Blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord
Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 04:43PM
City On A Hill

Our wise founding fathers carefully designed a plan for Americans to hold on to the freedom they won for us, and that magnificent plan is called the United States Constitution. They wanted this country to become a land of hope and opportunity. They recognized the Biblical truth that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139) by our Creator in His own image and likeness, with great abilities and talents to be used to glorify God.  With Him, in Him, and through Him, we are able to grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom to create from the resources God has placed here for us. We can produce works of beauty and wonder in art, music, literature, drama, architecture and helpful inventions. We can explore and discover the secrets of the earth and the universe, as God allows. So to "promote the Progress of Science and useful arts," the plan for freedom gave "authors and inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." (Article I, Section 8)They can produce, prosper and profit from their intellectual property and create wealth and jobs for themselves and others. The founders established government to protect their right to do so. The result of this constitutional provision is shown in the Inventors Hall of Fame where over 90% of those honored are Americans or have done their work in America. This protection by law has resulted in the highest standard of living for the greatest number of people the world has ever known. All people are created by God, for God, and have the potential for great achievements. I thank God our founders recognized this Biblical truth and designed a government policy based upon it. We're still benefiting from that decision over 200 years later.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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