Friday, October 9, 2009 at 12:34AM
City On A Hill

Jesus said, “Temptations (that is, snares, traps set to entice to sin) are sure to come; but woe to him by or through whom they come! It would be more profitable for him of a millstone were hung around his neck and he were hurled into the sea, than that he should cause to sin or be a snare to one of these little ones.” Luke 17:1&2 Amplified)
For over 300 years teaching in America’s public schools directed our American youth from Biblical truths to all of life. The schools were seen as an extension of the parents, in the stead of the parents, continuing in and reinforcing the morals and values of the home and church.
The Ten Commandments were posted for all eyes to see, for all hearts and minds to be instructed by God’s Law so that everyone would learn right from wrong. American children were consistently inspired in all instruction, verbal and written, to be noble, virtuous, pure, and clean in mind, body, and actions. They were pointed the right way, in the right direction to God. God’s moral law was the authority from the very beginning until 1962. In 1962, man became the highest authority in the United States, and “trumped” God.
From 1962 the federal courts, without any jurisdiction over education, took over education and the entire country became a reeducation camp with no “God” allowed. The federal courts, manned with anti-Christian humanists, struck down prayer in schools, although certainly no law had been broken by praying teachers and students for over 300 years in this country. Since the judges got away with that without being impeached and removed from office, they stopped Bible reading, followed by stripping the classroom walls of the Ten Commandments. Their order said that seeing the Ten Commandments might cause some children to read, meditate, and perhaps even obey them, and that would not be permissible! It wouldn’t do for them to read and obey God’s rules, “Thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not steal,” etc., thus saith a court of black-robed, black-hearted judges. Congress cooperated by not impeaching them and Christians contributed by not
demanding their removal.
The judges also decreed that excruciating torture and murder of children is legal when it takes place within the nurturing womb. Fifty million children were burned and mutilated to death without any pain-numbing anesthetic . The government has laws that forbid cruelties to animals, but not to children in the womb.
Thus the radical change in student instruction began snow-balling into an avalanche of filth bombarding our children. Whereas once Holy Matrimony was sought and taught as the basic building block of every good society, with children nurtured best in a home with a father and a mother, now it’s almost illegal to portray an ideal family environment. Now it’s Heather Has Two Mommies and Daddy’s Roommate. It’s silent day in the high schools where no one speaks to show how voiceless the homosexuals are in our “unfair” society. In other words, children are now being pointed away from God and driven away from His laws.. Children are encouraged to explore sinful lifestyles . It’s Gay Pride month in June as proclaimed by the National Education Association’s favored president, Barack Obama. It’s now Gay and Lesbian coming out month in October. Obama’s “Safe” Schools czar Kevin Jennings is a homosexual with a dark history of
homosexual activism in the public schools. He’s aggressively promoting homosexuality as “normal” to kindergarteners through the 12th grades. Jennings says he want it to be celebrated. It looks like he’s trying to make the schools safe for homosexual predators, not safe for children.
In our schools today, children are being denied prayer, Bible reading and the knowledge of God’s moral law, which makes for moral people. Now they’re aggressively pushing corrupting influences upon impressionable young minds and hearts. It looks as if our schools are putting a big stumbling block between our children and Jesus. We are even forced to pay for the schools which are causing our children to stumble. Who will help the children? We’d better not sit this one out. “Woe to him by or through whom temptations come…”

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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