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Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in Planned Parenhood Money Factory Abortion Mill (1)


Kermit Gosnell and His House of Horrors--Planned Parenthood's Abortion Mill

“House of Horrors: Obama and Planned Parenthood Ignore It”

by Donna Garner



Most of the major media have refused to cover Kermit Gosnell’s trial in which his abortion “House of Horrors” has been revealed.  


Even though Planned Parenthood admitted at the trial that they knew about the atrocities, they refused to report them to elected officials and to the police.  


How can we expect the United States to be a blessed nation when we pretend such atrocities are not occurring?  


Obama has just become the first sitting President to speak to the Planned Parenthood convention; and he had the unmitigated gall to ignore the Gosnell abortion trial and also to proclaim publicly, “Thank you, Planned Parenthood.  God bless you.”   



Because the mainstream media will not cover the Kermit Gosnell events, here are excerpts taken from various Internet sites.  These should shock and dismay even the most hardened pro-abortion supporters. 


At the bottom of this e-mail, I have posted a link to the video of a woman who goes undercover to report on her experiences at a late-term abortion facility.


1.20.11 – “At Filthy Clinic, Babies Met an Inhumane End, Grand Jury Says” – by Dana Difilippo – Philly.com



In his squalid West Philadelphia abortion clinic, Kermit Gosnell had a surefire way of dealing with the unwelcome complication of a live birth: He'd allegedly plunge scissors into the squirming newborn's neck, killing it by severing the spinal cord.


One premature infant wiggled around on a counter for 20 minutes before an untrained worker slit his neck - after first playing with him.


Those allegations were among countless bombshells in a 261-page grand-jury report that District Attorney Seth Williams released yesterday.



Gosnell killed "hundreds" of babies and at least two women during abortions from 1979 to last year at his Women's Medical Society at 38th Street and Lancaster Avenue, according to the grand jury. Further, he and his unlicensed, unskilled staff overdosed patients with drugs, perforated their wombs and bowels, and spread venereal disease by using unsterilized equipment, the report said.



Semiconscious, moaning women sat in dirty recliners and on bloodstained blankets. The air reeked of urine from the flea-infested cats permitted to roam the clinic. There was blood on the floor and cat feces on the stairs. One investigator likened the scene to “a bad gas-station restroom."


In the patient areas, equipment was rusty, dirty and broken. Paramedics who were called to remove the patients during the police raid had trouble getting them out because clutter blocked the hallways and the emergency exit was padlocked shut.


But even worse horrors were hidden in the basement and staff-only areas.


Detectives found a row of jars containing just the severed feet of fetuses. Fetal remains filled bags, milk jugs, orange-juice cartons and even cat-food containers; some were stored in a refrigerator where staffers chilled their lunches. In all, authorities found the remains of 45 fetuses in this "baby charnel house" and gave them to the medical examiner, who determined that at least two of them had been born alive, according to the grand-jury report.


The scene was so filthy that grand jurors, visiting the clinic months later, wore hazardous-materials suits, Williams said.


The bigger the baby, the more he charged; his fees ranged from $325 to $3,000 per abortion, Williams said. Anesthesia was additional, although he and his staffers would "sedate to stupor" patients who screamed or moaned too loudly, according to the report. Investigators estimated that Gosnell's salary for one year was $1.8 million.


Because late-term abortions are complicated, Gosnell and his staffers induced labor, which resulted in "scores" of live births that led to the gruesome "snippings" of their spinal cords, the grand jury found.


Although this allegedly occurred routinely, investigators could document the cases of only seven viable newborns killed in Gosnell's clinic. That's because Gosnell routinely destroyed his files, according to the grand-jury report.


In one case, a staffer told grand jurors, Gosnell joked that the aborted baby was so big he could "walk me to the bus stop."


…And although red flags mounted about wrongdoing at the clinic, those with the capacity to stop the carnage, such as the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Department of State [and Planned Parenthood], looked the other way, Williams charged.




4.24.13 – “Kermit Gosnell Doesn’t Testify, Defense Rests with No Witnesses” – by Steven

Ertelt, --


Abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell will not testify in his murder trial and his defense attorney decided to not call a single witness on his behalf to defend him from the murder and other charges he faces.


The defense has argued that there were no live births at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Center abortion clinic and contends the babies died during abortions and their necks were snipped afterwards. But former Gosnell staffers testified they saw signs of life even after the abortion had been completed — saying the babies “jumped” and “screamed” and tried to escape…


Sullenger said testimony from the medical examiner and toxicologist has indicated that there was no evidence the babies were injected with Digoxin to ensure the babies were dead prior to the abortion, as the defense has claimed.


The medical examiner testified that tests were inconclusive as proof that the babies were born alive. However, the tests also did not prove the babies were dead prior to birth. Those inconclusive test results were overshadowed by the weight of testimony from witness after witness, who detailed how the babies were in fact living prior to being murdered through what one witness described as a “virtual beheading.”


Previously, Gosnell’s wife Pearl pleaded guilty to assisting her husband at his Philadelphia abortion center where he killed a woman in a botched abortion and has killed hundreds of babies in abortion-infanticides.


4.24.13  --


“Gosnell Judge Reinstates Charge for Baby Tossed in Shoe Box, Still Breathing” – by Steven Ertelt, --


The judge in the Kermit Gosnell murder trial admitted today he made an error when dropping one of the charges against the abortion practitioner.


Common pleas court Judge Jeffrey Minehart admitted he “erred” when dropping the murder charge for Baby C, who was killed in an abortion-infanticide when he was a victim of an attempted abortion but was born alive and tossed in a shoe box, with Gosnell staffers confirming they saw him breathing for 20 minutes.


Gosnell faces eight total murder counts — one for killing a woman in a botched abortion and seven for killing babies in abortion-infanticides that involved live-birth abortions and snipping their necks after birth….


The reinstated charge involves Baby C — about whom a Gosnell staffer testified was a newborn child who survived a failed abortion and was still breathing into a shoe box.



Kareema Cross told the jury she saw at least 10 children who were breathing after botched abortions but killed afterwards. What happened shocked her so badly she took photographs to document what happened. Cross took pictures to document filth in the abortion clinic and a picture of a huge baby boy tossed in shoe box breathing, moving, and too big for the box. Cross testified of large babies birthed, moving, and moaning some for 20 min before their necks were snipped.



4.26.13  -- “ Gosnell’s House of Horrors the Logical Result of Legalized Abortion” – by Kristen Hatten, --


Forty-seven fetuses stored in cat food. Venereal diseases spread with dirty instruments among patients. Fifteen-year-olds administering anesthesia. Live babies struggling in toilets, jumping as their spinal cords are snipped with scissors. Women dying with their organs perforated.


The filth, the disease, the hopelessness.


Tell me again why we’re surprised…


Many Germans were shocked when they were shown the massive pits full of emaciated corpses, the gold long since pulled from their mouths and melted down for the war effort. Women cried when they saw the gas chambers, the ovens, the skeletons of babies and children.


Today, Americans gape at their computer screens as they read about the snipped spinal cords, the babies struggling to escape from toilets, the fetuses stored in cat food, the butchered women, the racism, the filthiness, and the absurd and somehow disturbing image of a dirty cat strolling through the carnage, watching with its lazy cat eyes as women writhed in blood-stained recliners…


Gosnell’s so-called “house of horrors” is the logical end result of declaring a class of humans inhuman. It is what happens when naive women are told, without a trace of irony, that death leads to freedom: that killing their unborn children will rescue them, help them, free them.


4.26.13 – “Meet Semika Shaw: The Other Woman Kermit Gosnell Killed in an Abortion” – by Dave Andursko, -


If you hadn’t read the Grand Jury report (and kept up with the coverage in NRL News Today), you wouldn’t know that the Grand Jury that excoriated Gosnell and the Health Bureaucracy in Pennsylvania wrote extensively about another woman who died at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society.


Yesterday and today we ran excerpts from the Grand Jury’s report that deal with the death of 22-year-old Semika Shaw. “On October 9, 2002, the Professional Underwriters Liability Insurance Company reported to the State Board of Medicine that it had paid a $400,000 settlement to the family of Semika Shaw, the 22-year-old mother of two who died following an abortion procedure at Gosnell’s clinic in March 2000.” More specifically, she “died from infection and sepsis two days after Gosnell perforated her uterus and cervix during an abortion procedure,” according to the report. “


4.26.13 – “Six Degrees of Kermit Gosnell: Links to Planned Parenthood, Obama” – by Dave Ardursko, --


“The physical layout of the clinic, a confusing maze of narrow hallways and multiple twisting stairways, should have been an obvious bar to its use for surgical procedures. The three-story structure, created by joining two buildings, had no elevator. Access from procedure rooms to the outside by wheelchair or stretcher was impossible, as was evident the night Karnamaya Mongar died.  According to former staff members, the facility had been substantially cleaned up by the time the Grand Jury visited it. Between late February 2010, when the practice was closed, and our tour of the clinic in August, significant efforts had been made to make the facility look and smell cleaner.”


“Despite such efforts, it remained a wretched, filthy space. The walls appeared to be urine-splattered. The procedure tables were old and one had a ripped plastic cover. Suction tubing, which was used for abortion procedures – and doubled as the only available suction source for resuscitation – was corroded. A large, dirty fish tank stood in the waiting room, filled with turtles and fish. The dirt-floored basement was stuffed with patient files, plants, junk, and boxes of un-disposed-of medical waste. The entire facility smelled foul.



4.26.13  -- “The Truth About Kermit Gosnell the Media Won’t Tell You” – by Chuck Donovan, --



Moreover, lawlessness – and not a set of pro-life laws – is what gave birth to Gosnell’s crimes, and that spirit of lawlessness, of no limits and no scruples, dates back to the period before Roe. v. Wade.


Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner has laid out in detail how Gosnell vaulted into public view in 1972 through his involvement in another gruesome episode, the “Mother’s Day Massacre.”


In full view of public television cameras, Gosnell brought 15 poor Chicago women to Philadelphia to undergo second-trimester abortions induced by inserting a mass of razor-sharp plastic coils into their wombs.


The so-called “super coil” method was the invention of Harvey Karman, an ex-con with a diploma-mill Ph.D., who was a darling of International Planned Parenthood.


That Gosnell was able to participate in a highly publicized event that left nine of its 15 “subjects” with major medical complications and suffer no penalty was a harbinger of the path he would take over four decades.


The Gosnell trial is a stark reminder of another fact. The women who entered the infernal portal of 3801 Lancaster Ave. suffered from an array of debilities, chief among them the absence of hope.


In a sex-saturated society availed of an arsenal of pregnancy-preventing and –destroying drugs, devices and, yes, abortion clinics, they turned to a facility that should have shocked and repelled them from the moment they saw its battered and blood-stained


1.20.11 – Obama Opposed Bill To Ban Grisly, Philadelphia-Style Abortions” – The Right’s Writer --


“Police arrested Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell earlier this week and charged him with eight counts of murder. Seven are for practicing illegal abortions in which he allowed viable babies to be born, then cut them open with scissors outside the womb — an action a clinic worker stated Gosnell performed “hundreds” of times.



The last was for the death of a 41-year-old refugee from Nepal, Karnamaya Mongar, who received an overdose of Demerol during an abortion in Gosnell’s unsanitary clinic, the ironically named Women’s Medical Society. Although abortion is legal, Gosnell stands accused of violating the federal Born-Alive Infant Protection Act, which forbids children to be murdered after they have been extracted from the birth canal.



…Gosnell joked, “that’s what you call a chicken with its head cut off.” He enjoyed cutting off babies’ feet and keeping them in jars on the premises. Other aborted body parts, or whole babies, could be found in jars and cat food containers.



This method of abortion was legal until 2002, when President George W. Bush signed the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA). Barack Obama’s opposition to a similar bill in the Illinois State Senate is perhaps the most shameful mark in his career.



…When given the opportunity to vote for a measure that would ban this grisly practice in the state of Illinois, then-State Senator Barack Obama voted no…



As a state senator in Springfield, Barack Obama opposed the Illinois version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in 2001, 2002, and 2003...





4.26.13 – “Did Obama ‘Endorse’ Kermit Gosnell in Planned Parenthood Speech?” – by Steven Ertelt, --


“President Obama touts Planned Parenthood as a trusted friend and health care provider to women and girls, but this could not be further from the truth.  Planned Parenthood last week admitted to knowing about the conditions inside Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia clinic yet chose not to act to help end the killing of newborn babies and butchering of women...


“It seems that nothing – not even eyewitness accounts of Gosnell-style conditions in their own clinics – is enough to make President Obama reconsider his unyielding support for Planned Parenthood, which in a single year performed more than 333,000 abortions and received half a billion dollars in taxpayer money. It is no wonder that in introducing him, the first thing Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards did was to lavish praise on President Obama for supporting the abortion giant to the point of willingness to shut down the entire government during the continuing resolutions battle.”


…On April 18, the Philadelphia Daily News reported that Planned Parenthood knew about the conditions in Gosnell’s clinic, yet did not contact the police or elected officials.




4.26.13 – “Sarah Palin: Women Don’t Need Abortion, Obama or Planned Parenthood” – by Steven Ertelt, --


He’s the first sitting president to speak to them, but then again he’s also the first president who is so radically pro-abortion that as a state senator he refused three times to vote in favor of legislation that would simply provide medical attention to babies born alive from botched abortions.


Considering the role Planned Parenthood has played in looking the other way while the mass murdering abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell butchered babies born alive from his horrific infanticide procedures and abused his women patients, it’s perhaps not surprising that this same president sees nothing wrong with allowing his name to be so openly associated with this organization.



4.26.13 – “Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned Parenthood Speech” --


President Barack Obama gave a speech to the Planned Parenthood abortion business today in which he ignored the national attention-getting murder trial of abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell.


…The president never mentioned the word abortion in the speech despite the fact that planned Parenthood is the number one abortion business in the country.


The most recent report released by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) shows the abortion giant did a record 333,964 abortions on unborn children during the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Those abortions were estimated to have generated $150 million dollars for the “nonprofit” organization.


Obama mentioned a woman from Chicago who received services at Planned Parenthood but made no mention of Tonya Reaves, a Chicago woman Planned Parenthood killed in a botched abortion.


Marjorie Dannenfeiser, president of the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List, commented on Obama’s forthcoming speech…“Planned Parenthood last week admitted to knowing about the horrors going on inside Kermit Gosnell’s squalid Philadelphia clinic, but chose not to exercise its position as the leader in the abortion industry to put an end to the butchering of women and children,”


4.26.13 – “Obama to Planned Parenthood Abortion Bizz: ‘God Bless you’” – by Steven Ertelt, --


“As long as we’ve got to fight to make sure women have access to quality, affordable health care, and as long as we’ve got to fight to protect a woman’s right to make her own choices about her own health, I want you to know that you’ve also got a president who’s going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way,” said Obama. “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.”


4.28.13 –   Abortion clinic suggests flushing baby down the toilet if born alive  -- A woman who is 23 weeks along in her pregnancy goes to Dr. Emily’s Women’s Health Center in Bronx, New York.  Here is what happened:


“Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late Term Abortion Industry”



Other undercover abortion videos are also posted at:



Donna Garner