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Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

« Let's Not Forget Who Wants To Change The Future of Americans Through Education | Main | Independents and Santorum Have in Common-Distrust of Obamacare »

Santorum Has A Passion For Leading Us Into A Better America

"Santorum Led the Fight To Get Rid of Heinous Procedure”

by Donna Garner



A partial birth abortion occurs in the second or third trimester and involves the physician inducing the woman to have a breech delivery with forceps, delivering the legs, arms, and torso only.  Then the baby's skull is punctured with scissors and a catheter is inserted into the skull. The baby's brain tissue is sucked out; and when completed, the baby's remains are discarded. 

It was Senator Rick Santorum who was the sponsor of S.3 called the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 --

It was Santorum who brought this heinous procedure to a halt in the United States. Because of the gruesomeness of this procedure, a Gallup poll in 2003 found that 70% of the respondents favored a ban on partial-birth abortion. 

The ban on Partial Birth Abortion was enacted on Nov. 5, 2003 and upheld to be Constitutional by the U. S. Supreme Court in 2007. 


Santorum's Act prohibits partial-birth abortion, and any physician who performs such an abortion and kills a human fetus shall be fined and/or or imprisoned (for not more than two years).  


Please watch Senator Santorum as he passionately argued on the floor of the Senate in 2003 for passage of his bill to ban partial-birth abortion:



On 1.23.12, the Wall Street Journal published an article entitled "My Fight for Life" by Rick Santorum --


Following are excerpts from that article:

…We don't judge hearts but we do judge records. President Obama's record of support for abortion is radical and extreme. He stood alone not to defend life but to oppose the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in the Illinois State Senate. He opposed ending the horrific procedure of partial-birth abortion. He supported federal funds for abortion through ObamaCare and told Catholic Charities that there was no room in the inn if they wanted to help women abused by sex traffickers and be pro-life at the same time.


...Ron Paul embraces the 10th Amendment but ignores the 14th Amendment when he refuses to support federal protections for the unborn. The Constitution protects not only property rights but people, too. What is liberty without the right to life?


...Mitt Romney's passion for life was apparently overwhelmed by Democrats when he put Planned Parenthood on the advisory board for RomneyCare and did not fight government-funded abortions while governor of Massachusetts. He was, it seems, too intimidated to support judges who understood the plain meaning of the Constitution on the right to life.


Newt Gingrich has pushed social issues to the back bench. In a pledge to America that the Congress tried to put together in 2010, my phone was ringing off the hook from people who said he went in and told them to keep social issues out of the pledge for the 2010 elections. Do we want a president who talks on both sides or one who is unafraid to put social issues in the forefront where they belong? ...


Following are excerpts dated 12.5.03 from William J. Murray, Chairman of  Religious Freedom Coalition.  In this article, Murray described Santorum's life experiences that brought him to author and pass the Partial Birth Abortion legislation:


Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) is Catholic but by his own admission never mentioned the word abortion on the floor of the House while he was a Congressman. He began his service in the Senate in 1995 and for that first year was not active on any social conservative issues and once again by his own admission never mentioned the word abortion on the floor of the Senate. In 1996 something happened to Rick Santorum.

He was on the floor of the Senate when then Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) brought out a chart and described the partial birth abortion procedure. Rick Santorum was horrified by the knowledge that something like this could be happening regularly in the United States. He turned to God and asked for direction. By the end of the year he was the floor manager of the bill and the most outspoken member of the Senate against partial birth abortion. God had touched his heart.

Rick and his wife Karen have seven healthy children but during the eight-year battle to eliminate partial birth abortion, tragedy struck their family. During one of Karen's pregnancies they were given the bad news that their child, a boy, had a posterior urethral valve and would not survive. They did not seek an abortion, but rather had extreme "in womb" surgery performed to save the boy's life. The surgery was successful but Karen's womb became inflamed and the boy, Gabriel, was born prematurely. Their son lived just two hours as they took turns holding him.

In the middle of the fight to save children from the abortionist's knife Rick and Karen Santorum tried to save the life of a son many would have simply aborted. Rather than treating him like so much tissue, they gave him a name.

This tragedy did not dent the faith of Rick Santorum and his wife Karen. And more than that, it led to peace for others. While pregnant with each of her children, Karen Santorum had written letters to the baby she was carrying.

There was no exception with little Gabriel. When Garbiel died, Karen showed the letters to her mother who had once lost a child to SIDS. Her mother was so touched by the letters that they gave her comfort in a loss she had felt for nearly fifty years, and she insisted that Karen publish the letters to help others. The letters appeared in a book titled Letters to Gabriel and helped many who had lost a child.

Rick Santorum went on to fight the battle for the Partial Birth Abortion Ban and stood behind the President on stage as the ban was signed into law on November 5, 2003.

I was there, I saw the tears in Senator Santorum’s eyes. He was wearing a small angel pin on his lapel that day, the same one he always wears. He will tell you, if you ask, that the pin reminds him of his angel Gabriel in Heaven.

...Why is Senator Santorum so passionate about his pro-life stance? During the battle against partial birth abortion he grew closer to God. At some point he asked God to direct him. He recalls talking for nearly 90 minutes at the end of one debate, much to the dismay of so many Senators who wanted to go home late at night. He felt called by God to talk just a little longer against abortion.

The next day his speech had not changed the vote at all, but he did receive an e-mail from a college girl in his home state who had watched his speech on television and as a result had decided not to keep her appointment with an abortionist the next day....



Rick Santorum: Prolife Candidate for America:


Santorum: Man of Faith:


Donna Garner



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