Spending Like Drunken Sailors
Sunday, July 19, 2009 at 07:42PM
City On A Hill

Thewild spending spree of our hard-earned money by Barack and Michelle Obamais like nothing ever seen before in the history of the United States of America! They’ve beenfeverishly travelingall over the world on our “dime”, flying to New York for an eveningat the theatre,shopping jaunts for Michelle and the girls for fashions in Paris and London,an extravagant tour of Russia. How very different from other U.S. Presidents who repected the American people and considered tax revenues for public use, not personal profit. When George Washington was appointed Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, he refused a salary and kept a careful account of expenses for the7 years of the war which amounted to $8,000. In the 19th century Andrew Jackson left the White House a poor man, ruined by his lavish hospitality and charity, by the neglect of private business for public duty. But he did leave the U.S. Treasury richer than he found it.From the time Herbert Hooverorganized the Belgian Relief Effort, servedas U.S.CommerceSecretary andasPresident of the United States, he never kept a dollar in remuneration but paid his expenses out of his own pocket. Hoover tookhis salary and distributed it in full to raise the incomes of aides who needed it or to pay for expert personnel not provided by Congress. Money from writing or speaking went to private and public charities. George Washington, AndyJackson, and Herbert Hoover areonly a few of our many honorable Christian presidents who refused topersonally profit or be enriched in any wayfrompublic money. TheObamasact likeour public treasury is theirs toplunderfor theirexpensive personal pleasures.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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