the United States of America?
Sunday, July 19, 2009 at 02:05AM
City On A Hill

About 30 unelected, unaccountable, inaccessible despots, rulers, autocrats of the Obama regimehave been givenpower and authority overvast areas ofourcountry by Barack Obama, with a power hedoes not legally possess. He calls them czars, which means emperors, despots, rulers, autocrats,according to Webster’s dictionary.Czar is short for Caesar, who became so very, very powerful in ancient Rome that he was subject to no one. Interesting choice of titles for administative assistants in the Executive branch. What is going on? What is happening in this country? It’s being taken overby forces not authorized by the Constitution.America is rapidly beingchanged beyond recognition. This is not compatible with freedom. It’s unAmerican.America has always been about freedom, opportunity and hope. Czars don’t belong here. It’s up to us who love freedomto stand up for what is right.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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