCC / HadCRUT Dataset (UK -- Met Office Hadley Centre and the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia).  [Some people call this dataset the "gold standard" for global temperature.]



The chart shows that global temperatures from 1.01.83 - 12.31.97 had a linear trend of + 1.44 ºC per century (2.59 ºF per century).  During that period, human CO2 emissions were 331 gigatons.



From 1.01.1998 - 12.31.2012, the linear temperature trend was - 0.08 ºC per century (- 0.14 ºF per century).  (The temperature trend is negative.)  During this period, human CO2 emissions were 440 gigatons.  Despite a 33 % increase in CO2 emissions, global warming disappeared (the temperature trend dropped).





Rising Sea Levels


The global warming activists needed something that would garner people's attention.  The melting of the polar ice caps and the apocalyptic flooding of the Earth's coastal cities provided the needed catastrophe.  It can easily be an emotional issue, but we need some facts.    



Are we in danger of coastal flooding from melting ice caps?  If the polar ice caps melted, how much would the oceans rise?  We will consider three main ice covered areas.



The largest ice covered landmass is Antarctica at the South Pole.  Antarctica has 90 % of the world’s ice and 70 % of its fresh water.  Antarctica is covered with ice an average of 2,133 meters thick (7,000 feet).  If all of the Antarctica ice melted, sea levels would rise around the world about 61 meters (200 feet).  Because the average temperature in Antarctica is -37 oC, the ice there is in no danger of melting.  In most parts of the continent, it never gets above freezing.




As climatologists worry about the effects of global warming, Antarctica has quietly set a new record for the mass of sea ice.  "Antarctica has broken the record for the greatest sea ice extent ever measured at either pole."




There is a significant amount of ice covering Greenland.  If all of this ice melted, sea levels would rise about 7 meters (20 feet).  Because Greenland is closer to the equator than Antarctica, the temperatures in Greenland are higher.



At the North Pole, the ice is not nearly as thick as the South Pole; the ice floats on the Arctic Ocean.  If this ice melted, sea levels would not be affected.  The Arctic Icecap contains only 1 to 2 percent of the Earth’s ice, while the elephant, the Antarctic Icecap, contains about 90 percent of the Earth’s ice.



The global warming advocates often point to glaciers that are shrinking in size.  What will they do with a glacier that is growingThe glacier is getting larger around K-2, the second highest mountain in the world.  









A 2007 Cap and Trade Bill (Lieberman-Warner Bill) was considered by the U.S. Senate in 2008; it was killed by Senate Republicans on 6.06.08.  In 2009, Obama tried to push a different Cap and Trade Bill (Waxman-Markey Bill) through Congress.  The House of Representatives barely approved the "Cap and Tax" Bill on 6.26.09 bill, but it was defeated in the U. S. Senate. 



The "Cap and Tax" Bill had huge economic consequences.  Electricity rates would have increased 90 %; natural gas prices would have gone up 55 %; and gasoline prices would have jumped 58 %.  Also, the U.S. would have lost 1 million jobs per year through 2035!  [We will experience similar consequences because of the EPA's actions on greenhouse gases.]




When the "Cap and Tax" Bill failed, Obama did not quit; he simply made an end run around Congress.  He is using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to accomplish what he cannot do through legislative means.




The unprovoked Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor led President Franklin D. Roosevelt to proclaim “December 7, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy.”  Ironically, on December 7, 2009, the EPA declared that greenhouse gases threaten public health and the environment.  It would be an overstatement to say the 2009 date will live in infamy like Pearl Harbor, but the EPA’s action was quite significant! 



The EPA stated that greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the primary driver of climate change, which can lead to hotter, longer heat waves.  EPA’s endangerment finding covers six key greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and hexafluoride.




EPA’s final findings respond to the 2007 U.S. Supreme Court decision that GHGs fit within the Clean Air Act definition of air pollutants.  With the EPA’s new authority under the Clean Air Act, the EPA could regulate almost anything that emits carbon dioxide.  Thereby the unelected and unaccountable EPA officials are trying to bypass legislative efforts. 




The Heritage Foundation completed an economic analysis of the EPA's plan to regulate CO2Between 2010 and 2029, the regulations would cause $7 trillion in lost activity and a loss of nearly 3 million manufacturing jobs by 2029!




There are multiple bills in Congress aimed at reining in EPA’s regulatory authority by amending the Clean Air Act to exclude carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases from coming under EPA’s purview.  It is important to remember that Congress created the Clean Air Act and has the power to alter it.  [The work I did with NAPCA from 1968 to 1970 was under the Clean Air Act.]  Congress must act now to protect America’s economic interests.




Outgoing EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson is apparently leaving more quickly after it was discovered that she had clandestine e-mail accounts connected with "climate" and "endangerment."



In 2009, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) produced the report Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States.  This document played a key role in the December 2009 EPA decision on the "finding of endangerment."  According to the 2007 Supreme Court decision, Massachusetts v. EPA, the EPA must regulate carbon dioxide under the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments subsequent to finding that it endangers human health and welfare.



A September 2012 "Addendum" by the Cato Institute seriously questions the accuracy of the USGCRP report and describes important science that is missing from the government report.  Cato found that "there is an overwhelming amount of misleading material" in the report.



In simple terms, the EPA based its power grab on "junk science."







Greenhouse gases play a very positive role in regulating the Earth's temperature to produce a habitable planet.



The global average temperature has increased about 1.4 ºF since the early Twentieth Century.  The rate of warming is about 0.25 ºF per decade (2.5 ºF per century).  Most of this warming is a result of natural causes; temperatures are increasing as we recover from the "Little Ice Age."



There is a very poor correlation between carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere and global warming.  Human-caused CO2 emissions have negligible impact on global temperature increases.




The global warming models have performed very poorly in predicting temperature changes.  Because the climate models have failed miserably in the past, why would a person expect the models to be accurate in predicting the future climate?



There is no real threat that global warming will melt the polar ice caps, thus causing coastal flooding.  Contrary to the hype about melting ice caps, Antarctica (with 90 % of the world's ice) has broken the record for the greatest sea ice extent ever measured at either pole.




The EPA has undertaken a significant power grab by declaring that greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide) endanger human health and threaten the environment.  If left unchecked, the EPA will be able to regulate most of the U.S. economy -- any energy-using business in the country!








Bio for Henry W. Burke



Henry Burke is a Civil Engineer  with a B.S.C.E. and M.S.C.E.  He has been a Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) for 37 years and has worked as a Civil Engineer in construction for over 40 years. 


Mr. Burke had a successful 27-year career with a large construction contractor. 


Henry Burke serves as a full-time volunteer to oversee various construction projects. He has written numerous articles on education, engineering, construction, politics, taxes, and the economy.



Henry W. Burke



Former Texas Commissioner of Education Robert Scott has recently testified that he was pressured to commit Texas to the Common Core Standards before they were even written. 



This map dated 2.26.13 shows the many states that are pulling back from the Common Core Standards.


Legislators in Alabama today are holding a public hearing on HB 254 (companion bill SB 190) that would repeal Alabama’s commitment to the Common Core Standards.


Some of the Alabama legislators are using scare tactics to say that if Alabama decided to leave the Common Core Standards, they would become an “island” all alone among the other states.


This map shows that that is absolutely not true. Numerous states are pulling back from the Common Core Standards:



In fact, more and more states are pulling back from Common Core Standards once they know how terribly expensive it is going to be for states’ taxpayers to pay for the cost of the national assessments.  The federal government will not pay for the cost of administering and implementing the national assessments; the states’ taxpayers will.



For instance, Alabama taxpayers will have to come up with $282 Million to implement the Common Core Standards assessments built upon Common Core curriculum standards that have never even been piloted nor internationally benchmarked.  


Nobody knows definitively whether or not the Common Core Standards and the accompanying national assessments will increase students’ academic achievement in any way. 


In fact, students’ academic achievement could well go down since the Common Core Standards do not include a systematic approach to the teaching of reading nor grammar/usage/spelling/cursive writing – the most important skills that a student must master to be successful in all other courses.



Former Texas Commissioner of Education Robert Scott has recently testified that he was pressured to commit Texas to the Common Core Standards before they were even written. The same thing undoubtedly occurred in other states, too.  (Thankfully Commissioner Scott and Gov. Rick Perry rejected the Common Core Standards early-on, and Texas has adopted its own curriculum standards and state tests.  Since Texas used public dollars to adopt its own curriculum standards (TEKS), those standards can be utilized by other states free of charge.)   



California has received $104 Million in federal funds but would have to spend $2.1 Billion to implement the inferior Common Core Standards assessments built upon the inferior national curriculum standards that are not as rigorous as the ones California has in place right now! 



The cost to states’ taxpayers for the implementation of the Common Core Standards assessments is no secret.  Henry W. Burke has published a report that details the costs for each of the states:



10.15.13 – “States’ Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards” by Henry W. Burke --



For taxpayers to spend such atrocious amounts of money on these non-proven/unresearched national standards, national curriculum, national assessments, national teacher evaluations, and a nationally intrusive database of all students/teachers/families is as foolish as “spitting in the wind.”


Donna Garner


Breaking The Myth of Common Core Rigor and Shining The Light On Its Dumbing Down Approach--Also Hear How allah is god curriculum passed through digitized learning--Warning For All Parents NCLB Waiver Not Necessary And Homeschoolers and Private Schools Watch Out For David Coleman


Proponents of Common Core Talking Points of More "Rigor" --Debunked--Parents Need To Do Their Homework--Quit Being Brainwashed!

COMMON CORE:  A Cookie-Cutter, One-Size-Fits All Education Standards 
By Sharon Sewell 
Director, Alabamians United for Excellence in Education (




This article responds to unfounded claims made in a joint OpEd written by State Board of Education Members Mary Scott Hunter of Huntsville and Tracey Roberts of Mobile.

Their OpEd reveals a naiveté about the meaning of the current presidential administration’s description of Common Core as a “revolution” to help in the “battle for social justice”, as well as the role of special interests which want to exploit our children to make billions of dollars.  The education of our children should not be controlled by the Far Left which sees classrooms as laboratories for indoctrination at taxpayer expense, or by special interests which see students as a source for profit. 

Common Core is just the latest but well-disguised ploy to federalize education and take our Tenth Amendment rights.   By chaining our children to Common Core, the state board of education has fundamentally changed our education system without the knowledge or consent of legislators, parents, and taxpayers.  The following is a rebuttal to the OpEd by Board Members Hunter and Tracey.


The Common Core State Standards Initiative does not strengthen but dumbs down education standards 

  • Math:  Common Core math standards do not meet the recommended content targets of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel, of leading states, or international competitors. As a result, students are not prepared for four-year colleges but for two-year nonselective community colleges.  Dr. James Milgram of Sanford University, a mathematician, warns us that graduating students will be two years behind other countries in math skills. 
  • English Language Arts:  Education experts warn that reading levels for seniors will be reduced to what is currently 7th grade.   Authors of “Why the Common Core is Bad for America” write:  “The Common Core ‘college readiness’ ELA standards can best be described as skill sets, not fully developed standards.  As such, they cannot point to readiness for a high school diploma or four-year college coursework …. The ELA Common Core Standards will impair the preparation of students for competing in a global economy.”  

Alabama does not control its standards or its curriculum

  • Alabama Standards:  Hunter and Roberts want us to believe that “Alabama Standards” are different from Common Core standards.  They are, in fact, one and the same.  Common Core is a one-size-fits-all for all states, all schools, and all students.  Alabama must adopt 100% of Common Core standards, cannot change or delete anything, and may allow only a small amount of additional content, which won’t be covered on national tests.  All one has to do to understand how “specific Alabama Standards” consist of a mere 2.5% in English Language Arts and 14% in Math, and all the rest is Common Core, is to link to Alabama standards at and 2010 Alabama Mathematics Course of Study.pdf.
  • Alabama Curriculum:  Alabama’s curriculum is controlled by Common Core standards.  This is abundantly clear when you read the legal documents and implementation plan.   Curricula, assessments, everything, must be aligned to Common Core. 

Common Core does not offer more “rigor”

Education experts have dispelled the notion that Common Core has more “rigor”.  Some of us joke that Common Core is “rigor mortis”.  It stifles innovation, creativity, and flexibility. 





The federal government requires the state to collect non-academic information on students and to track them from preschool to retirement

The federal government by law is not allowed to maintain a national database on students, so the U.S. Department of Education requires states to collect information to be used by federal agencies and private organizations.  Recently, Ms. Hunter stated that the Federal Privacy and Family Protection Act prevents highly personal information from being collected and shared.  Apparently she’s unaware that President Obama expanded the interpretation of this law, effective January 3, 2012, and weakened student protections. The bill to repeal Common Core restores privacy protection for Alabama students.

The Common Core Initiative was not state-led

Common Core standards were developed by special interest groups and led by vendors who stand to make substantial profits off our children.  The bulk of the work was done by Achieve, Inc., a D.C.-based nonprofit, associated with the Far Left education reformers such as Bill Ayers, Marc Tucker and Linda Darling-Hammond, who have advocated for federalized education for decades.  These efforts have been repeatedly and resoundingly rejected by the public and Congress.  

This time is different because the creators of Common Core found a “cover” to end-run Congress and develop standards outside the public meetings act.  This cover was the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CSSO), two trade associations, which have no legislative authority to act on behalf of states. Massive funding came from private interests such as the Gates Foundation.  Bill Gates expects to spend about $380 million to get states to adopt Common Core.  He will make billions off this “investment”.  

Special interests, in concert with the Obama Administration, rushed states to adopt Common Core before the public could catch on, rise, and resist.  Informed elected officials should not be complicit in these lawless actions that invade student privacy, take away parental control and states rights, and will cost Alabama taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.  Only Gov. Bentley, Stephanie Bell and Betty Peters voted to withdraw from Common Core.  Now it’s up to the Alabama legislature to protect our children’s privacy and preserve our education freedom under the Tenth Amendment. 

According to a 2002 Alabama Supreme Court decision, “The Alabama Constitution vests the duty to provide for public education ‘squarely upon the shoulders of the Legislature.”  (Ex-parte James, 836 S. 3d. 813 at 85).  The Alabama Legislature has repeatedly instructed the state board of education in matters dealing with standards and curricula. Legislators are now our last line of defense, and it is their duty to protect our children and their future, as well as Alabama values and states rights.  They have an opportunity to prove that checks and balances work in Alabama, though not in Washington, D.C. The Legislature must repeal Common Core this year.  Next year will be too late!  A Republican super-majority should assure a rapid repeal.



Know The Truth--Here Are Misleading Info on Fight To Get Out Of Common Core Standards

 Local Control School Flexibility Act of 2013 (Flexibility Act -HB84) will not get us out of common core

 Read the wording in it:

(b) A local school system is accountable to the state for the performance of all schools in its system, including innovative schools, under state and federal accountability requirements.



No Child Left Behind Waiver Is Only Good For A Year--Common Core Standards Will Affect Generations and Change Alabama Forever!


Parents, Grandparents and Teachers Must Look At Alabama's Children and Their Future and that it needs to be on the right foundation.  Parents and teachers need to have input on school standards and should have what they had in the past the ability to make changes through local school boards vs Washington bureaucrats tied to agendas that are dangerous in body and soul.

The Bible tells us it is better to hang a millstone around your neck and be thrown into the sea rather than lead these little ones to sin---please get legislators to pass HB254 and SB190 and get us out of common core standards.  Learn lessons from Texas and understand why Indiana, Missouri and more are trying to get out.  Get informed for such a time as this.  Please attend 2/27 Wed 3 pm hearing at Alabama State House (press conference at 1pm).  Pray, share and act for such a time as this...

More info at