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Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in Del Marsh (2)


Elois Zeanah Respond to Tommy Bice About Common Core--Stubborn Facts

February 22, 2014
COMMENTARY:  Response to “The Stubborn facts regarding Common Core” by Alabama Superintendent of Education Tommy Bice

“Yes, Dr. Bice, If you like your doctor and your health insurance, you can keep them.”  Your promise that Alabama can  maintain full “state control of our public education system” is right up there with this promise.  Alabama has signed agreements with the federal government to implement Common Core K-12 education standards one hundred percent as written.  Common Core is a one-size-fits-all national standards for K-12 that will be compulsory and will replace existing state standards for curricula, textbooks, testing, teacher instruction, teacher evaluation, and assessments.  Despite your careful parsing and clever spins, these are “stubborn facts.”  But facts didn’t matter from the beginning when the state board of education agreed to adopt Common Core to replace Alabama’s tradition educational standards without public debate.   

Like ObamaCare, neither you nor the state board of education knew what would be in the Common Core curriculum when you rushed to sign up when the federal government dangled billions of dollars to states who would sign on to Race to the Top to usher in revolutionary education reform, which was not written, untested and unresearched, and would be used by the Obama Administration as official education policy.  You obligated parents, teachers, and legislators (who have final authority over public education) without their approval and took away parental and states rights.  Neither you nor the state board of education had that constitutional right.
 This is a “stubborn fact” that you ignore. 

 The Application of Race to the Top and Waivers to No Child Left Behind Mandated the Implementation of Common Core

While it’s a “fact” that Alabama was not awarded Race to the Top grants, Alabama applied and was refused twice but nevertheless Alabama had to agree to adopt and implement one hundred percent the Common Core Standards, not yet written, whether or not Alabama received the federal bait.  The same was true to get the Obama Administration to grant Alabama a waiver to No Child Left Behind.  Yet you continually omit these “stubborn facts.”

 Common Core is Copyright and Cannot be Changed by States

You also never mention who owns the copyright to the Common Core Standards.  You should since you are a member of one of those two private organizations, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), which has partnered with the National Governors Association (NGA).  The writing and marketing of the Common Core standards, written without transparency and without legislative authority, were written under the auspices of these two lobbying organizations.  Both organizations have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government and Gates Corporation to convince states to approve national, one-size-fits-all K-12 education standards.  Changes to Common Core can only be made by the copyright holders.  Importantly, the copyright that your organization  holds includes a disclaimer that the organization cannot be held liable or accountable for any harm that might come to our students from the implementation of the standards.

Children’s Privacy is Breached

Parents are spooked that changes have been made to the FERPA law that allows the collection of confidential student data and its storage in a giant database online, which will be shared by federal agencies and private parties.  Such sharing  (illegal until the Obama Administration changed the FERPA law, again bypassing Congress and without a whisper of alarm from Dr. Bice about this presidential abuse of power and how it would remove protection from our students.)  As exposed by crack investigative journalist Stephanie Simon and stated by Diane Ravitch, a former Reagan education cabinet member, now, our children’s and grandchildren’s “personal and confidential data will be sold or given to entrepreneurs for marketing purposes” such as to the Gates Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, CompassLearning, Pearson, and others.  Instead of blindly and silently giving into the lawlessness of the Obama Administration, and working with big business to boost their profits at the expense of our children’s privacy and safety, the Alabama state board of education should be shouting from the rooftops about how FERPA endangers our children.

Dr. Bice also ignores the fact that Common Core textbooks and suggested reading materials that teach that: (1) “Government is like a nation’s family because it sets rules and takes care of needs such as health care and education.  So says a worksheet for social studies homework … complete with a drawing of Uncle Sam cradling a baby that represents the citizens.” (2) Some textbooks and related materials include porn, incest, profanity, promiscuity and encourage having children out of wedlock, writings that condemn Christianity, capitalism, and praise Castro and communism.

 Does Alabama Want to Help President Obama use Education to Fulfill his “Battle for Social Justice?”

President Obama’s Secretary of Education has characterized Common Core as a “revolution” to help in the “battle for social justice”.  Why should Dr. Bice, the state board of education, and the Alabama legislature play any part in embracing Common Core and be used to fulfill a socialist fantasy so against Alabama values and in violation of the Tenth Amendment?

 The only way to stop this travesty, and to restore parental and states’ rights over local education is to replace incumbents who support Common Core and convince Alabama legislators to repeal Common Core before it, like ObamaCare, is embedded.

Elois Zeanah
Immediate Past President, Alabama Federation of Republican Women,


(Note of thank to Elois Zeanah--we can never give words to how grateful we are for her stand in defending America's children.  May the LORD shine his face upon you, Mrs. Elois!)




Open Letter To Governor Bentley and Legislators--Get Rid of Common Core--Remember Moses Plea To Pharaoh--Today We Say Let Our Children Go


Ask each how can he trust Tommy Bice in light of the "ruse" played on parents of Alabama.  Can everyone send a fax to Governor Bentley--(334) 353-0004--Kindly Ask Him To Help Get Rid Of Common Core!  Each Day A Child Is Mentally Abused.


Legislators contact info:

House of Representative:


Dear Governor Bentley, Del Marsh and Mike Hubbard and other Legislators that are Pro-Common Core:

What Happens When Trust Is Lost? 

What happens to the so-called friend (Governor, Legislators) that's near you and allows your children to get hurt?  This is what Alabama parents and really many parents across the country are having to decide.  The fate of their children lies in who will help them change the education system.

Common Core Standards, which now many people know-- take away parental authority in education.  Local school boards are now just rubber stamps with someone out of state controlling the standards.  State School Boards signed away that authority for federal money.

Voters are watching current state leaders which appear to be willing under the disguise of improving the future work population married with agendas--(something in the order of dear old Russia--just more techie).

And they don't blink an eye in throwing parents (and their parental authority) "under the bus."

Citizens are asking governors such as Governor Bentley in Alabama and their legislature, to let the children get out of these untested, unproven, state budget-robbing Common Core standards that are very detrimental.

Please don't ignore the parents--like Pharaoh ignoring the cries of the children of Israel.  Common Core is like poison, as Prof Sandra Stotsky (invited by CC folks to validate Common Core and she said NO) said, no matter how expensive the poison supply, it must be stopped.


Respectfully yours,

Registered Voter


 Thank God for all the Conferences/Discussions about Common Core--people are taking notice and truth is being unleashed.  This picture is of 1-18-2014 Conference in Dotha, Al.


Why are parents so angry about Common Core?

  • It has taken the joy out of learning, replaced with anxiety and tears.  Sooner or later the child figures out that he/she is no longer important.  It is the test that's important.
  • It has taken the joy out of teaching as now many teachers are leaving the profession unable to bear what they see happening to the children they love.
  • Children are treated as guinea pigs by developers (Bill Ayers and Linda Darling Hammond for example) to see how to best influence the future mindset of our children--calling the killers of hard-working Americans on 9/11 as "Freedom Fighters".  They use every method available and with today's technology--there are plenty of ways to gather data subtly or not to help develop approaches and/or means to influence.
  • Troubling negative mindset of the developers that they would tout the Bluest Eye as a National Example of what they consider as "good reading" for children.
  • Developers not heeding the warnings of Mental Health experts and therefore many of the teachings are very confusing, manipulative and destructive as it did not follow the best approach to develop the minds of children.
  • "Education Goldmine" has clouded the thinking of many decent people to sell out the children in lieu of perceived profits and/or power.
  • Most importantly, parents which used to be the most important part of education are now ignored and have no recourse for problems they are seeing with their most precious children who are living the nightmare results of the so-called rigorous Common Core standards.

In Alabama for Governor Bentley and the Legislature to leave the fate of Common Core to the leadership of Tommy Bice the Superintendent of Ed, is like watching a crime --when you have something you can do about it.   Stephanie Bell and Betty Peters, our two board members proven to expose corruption, have clearly pointed out the "ruse" that was performed by Tommy Bice Nov 14, 2013 (as if we no longer were under Common Core).

Tommy Bice rescinded the Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) with the owners of CC--when he already knew there was a legal memorandum in Feb 2013 that told him the MOA was no good and that it was superseded by Alabama College and Career-Ready Standards.

However, Governor Bentley, Del Marsh, Mike Hubbard--we are still able to read and comprehend truths (something Common Core may destroy in future generations.) 

And we hope you will take the time to read the definition (which contains the National Standards aka Common Core) because as more parents find out about the ruse--there will be no going back and one way or another we will with God's help set the children free. 

As one mental health expert have said a generation that can think independently is free.  The bottom line should not be making the best workers for companies but "freedom loving people that think independently".  Surely you want that for your children as well...

See the documents links for yourself--here for MOA and here for Alabama College and Career-Ready Standards definition.


Here are to do list for those wishing to get rid of Common Core:


Ask each how can he trust Tommy Bice in light of the above info about the "ruse" he played on parents of Alabama.



Call, fax, email, write letters to governors, legislators, local and State School Boards.

Needd you to shine the light on truths--make it to be a daily task to do something to either call, fax, email one or more and preferrably make it a daily job to help melt the phone lines of these people.  Too many have forgotten they are there for WE THE PEOPLE--it is time they understand.  

Attend conferences that share truth as truth is so powerful it can set a nation free.

Of course please give this to God in prayer daily.

And let's do it the way George Washington did at the start of this nation--get on our knees.  May an awesome-loving God, forgive us and heal our land and send like he did in the time of Moses---DELIVERANCE.  As more parents see the mental health trauma of these rigorous standards--the more we will grow and Stop Common Core.  May God bless you and your family.

Governor Bentley Contact info:
Telephone Numbers
Switchboard 334.242.7100
Fax 334.353.0004  for email
Tips on contacting Senate.  They are in their districts on Mon and Fridays but in Montgomery Tues-Thurs.  You can call (334) 242-7800 to be transferred or call their individual numbers listed below as each Senator has a secretary that can take a message to the committee member--Tues or Thurs.  If you call Wednesday--they are in committee meetings you may also call the committee clerk and give her a message.  Clerk--Micheele O'Connor (334) 242-7896.
   Please pass on information

    Tips on contacting House.  They are in their districts on Mon and Fridays and in Montgomery Tues-Thurs.  You can call and leave a message at (334) 242-7600 and tell who answers you would like to give a message to the committee member--this is a great way as they will get that message to the member if you are calling them on Tues or Thurs.  If you call Wednesday--they are in committee meetings so call the committee clerk and give her a message. Committee Clerk: Karen Reeves (334) 242-7251
Below are contact info--some maybe changed as this is what they gave out last year:
Phone Numbers and Emails of Legislators:




Phone Numbers for Alabama Senate

KAY IVEY     Lieutenant Governor
DEL MARSH     President Pro Tempore
D. PATRICK HARRIS     Secretary

Senator     Party     District     Room #     Office Phone
ALLEN, Gerald     (R)     21     729     334-242-7889
BEASLEY, Billy     (D)     28     737     334-242-7868
BEASON, Scott     (R)     17     726     334-242-7794
BEDFORD, Roger     (D)     6     738     334-242-7862
BLACKWELL, Slade     (R)     15     733     334-242-7851
BREWBAKER, Dick     (R)     25     734     334-242-7895
BUSSMAN, Paul     (R)     4     729     334-242-7855
COLEMAN, Linda     (D)     20     735     334-242-7864
DIAL, Gerald     (R)     13     732     334-242-7874
DUNN, Priscilla     (D)     19     737     334-242-7793
FIELDING, Jerry     (R)     11     735     334-242-7898
FIGURES, Vivian Davis     (D)     33     736     334-242-7871
GLOVER, Rusty     (R)     34     721     334-242-7886
HOLLEY, Jimmy     (R)     31     732     334-242-7845
HOLTZCLAW, Bill     (R)     2     731     334-242-7854
IRONS, Tammy     (D)     1     737     334-242-7888
KEAHEY, Marc     (D)     22     738     334-242-7843
MARSH, Del     (R)     12     722      334-242-7877
McGILL, Shadrack     (R)     8     731     334-242-7858
ORR, Arthur     (R)     3     730     334-242-7891
PITTMAN, Trip     (R)     32     730     334-242-7897
REED, Greg     (R)     5     734     334-242-7894
ROSS, Quinton T., Jr.     (D)     26     735     334-242-7880
SANDERS, Hank     (D)     23     736     334-242-7860
SANFORD, Paul     (R)     7     731     334-242-7867
SCOFIELD, Clay     (R)     9     731     334-242-7876
SINGLETON, Bobby     (D)     24     735     334-242-7935
SMITH, Harri Anne     (I)     29     740     334-242-7879
SMITHERMAN, Rodger     (D)     18     737     334-242-7870
TAYLOR, Bryan     (R)     30     733     334-242-7883
WAGGONER, J. T. "Jabo"     (R)     16     726     334-242-7892
WARD, Cam     (R)     14     719     334-242-7873
WHATLEY, Tom     (R)     27     733     334-242-7865
WILLIAMS, Phil     (R)     10     733     334-242-7857



Phone Numbers for Alabama House of Representatives

Please note prefix for all their phone numbers is area code 334


Alan Baker     Baldwin & Escambia     242-7720
Mike Ball     Madison     242-7683
Jim Barton     Mobile     242-7662
Richard Baughn     Tuscaloosa, Walker, & Winston     242-7593
Paul Beckman     Autauga & Elmore     242-7662
Alan Boothe     Dale & Pike     242-7710
DuWayne Bridges     Chambers & Lee     242-7708
K.L. Brown     Calhoun     242-1778
Mack Butler     Etowah & St. Clair     242-7446
Mac Buttram     Cullman     242-7775
Jim Carns     Jefferson & Shelby     242-7600
Donnie Chesteen     Geneva & Houston     242-7742
Steve Clouse     Dale & Houston     242-7717
Terri Collins     Morgan     242-7693
Randy Davis     Baldwin & Mobile     242-7724
Paul DeMarco     Jefferson     242-7667
Dickie Drake     St. Clair & Jefferson     242-7727
Allen Farley     Jefferson     242-7767
Joe Faust     Baldwin     242-7699
Chad Fincher     Mobile     242-7778
Victor Gaston     Mobile     242-7664
Lynn Greer     Lauderdale     242-7576
Micky Hammon     Limestone & Morgan     242-7709
Alan Harper     Pickens & Tuscaloosa     242-7732
Ed Henry     Cullman & Morgan     242-7736
Mike Hill     Shelby     242-7715
Mike Hubbard     Lee     242-7668
Jamie Ison     Mobile     242-7711
Ken Johnson     Lawrence & Winston     242-7754
Ron Johnson     Coosa & Talladega     242-7777
Wayne Johnson     Jackson & Madison     242-7492
Mike Jones, Jr.     Covington & Escambia     242-7739
Paul Lee     Houston     242-7675
Wes Long     Marshall     242-7511
Jay Love     Montgomery     242-7716
Barry Mask     Coosa & Elmore     242-7782
Jim McClendon     St. Clair & Shelby     242-7768
Mary Sue McClurkin     Jefferson & Shelby     242-7682
Mac McCutcheon     Limsetone & Madison     242-7705
Steve McMillan     Baldwin     242-7723
John Merrill     Tuscaloosa     242-7554
Barry Moore     Coffe     242-7773
Becky Nordgren     Dekalb & Etowah     353-9032
Jim Patterson     Madison     242-7531
Bill Poole     Tuscaloosa     242-7691
Kerry Rich      DeKalb & Marshall     242-7538
Bill Roberts     Walker     242-7694
Howard Sanderford     Madison     242-4368
David Sessions     Mobile     242-0947
Harry Shiver     Baldwin, Conecuh, Escambia, & Monroe     242-7745
David Standridge     Blount & Jefferson     242-7475
Allen Treadaway     Jefferson     242-7685
Mark Tuggle     Lee & Tallapoosa     242-7219
Lesley Vance     Lee & Russell     242-7687
Kurt Wallace     Chilton & Shelby     242-7772
April Weaver     Bibb & Shleby     242-7731
Dan Williams     Limestone     242-7741
Jack Williams     Jefferson     242-7779
Phil Williams     Madison     242-7704
Randy Wood     Calhoun & St. Clair     242-7700
Greg Wren     Montgomery & Elmore     242-7764