Prayer Requests For The Harvest Is Ripe--Praying For Workers Of The Harvest To Join Us And The Great Awakening...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 10:14PM
City On A Hill in brainwashing, common core standards, fethullah gulen, great awakeming, indoctrination, islamization of schools, palestinian statehood, socialism, un and israel

Here are some of the things I fervently request that you and others would lift before the Lord in your prayer time:

1. The destruction in the minds of many looking wistfully at socialism as the solution for this nation --as one who is currently living in it pointed out--America has a been a block but...Link to his interview:

2. Please pray about the national take-over of education. It will take away the parental input through local school boards to affect what is being taught our children as Washington will order what will be taught our children. We've had so many interviews on this explaining its beginning that I can not help but shake our head at the State Board Members (exception are Betty Peters and Stephanie Bell) that thinks this will be so great for our kids that it is worth sacrificing parents constitutional (God-given) authority over the children. Link for info on this:

Also be sure to tune in to more interviews such as one Wed with Al Eagle Forum's Eunie Smith and Donna Garner.-1:30 pm ct live streaming and podcast on

3. The Islamization going on in many charter schools unfortunately because citizenship requirements were not put in charter school bills and Fethullah Gulen (who is behind the anti-American mindset that now controls Turkey) has taken advantage of it that many such schools are now across America.

4. Please pray for the Awakening of the Church--here's a link from interview with Pastor Cary Gordon of Iowa (incredible man of God)--I believe God is using him to shine the message in our country and abroad (you'll hear a lady from Holland call in at the end). Link:

We must stand in the gap and share the truth as many innocent children's minds are being manipulated and corroded with evil by the enemy.

--And with UNESCO making way for Palestinian statehood--please let's remember to lift Israel and also this nation's leaders as these are very precarious times. Your prayers are very much needed--please ask others to join in prayer. May God bless you and your family, alway.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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