Jeb Bush and Ties To Promoting Common Core Standards
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 10:53PM
City On A Hill in Arne Duncan, Bill gates foundation, Jeb Bush and his foundation for education excellence, llocal school board lose control, nationalization of education, obama and education

[Just in case any of you read the Wall Street Journal today in which Jeb Bush and Joel Klein lauded CCSS/RTTT -- Donna Garner]



“The Three-Legged Stool: Obama, Duncan, Gates”

by Donna Garner



The one thing that this New York Times article (posted below) “forgets” to mention is that Obama shares the same agenda with Bill Gates and Arne Duncan. All three have worked together to take the public schools of America away from local control and put them under the control of the federal government.  All three share a big-government, Socialist agenda.  Gates had the money; Obama and Duncan had the power.  Obama, Gates, and Duncan are “the three-legged stool.”


To learn the inner details about the takeover of the public schools by the Obama administration (including Bill Gates), please go to my 5.16.11 article entitled “Rising Chorus of Voices Against Federal Takeover of U. S. Public Schools:


Donna Garner




5.22.11 -- Here is a quick summary of this New York Times article.  I have listed the individuals and organizations who were “paid off” by Bill Gates to carry out the Obama/Duncan takeover of the public schools.




Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Allan C. Golston, president of U. S. Program for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Frederick M. Hess, American Enterprise Institute


Education Equality Project and Education Trust


Bill Gates and Eli Broad -- influenced Presidential candidates -- 2008


National Governors Association, Council of Chief School Officers -- promoted and developed Common Core Standards (CCS)


Achieve, Inc. -- coordinating national assessments aligned with CCS


Alliance for Excellent Education -- to grow support for CCS


Fordham Institute -- received $959,000 to review and develop supportive materials for CCS

Chester E. Finn Jr. (president of Fordham Institute) --promoted CCS when released in March 2010

Center on Education Policy (president Jack Jennings) -- tracked states who committed to CCS

New Teacher Project -- wrote report faulting teacher evaluation systems -- led to development of national teacher evaluation system for CCS/RTTT

$2 Million to produce “Waiting for Superman”

American Federation of Teachers

National Education Association

Foundation for Education Excellence (founded by Jeb Bush) -- advocacy group -- established strong ties to journalists

Educators for Excellence and Teach Plus -- pressures new teachers  -- mouthpieces for Gates



Behind Grass-Roots School Advocacy, Bill Gates

Published: May 21, 2011



INDIANAPOLIS — A handful of outspoken teachers helped persuade state lawmakers this spring to eliminate seniority-based layoff policies. They testified before the legislature, wrote briefing papers and published an op-ed article in The Indianapolis Star.


Bill Gates's foundation spent $373 million on education efforts in 2009, the latest year for which its tax filings are available.


Annotated Excerpts of the Gates Foundation 990 Form 2009


They described themselves simply as local teachers who favored school reform — one sympathetic state representative, Mary Ann Sullivan, said, “They seemed like genuine, real people versus the teachers’ union lobbyists.” They were, but they were also recruits in a national organization, Teach Plus, financed significantly by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Read more

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