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For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

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Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield


Jews and Gentiles

By Dan’El Fraley


       What is a Jew and what is a Christian? There are alot of stereotype definitions for both of these terms. “A Jew practices a form of religion called Judaism” or “is one born to a Jewish mother.”  “A Christian is a “gentile”, whether he is Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc.” These definitions are all valid, but are incomplete. To understand the Jew and Christian, one must go to the scriptures and find the origin of the term for each.

       The term “Jew” comes from the name of the fourth son of Jacob. Reuben, Simeon and Levi were passed by in the birthright and blessings, and the fourth son Judah received them. “Judah”  in Hebrew is “praise of God”. The northern kingdom of ten tribes was referred to as ”Ephraim” and the southern kingdom of three tribes was referred to as “Judah”. Judah is where the Temple was and and eventually the worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, became known as Judaism. In our time the term Jew represents all the people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Even-though about 85% of the Jewish people are secular, we still think of the term “Jew” as a religion. You can be born a Jew and still be Jewish, but you can not be born a Christian unless you are re-born.  

       The term “gentile” is anyone not Jewish. The word in Hebrew is “goy” and is also used for the term pagan. This is where I have a problem. If I, being a Christian, worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, am I still a pagan? I also  worship a Jewish Messiah, but does that make me a Jew? In the “Breit-Hadishah” or “New Testament” in 1 Corinthians 10:32, God classifies humanity into three groups of people: Jews, gentiles, and Christians. The term “Christian” derives from the word “Christos” the Greek word for Messiah. The word “Christian” means “Messiah-like”, and that opens up a big “can of worms”. If we as Christians, are supposed to be Messiah-like, we are in big trouble. (He ate no pork, He observed the “Feasts of the Lord”, and He kept the Sabbath/Saturday Holy.) I have read somewhere that when the Christ followers were first called “Christians” in Antioch, it was a reference to the far eastern religion of Heir Krishnah, and not to the Messiah. Being referred to as Messiah followers would not have been an offensive term for the first followers of Jesus.

      Jew and gentile are ethnic terms, but “Christian” is not. To become a Christian, one gives his or her heart to the Messiah and looks forward to the Messianic Kingdom. A Jew who becomes a Christian or Messianic, will still remain a Jew. A gentile that becomes a Christian does not loose his ethnicity, but he is no longer pagan! When a Jew accepts the Messiah, their faith is broadened and they become a completed Jew. For a gentile not being brought up knowing the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it is easy to be swayed by the paganism that has seeped into the teachings of the Messiah by liberal lawless denominational leaders. I do not mean to be judgmental of religions, but we as Christians need to get back to our roots just as Paul tells us in Romans chapter 11. There is only one “Church” and that is the body of the Messiah, all believers in Him. It is up to us to clean up and restore our individual congragations where we worship. Accepting Jesus/Yeshua as the Messiah is the only way to enter into His Kingdom. Good intentions and traditions of man will not help us. God is rising up Messianic believers in all the different congregations but it is a long patient process for those that have been called. Two thousand years of pagan traditions is hard to overcome. As an experiment, try telling your congregations that the word “Easter” is an abomination to the Lord of Host. The scripture to back you up is Exodus 23:13, and the next scripture is about “Passover” that we call “Easter”. Or try and change your worship service to the proper Sabbath, the seventh day of the week Saturday. The scripture right before the last Exodus 23:12.  If this does not bring persecution, you are in the right church. Is it wrong to worship on Sunday? No, of course not. It is the first day of the week and we are giving our “first fruits” to the Lord. But, the Sabbath is Saturday, and we are told to keep it Holy and it is a day set apart for us to rest in the Lord. It is a teaching, seven days then a Sabbath, a Sabbath year in seven years, a jubilee year every 7×7 years and a millennial reign of a thousand years when the Lord comes.

       As usual, I got off track and got preachy, well so be it we all have our faults. You know, the bottom line is, whether you are Jew or gentile a personal relationship with God is a wonderful thing. A Christian has met the Messiah and has found grace, but needs to be obedient to the Father’s WORD/LAW for blessings. A Jew has found blessings through the “Law” and loves the Father but has missed out on the grace of  salvation (Yeshua). A Christian needs to ask God for guidance into His instructions (Torah), and a Jew needs to ask the Father to introduce them to the Jewish Messiah/Yeshua. Judah’s eyes will be opened to see the truth, and Ephraim/Christians will find the Hebraic roots of their faith.

       The two shall become one in His hand Ezekiel 37 and the true gentiles (Islam) will convert or be driven from the land.  


One Place Three Faiths


The Holy Land Experience


Dan'el Fraley


       Judaism. Christianity. Islam. The world's three great monotheistic religions have a long, intertwined history. They embrace a belief in a single Supreme Being: HaSheam, God, Allah. They all claim Abraham as their ancient patriarch. Their stories are common and filled with the Biblical events of the Middle East. These religions have had many periods of violent strife and it continues to this day. All three faiths are expecting the Messiah to come soon. I know, by reading God's word, that He will be the only one to bring peace and hope to the problems in  Middle East and the rest of the world. I can not help but to think that the Lord, when He comes back, will reprimand all three faiths for not "hitting the mark" in what was expected of us.

       Christianity has mixed with pagan traditions (such as easter/ishtar and Nimrod trees/Christmas), changed His Holy days (appointed times of meeting), and claim that Jesus abolished the laws (God changed His mind).

       Judaism has not been an example to the world of proper worship of HaSheam. They have Placed the Lord in a box for themselves and not wanted to share Him with the world. They have built man made fences around their religion with laws added unto laws.

       Islam has failed to see that the Crater of all things, does just that, He creates. He has not called Islam to be His arm of destruction of His creation. God is a God of mercy and grace for all mankind and His judgements are His not Islam's. The precious life granted to each of us to enjoy His creation has been cheapened by the death and destruction. Peaceful Islam, if there is such a thing, needs to put a restraint on the radical side of their belief before they destroy the world. When the Messiah does come, I fear that He will deal severely with them. Messiah eminent coming should wake us all up to ready ourselves for that day. To search our souls, seek truth, love all His children and let Him judge us when He comes.



                                                                       "All human beings are like the organs of a body:    

when one is afflicted with pain'

the others can not rest in peace."

_Sadi Shirazi, Iranian poet


        My brother Andrew, and I were blessed to be able to visit Israel and the West Bank for 55 days in the fall of 2004. We experienced two major religious events while I was there. The Festival of Rosh HaShanna, for the Jewish faith and the Moslem month of Ramadon. Our mission was two fold, one to tour the land, and second to speak with the inhabitants. We knew we would be welcomed by the Jews, but we were not sure how the Arabs would receive us. We were pleasantly surprised at how the Moslem people opened up to our questions. While we were talking to two Arab men in the West Bank, my nephew A.J. (9 years old) started playing soccer with some of the Arab Chiltern playing in the street. In the middle of our conversation, to our great surprise, one of the Arab men turned to me, pointed to the Children playing, and made the most profound statement. He said, "We all need to be innocent just as those children and then maybe we could be OK." We were not expecting this to come out of a Palestinian mouth, especially after his brother showed us where he had been shot by an Israeli soldier for throwing a rock when he was a child.

       We did not feel comfortable everywhere we went in the West Bank, one day we thought we would take the road on the map going straight to Nazareth, from Jerusalem. It looked like a good road on the map, and it was, for about 6 or 7 miles. We came to an Israeli check point and were waved on through. Well sure, the Israeli's did not mind what went into the West Bank, it was when you come out they took a closer look. Our good road turned to a "donkey trail" immediately going into Ramallah. We had no idea that it was the day that the Palestinian leader Yasser Araphat was being moved from Ramallah to France for medical treatment. There are no by-passes to take you around the town, and it would have been impossible to do a u-turn. To do so, we would have caused a scene and be recognized for infidels.  In the bumper to bumper traffic, in a brand new rent- a -car, with Israeli tags, knowing that we were not supposed to drive into the West Bank, we began to pray. Here we are in the middle of down town Ramallah, the headquarters of the Palestinian terrorist organization "FATA" with thousands and thousands of Palestinians surrounding our car, and we are trying to look inconspicuous. Isn't it wonderful that God also protects His stupid Christians? Either the crowds were too busy celebrating whatever, or God truly distracted their attention away from us. I do not know how long it actually took us to get through town, but it felt like several hours. We finally made it through town and were on our way north to Nazareth when we come to another Israeli check point. I rolled down my window and immediately became bombarded with words I have not heard since I was in the Marine Corps. This Jewish boy/soldier from Brooklyn NY, recognized us instantaneously as stupid tourists and was letting me have it.  "What in the #*&#@ - are you doing coming out of Ramallah today of all days? We told him we were headed to Nazareth,  and he told us " we were headed for the #&*%#  grave yard." He sent us west to Jaffa/Tel Aviv to go up the coastal road to Nazareth.



"Nothing has proved harder in civilization

than seeing God or good or dignity in those unlike ourselves. 

There are surely many ways of arriving at that generosity of spirit,

and each faith may need to find its own way.

I propose that the truth at the heart of monotheism is that God is greater than religion,

that God is only partially comprehended by one faith....

What would such a (broader) faith be like?

It would be like being secure in my own home and yet moved by the beauty of a foreign place

knowing that it is not my home, it is still part of the glory of the world that is ours.

It would be knowing that we are sentences in the story of our people

but that there are other stories, each written by God out of the letters of lives

 bound together in community.

Those who are confident of their faith are not threatened but

enlarged by the different faiths of others.

In the midst of our multiple insecurities, we need now the

confidence to recognize the irreducible, glorious dignity of difference."

Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi

of the British Commonwealth

       In Israel there a lot of contrast, in the landscape, in the people, in the cities, in religion and in the commerce.

The Landscape

       Even though the whole state of Israel is about the size of Delaware, a ten minutes drive in any direction brings a complete change in scenery. This little country has everything the United States has but its packed closer together. Israel has fresh and salt water lakes, an ocean, mountains, deserts, forests, rivers and a melding pot of people.

The People                           

       Jews from every nation and language have settled in Israel, they revived a dead language of Hebrew and have caused that little nation to bloom. They try to live in harmony with those around them, but they are very protective of their own. Historically they have not had a land of their own in thousands of years and God help any nation who tries to take it away from them.

The Cities 

       The main contrast between cities in Israel I encountered, is between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Tel Aviv is a modern city with its daytime commerce and at night it goes into its party mode. The nations of the world choose to put their embassies in Tel Aviv rather than Jerusalem to appease the Arabs. (We do not recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, even though we were given land in Jerusalem to build our embassy.) Jerusalem in contrast is a Holy city with the leaders of different religions strutting around in their fancy garments. There is a saying in Israel that goes like this: "You go to Tel Aviv to play and to Jerusalem to pray".

       Each city in Israel has a different personality, and I could ramble on for hours telling a little something about the ones we visited.



       Having rented an apartment in Jerusalem, it was time to stock it with groceries. Our first trip to the grocery store was an experience. Very few items had English translations on them, and we chose items we thought were one thing and it turned out to be another. As an example, we all like milk, so we buy what we thought was a gallon of milk. When we sat down for breakfast the next morning to have us a bowl of cereal and tried to pour the milk, it was solid. We thought we had bought a gallon of sour milk and when we went to return it, we learned that milk comes in a plastic bag, the jug we had was yogurt.  They explained to us in the best way they could that yogurt was used more than milk and cereal was good with yogurt and sugar. They also told us to take jelly or jam and mix with the yogurt, freeze it and it is flavored ice cream. We tried it and sure enough yogurt and cereal is good, and so is semi home made ice cream. We learned right away to find someone who spoke English before we bought something we were not sure of.  

       There was quite a contrast between the way Jews and Arabs conducted business. In the early morning before the Arab markets opened for business, you would smell hash and opium smoke. Groups of men gathering with their Turkish coffee in front of their stores ready to catch the first "fish" that they make eye contact with. Never be polite or say "good morning", or you would be hooked. I saw a whole new meaning to the fraise "fishers of men". If one does not pass by their store quickly and with head turned down, they would be bombarded with sales pitches like lures to a fish. They knew just how to play your ethnicity. To Americans, it was their sympathy, and to the English, it was their pride. They reminded me of Mexican border town merchants.

       In several of the Jewish businesses we visited the atmosphere was quite different. After the usual pleasantries and being ask if they could help you, they would go back to reading their TaNaKah (Bible/Old testament). If you linger awhile, they would start to engage you in a religious discussion., or they would ask if you have ever read Psalm such and such. They placed God and study of His word foremost in their lives. This does not mean that all the Jewish shopkeepers were this way, because some we visited were as cold as an IRS agent.


As in the Days of Noah

  in the days of Noah

Matthew 24:37

By; Dan'el Fraley

       Matthew 24 has always been my favourite place to read and re-read about the second coming of our Savior Yeshua. In verse 37 He says it will be as in the days of Noah. In my studies, I have run into some interesting things I wish to share with you. In Hebrew the names of the people mentioned in the Bible, have special meaning.  Noach/Noah comes from the root word in Hebrew that means to rest or be comforted (see Genesis 5:29).  In the last days Yeshua/Jesus promises us He will come to comfort us by taking us out of the evil coming on the earth. Noah was used by God to save a remnant from the earth that He was about to cleans. Noah was also known  as a preacher of righteousness (II Peter 2:5). During the time the ark was being built, people had to have been curious enough to ask questions about Noah's beliefs. They just did not listen to a call to repentance. They chose to go after their own hearts rather than be righteous. The earth got so evil God had to cleans it. This brings me to a word in Hebrew that is very interesting to our study, "NACHAH"

       "NACHAH", is used in chapter 6 verse 13 where it says "will destroy". It means, "erasing by washing" This word is used three times in the story of Noah, but I know of two other places in the "First Testament" where it is used. First in Psalm 69:28,29 where it says "blotted out" (erased by washing) from the book of life. The writer is asking God to erase by washing out his enemies names from the book of life. The other place I know of, and is used in a positive way is Isaiah 43:25, 44:22, where it says "blotted out" our sins. Our sins are erased and washed by the precious blood of the Lamb, Yeshua.

       Man had become so corrupt, God had to cleans the earth to bring righteousness back. Righteousness and evil can not co-exist. God always saves a remnant to carry over to the next age. Rest and comfort can come only when and if we have a peaceful mindset. Evil brings kayos and anarchy, and we can not have a peaceful mindset living in a world of  evil minded people. Peace of mind comes only through righteousness, being set apart from the worldly pleasures and focused on God and His saving grace. Are we getting signs ("OT" in Hebrew) from God that the age is winding down and it is time for a cleansing?  "As in the days of Noah" God gives ample time for repentance but only a set time. Are you ready to pass to the next age? Lets not ignore the signs of the approaching judgments of God. Do not wait till it is too late to get on the ark.Not because you are good, but do you trust and obey God? Take a few minutes here and give God all your love and thank Him for His Lamb of salvation Yeshua/Jesus.

       Just as God gave ample time for the people in Noahs day He has given us ample time to repent now. God will cleans the earth again. He will not completely cleans it until His thousand year reign is over, but He will. A time of "Jacobs Trouble"/tribulation  will come before His thousand year reign and we as obedient believers will be raptured into safety just as Noah and his family were.

       Another word here in Genesis as a sign to me that we are living in the last days is "HAMAS". In verse 11 and 12 of Genesis 6 where the word corrupt is used is where this word "Hamas" is found. Even though the word Palestinian terrorist use is the same, it is not linguistically the same as the word use here in Genesis. The word "Hamas" used in Genesis 6 would be better translated as "violence".  The complete Hebraic meaning is better; "crime committed through malice that human justice can not prevent; a crime only the voice of conscience can prevent. The corruption and evil so illustrated by today's Hamas is probably very much like in the days of Noah. It sealed their fate in Noahs time and it will seal our fate now. When God gave His own son to be sacrificed for us we were told we have no other way to Him but by accepting this gift of salvation. The Muslims can fall prostrate and walk around that meteorite in Mecca all they want, but if they do not accept Yeshua as the Messiah and the only path to salvation, then they are lost. I advise any Muslim to read Obadiah verse 18 and re think their beliefs. Gods judgments are divine and final, so wake up!


His Burning Anger


Isaiah 13:13

by; Dan Fraley


       Today is Friday 13th, and Isaiah 13:13 comes to mind. All the things we see going on in this world right now tells us Gods judgment is just around the corner.

       .......I will make the heavens tremble. And the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the Lord Almighty, in the day of His burning anger. (Isaiah 13:13)


       Daniel 7:25; 12:7, tells us about this time, and in the New Testament it speaks of the same time in Revelation 11:2,6 14; 13:5.  These scriptures tell us the length of time this judgment comes against unbelievers so whomever is left will be prepared for the things coming on the earth.  If we read about Antiochus Epiphanes in Jewish history, we will get a clear picture of the false messiah who will bring Gods wrath down on earth.

       How awful that day will be! None will be like it. It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but he will be saved out of it. In that day I will break the yoke off their necks...They will serve the Lord and David their king. (Jeremiah 30:7f)

       We may rebel against God or choose not to believe at all but our actions in this life will carry grave consequences.  Is it so hard to believe that God loved us so much that He came down from His kingdom and became man offered Himself as a sacrificial replacement for our judgment?  We just celebrated His death and resurrection this Holy Week of Passover, and are reassured of His mighty love for us.  He has given us a path through the grave to eternal life.  Is this not something to look into?  The pleasures of this earth will soon be gone, and we all will stand before the creator of the universe and account for our actions.  I challenge you to talk to the creator of all things and test Him by looking for truth in His Holy Word.  If you do, He will reveal Himself to you through the Holy Spirit.  Do not wait for His judgment to decide your path to righteousness.

       When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. (Isaiah 26:9)

       Yeshua/Jesus/God, will pour out His "strange work...His alien task" (Isaiah 28:21) on "The day of vengeance" just as He says He will.

       The Lord will carry out His sentence on earth with speed and finality. (Romans 9:28; Isaiah 10:22f)

       For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. (Matthew 24:21f)

      Go, my people, enter your rooms/wedding chambers and shut the doors behind you. (Rapture?) Hide yourselves for a little while until His wrath has passed by. See, the Lord is coming out of His dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins. (Isaiah 26:20f; Psalm 57:1)

       So, after quoting these scriptures, what choice will you make?  Will you; 

        Worship God and His son/spotless sacrificial lamb, receive His salvation and gift of the Holy Spirit, be Rapture to Him, come back with Him for 1,000 years (Rev. 20:4) and remain in His presence for eternity........



       Worship the things of this world, Satan and his beast, take his mark of identity, continue in life without hope, die, be forever separated from your loving creator, and remain among the damned for eternity (Rev. 14:9).

       They call to the mountains and the rocks, "fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come and who can stand?" (Revelation 6:16)

       I could go on and quote many more verses of His wrath, but I think I have made the point clear. I will list a few more that you can look up if you so desire.  Isaiah 2:19; Hebrews 10:26-31; Luke 21:25-28;  2Peter 3:3

       And then...........the rest of the story. When the times will have reached their fulfillment...(zec. 14:2)

       The Deliverer comes with His army to Zion, to set up his kingdom. The day will come when we will see the Messiah and serve in His army if we are still alive, if you believe in the rapture.  But if we are dead in Christ, I still have good news.  We will also come with Him in His army.  We will have access to the new Jerusalem, and take from the tree of life freely.

       The Lord thunders at the head of His army. His forces are beyond number, and mighty are those who obey His command. The Day of the Lord is great. It is dreadful. Who can endure it? (Joel 2:11)

       When I was in Jerusalem in 2004, a lady we met at the Christ Church in the old city, took us to an old grave yard on the top of Mount  Zion. It was a short cut to see the "Essen gate" that had just been uncovered. As I walked through this old grave yard overgrown with grape vines, I pushed some vines aside and was surprised at what I had found. It was the grave site of Horatio Spafford, one of my favorite song writers.  He wrote "It is Well With My Soul"  I showed what I hade found to my brother and Christine our new friend and personal guide, and they were as amazed as I was about this treasure.  We pondered at how wonderful it will be for Horatio and his wife when Messiah sets His foot down on the Mount of Olives right across from where we were.  God has truly blessed this man and his wife with the best seat in town to be resurrected on that great Day of the Lord.

       I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with His glory. (Ezekiel 43:2)

       The glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. (Isaiah 40:5)

       Let the nations be roused. Let them advance into the valley of Jehoshaphat (Kidron), for there I will sit to judge all nations on every side...Multitudes, in the valley of decision! The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine. The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem. The earth and sky will tremble. But the Lord will be refuge for His people, a stronghold for the people of Israel. (Joel 3:12)        God bless you and keep you..................Dan'el


The Book Of Acts




Chapter 1

An In-depth Study


        If you were to give a different title to the book of Acts you could call it "The Master Plan for World Evangelism", or you could call it "Luke II" because it is written by him. This book focuses on Jesus'/Yeshua's ministry after His death and resurrection. Covers a time from about 30 AD until about 62 AD. Jesus was born in 4 BC and lived 33.5 years dying in 30AD.  Writings in the Jewish Talmud cause us to believe He died in 30 AD. Strange things are recorded that happened on the temple mount starting in 30 AD. The menorah closest to the Holy of Hollies/Ha'Kadoush HaKadoushiem went out every night until the temple was destroyed in 70 AD. The large brass gate leading into the Temple mount would unlock and swing open every  night. Other strange things were recorded in the Talmud that leads me to believe Jesus died in 30 AD.

       Verse one of the book tells us who wrote the book; "The former account (what I wrote before or my first book) I made O Theophilus" tells us it was Luke. Turn to Luke 1:3 and we see Luke writing to Theophilus (which means "One who loves God"). Why do you think Luke did not identify himself?  I think it was an act of humility, giving the credit to the one the book is about. If you have ever been to a Passover Seder you will see no credit is given to Moses, even though he brought the children of Israel out of captivity, but it focuses on the message of God. His name is not in the Seder anywhere. It focuses on what God did. The writers of the gospels did not say look what I am doing, but see what the Messiah is doing. (It is going to take a while to cut through this study, so keep looking for more added as you log on.)

       Verse two tells us the subject of this book. The book of Luke was until Jesus was taken up and Acts is about afterwards when the Holy Spirit gives His commandments to the apostles/sent ones.

       Verse three is about the in-between time of resurrection and giving of the Holy Spirit. (read John 20-21) Jesus died, resurrected, went to His Father in Heaven and came back and taught the apostles for 40 days one on one. "By many infallible proofs", can be studied in Lk. 24;1 Cor. 15:6-20; 2 Pet. 1:14.

       Verse four commands them to wait for the Holy Spirit before they leave Jerusalem to start their ministry.  They would receive their promise of the Father there.

       Verse five is in red letters, and is the quote of Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit baptism.  Baptise in Hebrew is "tavilah" and it means totally immersed.  John totally immersed in water, "I will totally immerse you in the Holy Spirit".

       Verse six is a question to Jesus about the Kingdom. The kingdom mentioned here is not the same as verse 3.  Verse three is the Kingdom of God and verse 6 is the kingdom of Israel. They still had the idea in their heads that Jesus was there to restore the kingdom through conquering the Romans. Isn't it ironic that the Jews ignored Isaiah 53 back then as they do now. We have a tendency to get ahead of prophesy because we want it to unfold as we think it should.  The Jews were all looking for the shackles of Rome to be blown off and Israel made into a self ruling kingdom. Unbelief and ignorance is still running rampant before the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  John chapter 6:15 tells us the same thing.  They can not get the two comings of Messiah in their minds.

       Verse seven is an answer to them. He says the times and seasons for these things are for only the Father to know. Times is "Moadiem" in Hebrew (1 Thes. 5:1 tells of these times) The Holy Spirit is the difference between these two different verses. Without the Holy Spirit there is no understanding and afterwards they do.

       Verse eight is the table of contents for the book of Acts. Three different times in their ministry. Each place mentioned is a separate part of the mission. In Jerusalem until the stoning of Stephen, then to Judaea and Samaria after the scattering and the uttermost parts of the earth, which is still going on now. It is like a circle expanding out from Jerusalem. Chapters 1-7 are Jerusalem, chapters 8 and 9 are all Judaea and Samaria, then from chapters 10 on describes the witness of the disciples to the gentiles.

       Verse nine and ten, Jesus is taken up after giving them His last word about the power they would receive and where they were to go.  He predicted this in Mt. 24:27.  Where they are talking about this is Bethany on Mount Olives. Two men were with Jesus in the cloud. Were they Angels or Saints?  It is not important, but what they say in verse 11 is.

       Verse eleven, the two men in the cloud with Jesus ask them-- Why are you standing here gazing up into heaven? As if to imply "get to work, don't just stand there".  Then the two men/Angels say a prophetic thing, "He shall come back in like manner as you see Him go into Heaven".  Jesus will come as He left from where He left.  Read about the second coming in Rev. 19:11-21, Daniel 7:13-14.  He will come as He left, in the clouds.  Multitudes of believers coming in white robes.  The dead in Christ and those that are alive and well.  Matthew 27:45--He was giving up the spirit at 3:00pm on the 14th day of the first month which is the beginning of Passover.  If you read in Lev. 23, Passover starts at  "Bain HaEraviem", the middle of the evening which starts not at sundown, but at at 3:oo o'clock in the afternoon. In verse 52 of Matthew 27 we see the first resurrection of the dead saints, just as will happen at the second coming. And by the way, read Rev. 11:11, doesn't this sound familiar?  This is my feeling on this, so decide for your self.  When the two witnesses are resurrected after three and a half days of lying in the streets of Jerusalem, doesn't it make sense that the resurrection of all the sleeping saints will happen at the same time? Do you recon it could be the blast of the "Last Trump"/Shophar that sounds and the return of the Lord is imminent?  Matthew 26:63 tells the high priest that he will see Yeshua/Jesus coming in the clouds. Doesn't the Bible tell us that "every eye will see, and every tongue confess",  lets turn to Ish. 18:3 says all inhabitants in the world and in the earth...........everyone living and dead will see Messiah coming in the clouds with power and glory! Luke 21:25-28 signs are coming!  Read this and ponder it. 

      Verse 12, a Sabbath day's journey to Jerusalem is a short trip from Olivet/Bethney. A Sabbath day's journey out side a walled city, by law was 2000 cubits, or just over a half a mile. One could walk anywhere inside a walled city, but only a half a mile out side.

       Verse 13, the "upper room" in this scripture is not believed to be the same upper room where Jesus/Yeshua had the Passover meal with His disciples. It is thought by most scholars, that this is on the "Temple Mount" which was also called the "Upper Room".  There were places on the "Temple Mount" where groups could hold meetings and pray. Different groups and sects hung-out together at different places on the Mount (we will see this better in chapter 2). The word "abode" can also represent  a lot of time spent in a certain place. The important thing is that they came together to pray, wait on the Lord's instruction and to ponder His sayings. There are about a hundred people at this gathering even though it mentions only eleven in this scripture.  They scattered when Jesus/Yeshua was first arrested, but they are back together here.  A resurrection was a powerful witness of the validity of Jesus's mission.  They all believed He is who He said He was, the "Messiah".

       Verse 14, In "one accord" is "yachdah" in Hebrew and has a special meaning for me, turn back to the book of Exodus chapter 19:8. Just before the "ten commandments were given, the children of Israel were gathered together, unified in one mind. The same word is used here, "yachdah", to describe the marriage of the people to Father Yah/God at the foot of the mountain where the Torah was given. Jesus/Yeshua commanded them (the gathered in the upper room) to stay in Jerusalem until His promised "Ruach HaKadosh"/Holy Spirit came. These gathered have seen many miracles, but the thing that truly convenes them of His validity was Him dying and Him rising up again. He has got their attention now and they will do as He says and wait for His promise. And with one mind they will do it. 

       Verse 15; Time has passed about 40 days but less than 50. It is before "Shavuot"/Pentecost but after the ascencion.  "Peter stood up and talked to them", this phrase makes some believe that Peter was the leader of the congregation at this time, but if we turn to Acts 15:13, we see that Jesus' half brother James was.  Peter was made bold by the in-dwelling of the "Ruach HaKadosh"/Holy Spirit to address the crowd.  James, was the Nasi/leader of the Biatdaim/court or house of judgment, in the congregation in Jerusalem.

       Verse 16-17; The Ruach Ha'Kadosh/Holy Spirit  spoke through the mouth of King David prophesying about Judas.  David was not just a King, He was a prophet. (Psalm 41:9) Read Gen. 3:15 and John 13:18-19.  See how they all relate to Judas. Judas knew the prophesies, but never realised he was the one who would lead Jesus' captives to Him.

Verse18;  This verse is used by scoffers to prove the New Testament is not true.  Other scriptures such as Mat 27 3-10 in the Gospels refer to this verse with throwing the money down and "hanging".  Remember the lack of knowledge of those interpreting the ancient writings. What you are reading here is what hanging was in Yeshua's time. We think of a rope, because we have seen too many westerns, and hanging by rope was used during the early European cultures. Back then one would place a pole in the ground slightly down an embankment and jump on it so it would pierce their solar-plexes. Then the scoffers would say how could he buy a field if he was dead?  According to Jewish law, leaders of the Temple could not use blood money, so they bought a field in his name.  It was still Judas' money. This verse is very descriptive of the truth of the incident.


The Torah and new Covennant



By; Dan Fraley


 "And then I will declare to them, I never knew you;

depart from Me you who practice lawlessness"

Matthew 7:23


       This scripture is very strong, because it is spoken to those that are believers and even drove out demons in Yeshua's name. They know the power of Yah/God and profess to be followers of Yeshua/Jesus. We can not ignore this scripture or "spiritualize" it. It is better that we are "shocked out of complacency" or be honest with ourselves than to receive this terrible "greeting" from our Lord and Savior, Yeshua, when we appear before Him.

       The word "law" can be interpreted as "Torah", But when mainstream Christendom thinks of Torah he has been programmed into thinking "Old covenant legalism" . Torah is the first five books of our Bible and the Jewish TaNaKa, it is not the Talmud, Kabbalah or other Rabbinical writings. In the scripture above, what do you think Yeshua/Jesus meant by lawlessness? The Torahless beliefs! When we give our hearts to Him and receive salvation, we have a desire in us to please our Master/Yeshua, and the Rucah Ha'Kodesh/Holy Spirit works in us to enable us to fully understand the scriptures. Milk first, and as we study,then the meat is revealed to us. The finish line in"THE RACE", is not salvation. It is only the starting line. Many of us (and I felt this way for a long time until Yah/God woke me up) obtain salvation and get ourselves into a "comfort zone" and not go to work in His fields. "If you do not work you do not eat" my Bible says, and I think it applies to spiritual food as well as Physical. If we are lazy in salvation, can Father Yah do a work in us? If He is the one who gave us the Torah/law and He never changes, why do we look at it as legalism?

        This brings to mind another scripture that is strong; Matthew 5:17-18, "Do not think that I came to abolish the Torah/Law or the prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill (or fill full) for truly I say to you, until Heaven and Earth pass away (look around, is the Earth still here?) Not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Torah/Law until all is filled full/fulfilled". Do you want to be great in His Kingdom? Read on;  "Whosoever therefore shall break one of the least of these commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven". This scripture goes right along with Matthew 7:23, "doing things" in His name without the foundation of the Torah/Law, which are the Father's instructions in righteousness.

       Verse 17 has been misinterpreted for many centuries to say that because the Lord "fulfilled" the law then we that believe in Him are now  "free from the Torah/Law". The only difference from the Old Covenant and the new, is the New Covenant is a renewal of the Old. Rather than the Law being written on stone, it is written on our hearts. Jeremiah 31:31-33, "Behold the days are coming says the Lord, that I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah...(read my article entitled "The Two Houses") ....But this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel/the 10 lost tribes scattered into the nations/the grafted; "After those days", saith the Lord, "I will put My Law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; And I will be their God/Yah and they will be My people."

       Back to the misinterpreted word "fulfill", that I call "fill full"; When Yeshua said "Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah/Law or prophets I think what is meant is "I came in order to interpret them to the full." or I am the only one that can fully interpret and explain all the laws and prophecies. Without Me you can not have the full understanding. (read Mat. 5:21-22) When you read this scripture you will see He is interpreting the Torah/Law to the full here. Verse 27-28 He does it again, He expands on the commandment to fully explain it.

       While we are on the word "fulfill", I want to elaborate on the time of the gentiles being fulfilled, Romans11:25,26. I know what you are thinking right now, you say here we go again into Romans 11, the most unread chapter in the Bible by Christians (Isaiah 53 being the chapter not read by Jews). For Messianic believers, who believe Law and Grace will come together in Messiah, it is one of our favorite chapters. Anyway.........Romans 11:25,26 "For I do not want you brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery, least you be wise in your own estimation, that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the gentiles has come in; and thus all of Israel will be saved". What is the identity of the "Church"? Do we base our foundation on changes made by Constantine in the 4th century, or on the 1st century roots. People who are estranged from their real identity, or from their family roots, have many more problems in life than people who know where they come from and belong. It is the same with Christians. I would like to quote from a book called "The healing Power of the ROOTS" by Dominiquae Bierman. "The disconnection from the Jewish Roots, and through that from the Old Testament/TaNaK, has brought us to a place of ' spiritual schizophrenia'. It is impossible to fully reconcile the God of Grace with the God of Judgment. The New with the Old. That causes great confusion and a sense that we can't trust God fully because we do not know who He is. Is He a God of wrath? Is He a gentleman? Is He our Judge? Is He our Father?  Is the Church something which just happened unrelated to the prophecies of God to Israel? Is the Church Israel? If so, who are the Jews? Are they also Israel?  If so, then is God marrying two brides: The Church and Israel? Is God a bigamist?  If He is, how can I trust Him? And if He gave Israel up, how can I trust Him not to give up on me? Am I a Jew by faith? Am I a Christian? What is a Christian?  In order to start answering all these questions and bring back sanity to our identity problem and health to our souls and spirits let me give you some interesting figures: The word Israel is mentioned 2601 times in the Bible. The word Christian is mentioned only 2 times! After the word for God and Lord, Israel, is the most often mentioned word in the Bible."       

       Back to the "Fullness of the Gentiles"; I think that what is meant by this is when the gentiles fully realise the importance of the "Jewish Roots" and turn back to the first century foundation of our Covenant. When we embrace our brothers in Yah/God and become one new man the power will flow again as it did in the first century. 

Be back soon.........