9-19-10 Prayer Requests
Sunday, September 19, 2010 at 08:06PM
City On A Hill

Lord, please help the parents, grandparents, teachers, administrators, everyone who cares about America and the future of the children to wake up on the truths about the common core states standards and the UN Treaty on the Rights of a Child and to make a difference.  Please help them to learn about this issue through your eyes and the wisdom and heart to defend like the founders did who had an "awe" of you--may that be rekindled in America today.  Please help them to contact their governors, their state board of ed, politicians to see that this is not the right way to improve education.  Help those with children fight for their right over their children's education.  Help those not involved in politics to wake up and get involved and help turn this nation back to the way the founding fathers intent--One  nation under God.  May they remember as the founders did God's way is the best way.


Lord, please help us to stand against those who would take away the ability of our military to fight mightily with strength and unity.  Please do not let those with an agenda in trying to push the undoing of the don't ask don't tell to win.  As you have said Lord "not by power nor by might but by thy Spirit".  As America is being weakened, let us remember where our help comes from (as interview with John Bernard who lost his son reminds us--see this link)and it is from you.  And as always we ask in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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