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Lifting Each Other in Prayer with Ms. Margaret
Remembering 9/11 in'09
Fresh Hope, the ministry of Susan Sieweke, D.Min.

For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Our Children Our Future
What If A Nation Prayed

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Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield


Jews and Gentiles

By Dan’El Fraley


       What is a Jew and what is a Christian? There are alot of stereotype definitions for both of these terms. “A Jew practices a form of religion called Judaism” or “is one born to a Jewish mother.”  “A Christian is a “gentile”, whether he is Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc.” These definitions are all valid, but are incomplete. To understand the Jew and Christian, one must go to the scriptures and find the origin of the term for each.

       The term “Jew” comes from the name of the fourth son of Jacob. Reuben, Simeon and Levi were passed by in the birthright and blessings, and the fourth son Judah received them. “Judah”  in Hebrew is “praise of God”. The northern kingdom of ten tribes was referred to as ”Ephraim” and the southern kingdom of three tribes was referred to as “Judah”. Judah is where the Temple was and and eventually the worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, became known as Judaism. In our time the term Jew represents all the people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Even-though about 85% of the Jewish people are secular, we still think of the term “Jew” as a religion. You can be born a Jew and still be Jewish, but you can not be born a Christian unless you are re-born.  

       The term “gentile” is anyone not Jewish. The word in Hebrew is “goy” and is also used for the term pagan. This is where I have a problem. If I, being a Christian, worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, am I still a pagan? I also  worship a Jewish Messiah, but does that make me a Jew? In the “Breit-Hadishah” or “New Testament” in 1 Corinthians 10:32, God classifies humanity into three groups of people: Jews, gentiles, and Christians. The term “Christian” derives from the word “Christos” the Greek word for Messiah. The word “Christian” means “Messiah-like”, and that opens up a big “can of worms”. If we as Christians, are supposed to be Messiah-like, we are in big trouble. (He ate no pork, He observed the “Feasts of the Lord”, and He kept the Sabbath/Saturday Holy.) I have read somewhere that when the Christ followers were first called “Christians” in Antioch, it was a reference to the far eastern religion of Heir Krishnah, and not to the Messiah. Being referred to as Messiah followers would not have been an offensive term for the first followers of Jesus.

      Jew and gentile are ethnic terms, but “Christian” is not. To become a Christian, one gives his or her heart to the Messiah and looks forward to the Messianic Kingdom. A Jew who becomes a Christian or Messianic, will still remain a Jew. A gentile that becomes a Christian does not loose his ethnicity, but he is no longer pagan! When a Jew accepts the Messiah, their faith is broadened and they become a completed Jew. For a gentile not being brought up knowing the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it is easy to be swayed by the paganism that has seeped into the teachings of the Messiah by liberal lawless denominational leaders. I do not mean to be judgmental of religions, but we as Christians need to get back to our roots just as Paul tells us in Romans chapter 11. There is only one “Church” and that is the body of the Messiah, all believers in Him. It is up to us to clean up and restore our individual congragations where we worship. Accepting Jesus/Yeshua as the Messiah is the only way to enter into His Kingdom. Good intentions and traditions of man will not help us. God is rising up Messianic believers in all the different congregations but it is a long patient process for those that have been called. Two thousand years of pagan traditions is hard to overcome. As an experiment, try telling your congregations that the word “Easter” is an abomination to the Lord of Host. The scripture to back you up is Exodus 23:13, and the next scripture is about “Passover” that we call “Easter”. Or try and change your worship service to the proper Sabbath, the seventh day of the week Saturday. The scripture right before the last Exodus 23:12.  If this does not bring persecution, you are in the right church. Is it wrong to worship on Sunday? No, of course not. It is the first day of the week and we are giving our “first fruits” to the Lord. But, the Sabbath is Saturday, and we are told to keep it Holy and it is a day set apart for us to rest in the Lord. It is a teaching, seven days then a Sabbath, a Sabbath year in seven years, a jubilee year every 7×7 years and a millennial reign of a thousand years when the Lord comes.

       As usual, I got off track and got preachy, well so be it we all have our faults. You know, the bottom line is, whether you are Jew or gentile a personal relationship with God is a wonderful thing. A Christian has met the Messiah and has found grace, but needs to be obedient to the Father’s WORD/LAW for blessings. A Jew has found blessings through the “Law” and loves the Father but has missed out on the grace of  salvation (Yeshua). A Christian needs to ask God for guidance into His instructions (Torah), and a Jew needs to ask the Father to introduce them to the Jewish Messiah/Yeshua. Judah’s eyes will be opened to see the truth, and Ephraim/Christians will find the Hebraic roots of their faith.

       The two shall become one in His hand Ezekiel 37 and the true gentiles (Islam) will convert or be driven from the land.  




The Times of Expectancy



By; Dan Fraley


       We live in a time of expectancy, and may be every generation has, but never before are the prophesies being fulfilled as now. We can place dates such as 1948 and 1967 in Ezekiel 37. We open our news papers, watch TV and seeing prophesy being fulfilled before our eyes. Ezekiel 38 is about to be fulfilled, Matthew 24 is starting to make sense, and the book of Revelation is gaining respect in the main stream churches. Catastrophic events all over the world are waking people up to search for answers to questions usually ignored. It is so easy to be caught up in the world, we loose the desire to search for truth. Father Yah/God's messenger is blowing the trumpet/shofar can you not hear it? Listen He is speaking. Open your eyes He talks through signs. Open the eyes of your heart, He also talks through the spirit. Turn the TV off for a while, or take that cell phone off your ear and turn it off. Take a long drive with the radio and CD player off so you can listen. Whatever it takes.........get alone and LISTEN! Knowledge is important, study the prophesies and get your family ready. I know, we have heard all this before, and He still has not come, but listen and He will show you NOW IS THE TIME OF YOUR SALVATION. If you are already a wide awake bride of Yahushua Ben David/Jesus the Christ, then it is the time of DISCIPLESHIP, the fields are white unto harvest. The most important thing in life is your soul, and when that is taken care of, the next most important thing is someone else's soul.

       There is a shaking going on in our homes, our churches and our countries. God is beginning to separate the goats from His sheep. These difficult times we are going through make little sense to us when we are experiencing them, but if we learn from them and depend on Father Yah/God, (by the way if you are wandering why I use Yah instead of just God and Yahushua instead of just Jesus, it is because I feel that when we speak in His name, we should use His real name and not pagan interpretations of them. His name has power so why hide it from His children?) for help, it refines us into a better servant for Him.

        Whatever we use as a crutch to get us through our problems we become dependent on and trust. I choose Father Yah/Yahushua as my crutch rather than drugs, alcohol, Opra or any other things of the world. Are you going to trust the powerful help of the Father, or the world system to get you by? Status makes no difference, hopelessness pays no attention to ones station in life, we all go through times of despair sooner or later. The world system seems to have all the solutions through drugs, alcohol and entertainment etc., and the more we benefit from the present system, the more we become dependent on it. We are seduced into thinking it is the only answer. It is not the only answer, read Eph 1:7-10. The system wants us to submit, consent, be docile and obedient. It wants to contain all our hopes and fears and even profit from it. They want us to believe there are no benefits or payoffs apart from those that are provided by the system. There is great hope, read John 17:20-24. In expectation and anticipation of His return (or dread for those that do not know Him), be of good cheer He has control, and loves us very much. Listen, He is knocking go open the door!




       What is discipleship? Discipleship is faithfully following a teacher's instructions. Yahushua/Jesus called many disciples, and many came to the call, but as they learned the requirements of being a disciple, they chose not to continue. Today many people call themselves Christians, but have only a "measure of obedience" to the instructions of the Savior John 6:56-67). They will follow Yahushua/Jesus just so far then quit. I wonder if these are the "tares" spoken of in one of the Master's parables. Many Christians think discipleship is old fashion, for preachers only or that it was reserved  for His twelve chosen. This is far from the truth, because Yahushua (or Yeshua as some spell it, but the name for Father God is Yah'WH and our saviors name is "God's Salvation" so lets keep Father Yah's name in it.) commanded all Believers to minister His words of life and make disciples wherever they went (Mt 16:24; 1 Cor.  11:1,2). We are to hear His word follow His voice, love all, be humble, give up earthly desires, crucify the flesh, take up the cross and follow Him (Gal. 2:20). Our testimony should be like Paul's, read Phil. 3:8-10 and John 4:34. Most Christians prefer to be loyal to their religious denomination. This goes against Father Yah's commandment. They use their religion as a cloak covering their sin. Read Isa. 30:1 Father Yah gives a big "WOE" to Israel for this very thing.  Contemporary Christians are not any different from the ones of the past, they reject the truth in order that they may adhere to their traditions (read John 9:21-23, 12:42_43).  Are we following the path of least resistance, refusing to "fight the good fight of faith"  or even making an attempt to resist the spiritual forces that oppose Christian faith? Living to only serve Father Yah and working His fields should be the deepest desire of every Christian. 

       Father Yah desires to know us spirit to spirit, not flesh to spirit. With a spirit to spirit relationship, our Father Yah can build on an eternal foundation and not quit His relationship with us at our death. This is where the Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha' Kadosh comes into play.  Now this is what I think happens at salvation, so search the scriptures yourself and base your thoughts on that and what the Ruach Ha'Kadosh/Holy Wind reviles to you. I believe at repentance/tashuvah in Hebrew means to turn around), the Ruach Ha'Kadosh/Holy Spirit influences us and we begin to obey His will. Our first act of obedience in the wedding with the King, is baptism in water. As the Spirit works in us, cleaning out the house/Temple, He makes room for His total indwelling. This is the baptism of fire and is a door we must enter into, in order to know Yahushua/Jesus intimately (consummation of the marriage). Without the power of the Spirit of Yah, through the baptism of the Ruach Ha'Kadosh/Holy Spirit, it is not possible to live a crucified life, and separate one's self from the world/flesh. We can not face persecution without His indwelling and we would not be able or bold enough to be disciples for Him. "Many are called, but few are chosen" (Mat. 20:16).  Our hearts must become pure! Witnessing, joining the church, teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir, holding offices, and even being the preacher are all well and good works, but are we circumcised of the heart and doing all this because we love Him with all our heart or soul and might? (At this point read Mt. 5:8 and Psalm 24:3-4) 

       Father Yah's kingdom is "righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Ruach Ha'Kadosh/Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17). One day we will receive a crown of life (Rev. 3:12).  All disciples of Yahushua/Jesus shall inherit eternal life, but the disobedient shall perish. "If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinners appear?" (Rom. 8:14) (read Lk. 13:24) BE YE HOLY FOR I AM HOLY







By Dan Fraley


       This festival is the only festival out of the seven feasts of Yah/God that Christians celebrate. We celebrate it because of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha'Kadosh in Acts 2. It is the birthday of the "Church", and was a new Covenant given us by the Savior Yahushua/Jesus. In actuality it is a renewal of the first covenant given to the Israelites from Mt Sinai. It was a marriage contract between Yah/God and His chosen group that the Messiah would someday come from. The Prophet Hosea was sent by Father Yah/God to show that Israel was being unfaithful to the marriage Covenant. (Study Hosea, it is a good and informative read.)

       The Jews celebrate this feast of Shavuot for the giving of this first Covenant and the giving of the Law/Torah. Shavuot is a Hebrew word for weeks. It concludes the daily counting of the "omer" barley offering at the Temple. The count is for seven weeks beginning on the second day of Passover. It is the 50th day after this that is Shavuot/Pentecost. The Shavuot holiday traditions observed today symbolize both the agricultural and the religious aspects of the festival. Homes are decorated with flowers to remember the blossoms of the Land of Israel. In the synagogue the Book of Ruth is read to describe the grain harvest in ancient times. Cheese cakes, honey cakes and other dairy foods are eaten to remember Israel as it was described as a "land flowing with milk and honey." Honey and milk are also symbols of Torah and learning. The sages describe the study of the Word as being sweet as honey. Many Jewish families, before discussing Torah at home will place a drop of honey on each child's tongue so the children will always associate the learning of the Torah as sweet.

       Shavuot is an appointed time (in Hebrew, Moed) by Father Yah/God, for us to meet with Him. If we had a doctors appointment would we miss that appointed time? Christians count 50 days from Ishtar/Easter which comes from a pagan influence in the early Roman church.(Read section "L" "Lifting each other inprayer with Ms. Margaret"the next section down from mine, click on Mt.7:7. I will do an article on the worship of Ishtar later.) There are many references in the Bible about the windows of Heaven and the doors of Heaven being opened. The Jews say that the seven feasts of Yah/God are times when the windows of Heaven are opened and that God gives extra attention to our petitions at these times. Are we as Christians missing out on special blessings because we stick to a pagan solstice as our set times? The Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha'Kadosh was poured out on this day at the Temple Mount and will pour out on every other Pentecost/Shavuot if we earnestly desire it. If you are looking for a special indwelling of the Spirit, this would be a good day to ask! We do not need the Ark of Covenant anymore, we have Yah/Elohim living in our hearts. The maker of the Heavens and Earth, and His Personality (Torah) grows in our being as we practice obeying His Commandments. (1John 2:3-6)

       As we join Israel celebrating this feast, we separate ourselves from the world and become "One New Man" set apart for the Messiah and His coming Kingship. Accepting the Covenant by immersion, we become Israel and His bride; we agree to obey our Husband, and He CIRCUMCISES our hearts with the Covenant, allowing us to love the Torah, the Ten Commandments. What happened on Mt. Sinai, happens to us personally, in our hearts He and His word lives and love abounds, which is the evidence of our obedience.


Yom Kippur Day of Atonement


Yom Kippur

Day of Atonement and the High Priest

By: Dan Fraley



       It is the twelfth month on the Jewish calendar. It is the month of Elul, a time of tashuvah/repentance. The month before the High Holy Days of Rosh Ha-Shanah and Yom Kippur. Rosh Ha-Shanah means "head of the year" in Hebrew and is their new year. On the eve of the 22nd of September (06) this year is Rosh Ha-Shanah, so happy new year ya-all!

       Seven days after the Feasts of Trumpets/Rosh Ha-Shanah or as the Jewish people call the "Days of Awe", comes the "Day of Atonement" or "Yom Kippur". This is the one and only day of the year that the High Priest would go into the "Holy of Holies" or "Kadosh Ha- Kadoshiem". He would sprinkle blood of a lamb (only a lamb or kid goat on this special day) on the "Mercy Seat" atoning himself, all of Israel and God fearers in the gentile nations (Leviticus 16:2). When the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies, he saw the Lords presence as a brilliant cloud hovering above the Mercy Seat. The Hebrew word used for Mercy Seat is "Lafar", and it can also be referred to as the "Seat of Atonement". The Mercy Seat stood upon the "Ark of the Covenant" but was not actually a part of it (Exodus 35:12, 25:17-22, 37:6-9, !Cron. 28:11). The Mercy Seat was the most important part of the Holy Place, because it is where Heaven reached down to Earth. Moses talked to God here face to face (Ex. 25:22, 30:6, and Num. 7:89).


The High Priest


       The High Priest had to prepare himself for this very important task by memorizing the complete 16th chapter of Leviticus, making sure he made no mistakes that would cost him his life. He took a "Michvah" or cleansing bath, replaced his usual gold garments with a jeweled shield on his breast and a golden diadem on his head, bearing the inscription Holy to the Lord" (Kadosh la Ha-Adoni) Ex. 28:36, and put on garments of linen. This was the same fabric worn by angels of the Lord (Ezk. 9:2-3, 10:2, 6-7; Daniel 10:5, 12:6-7) and by the risen Messiah Himself (Rev. 1:13_15). The Holy garments of Leviticus 16:4.






By; Dan Fraley


       A cup of cool water when you are thirsty is pure joy. If it is luke-warm  you would rather spit it out than drink it (read Rev. 3:14-22). 

       An overflowing cup in the Bible is a symbol of wrath or fate of the wicked. Those who reject God have a cup of bitter wine (ezk. 23:33). In the garden of Gethsemane, Yeshua/Jesus pleads, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me (Math. 26:39). Jesus ask for the cup of wrath to pass from Him, but He knew it was the only way for mankind to find and live with the righteous God. He drank our cup of sour wine for us. He accepted this fate, why can't we accept Him? (John 18:11)

       Harvest time for grapes is a joyous time in Israel. It comes during the fall festivals or "High Holy Days" (see article on "The Appointed Feasts") and is a time of both repentance and celebrations. The wine is fresh and the cups are overflowing. When the Lord harvests the Earth, will you be overflowing with joy or full of bitterness for Him destroying your evil schemes? We will all hold a cup in the end, but what will it be filled with? The cup of wrath that Yeshua/Jesus drank for us became joy for Him when He endured the Cross, We become joyful at the acceptance of this same cup for after our salvation it gives us the keys to knowledge, His Kingdom, His love, a path past the grave, no judgment of wrath and on, and on, and the Bible, it is full of the joys this cup brings us.

       At the Last Supper/Passover Meal we also see a cup involved as a symbol of joy. For those that do not know the Lord it is a bitter thing to talk about and understand. But those who know the lord, it is a joyous thing to drink from this cup of blood. (1 Cor. 11:25 and 10:16)

       We use cup shaped trophies as a symbol of triumph and joy. 


By A Foolish Nation


By A Foolish Nation


By:  Dan Fraley


       Why do all these "gold Nuggets" I have been pulling out of God's word coming to light after thousands of years? And why in our generation? Hosea 6: 2 tells us something very important.  After two days (two thousand years) he will revive us (turn us unto Him/salvation) on the third day (third thousand years) He will rise us up (resurrect or rapture) and we shall live in His sight (reign of King David/Jesus for a thousand years).  2 Peter 3:8 tells us a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is a day to the Lord. In verse 3 of Hosea 6, He comes in the former rain (suffering Messiah) and will come as the latter rain (second coming).

      If Jesus/Yeshua was born in 4 BCE and His ministry began in 26 CE, then two prophetic days from Jesus' birth would bring us to 1996; and two days from His resurrection would bring us to 2030 CE. Between these two dates, could there be some sort of "Prophetic window"? And in this prophetic window, could it be that the original faith of the apostles will be re-established as Hosea 6:2 suggests?

       God used the Catholic church, then the Protestant churches to "leaven" the whole loaf of Earth with His word much faster than the original faith.  However before bread can be eaten, the leaven must be cooked out in the fires of refinement. The Protestant Reformation was a type of refinement, but there will have to be a second refining fire to get all the paganism/leaven out of the dough before it is fit (without spot or wrinkle) for a King.  Law and Grace will come together in the last days (Ezk. 37:15) Judaism and Christianity together under the direction of the King/Messiah will be a powerful serving body of Christ.

       I say all this because it can only come to fruition if we LOVE the Jewish people (read Romans 11:1,11-15). By accepting our first century roots, keeping the feasts, and honoring the Sabbath we will provoke them to accepting their Messiah/Jesus/Yeshua. Does this mean we must go to church on Saturday? No! We are children of the First Fruit of the resurrected Messiah who arose on the first day of the week, Sunday. He made His covenant with us on the day of Pentecost, which was also a Sunday. We should honor the Sabbath in studying God's word and be in prayers to prepare for our Sunday service.

       Paul knew that his brothers in Judah would not be saved until the foolish people of Ephraim moved them to jealousy. This could only be accomplished after the fullness of the gentiles/Ephraim was completed ("two days"). As we learn to embrace the Marital Covenant of Judah, and realize why God had Hosea marry a whore to represent the prophesies designed for the "Not a People/Ephraim", we can be part of the fulfillment of the end time prophesy Provoking them into jealousy. If we separate ourselves from Judah, and say we do not nee the Old Covenant rules, then we are lawless (without Torah/God's eternal word) before our creator. We may have obtained salvation through our belief in Jesus, but we may be lacking in power of the Holy Spirit. The mighty works of the first century church faded out at the same time Jewishness was driven out. How are we going to do the"greater things" Jesus said we would without the same foundation Jesus had? Part of our job is to have a"Heart for Israel" and its people. Respect their ways and language and to show them that their days of persecution at the hand of the "Prodigal Son" Ephraim/Christianity are over.

       The last point, hence the name of the lesson, who and what is the "foolish nation" Bible prophesy speaks about? What other nation than the US of A could fit these prophesies? We founded this nation on the precepts of God, followed them for 200 years and then we tare our own moral foundation out from under ourselves. We tolerate immorality as freedom of speech, we took prayer out of school, and allow our schools to push unproven theory as fact. How foolish is that? But yet we are protectors of the Jewish nation and we evangelize the world. We speak out of both sides of our mouth.

       Let us no longer be led by the "error of Lawlessness". Read 2Peter 3:15-17, 1st John 2:3-5