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For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

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Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

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Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield


California Common Core Implementation Costs


California Common Core Implementation Costs


by Henry W. Burke







It will cost California $2.1 billion to implement the Common Core Standards (CCS).  Where will California find $2.1 billion to implement the mediocre Common Core Standards?   




I will call your attention to an excellent Pioneer Institute report, "National Cost of Aligning States and Localities to the Common Core Standards," dated February 2012 (PI report) and my report, "States' Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards," by Henry W. Burke, dated 10.15.12 (Burke report).  These are the links to the two reports:





I also wrote a companion report applicable to the states that did not adopt the Common Core Standards, "Non-Common Core States Will Save Millions of Dollars," by Henry W. Burke, 10.18.12:





California gave up very good state standards to adopt the inferior Common Core Standards.  According to a 2010 Fordham Institute report that compared the state standards with the Common Core Standards, California had "Clearly Superior" English Language Arts (ELA) standards and "Too Close to Call" Mathematics standards. 




I encourage you to realistically evaluate the costs versus the benefits for the State of California.  I will focus only on the cost of implementing the Common Core Standards (CCS) versus the dollar awards received from the federal government.  California received $104.2 million in competitive awards. 




I thought I would offer a little insight into the CCS implementation costs.  This explanation includes the Pioneer report figures and my assumptions.  Obviously, I cannot speak for the Pioneer Institute nor its partners in the white paper, Accountability Works and Pacific Research Institute.  These are strictly my thoughts, assumptions and calculations.




The Pioneer Institute report identified four cost categories for CCS implementation.  The categories are: Testing, Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  Pioneer calculated the total CCS implementation cost over a 7-year time period. 




The PI report included bar graphs (without dollar figures) for each state in Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  The Appendices to the PI report showed exact dollar figures for each state in only the Textbooks and Technology categories.  This is the link to the Pioneer Institute Appendices:



Consequently, I had to derive figures for Testing and Professional Development for each of the 46 states.  My goal was to duplicate the Pioneer figures as closely as possible.  My nationwide totals for the four categories agree quite closely with the Pioneer Institute report. 




A.  California CCS Loss



The State of California submitted a proposal to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Race to the Top (RTTT) program and received a rank of No. 27 in Phase 1 and a rank of No. 16 in Phase 2 of that competition.  The 12 "winning" states under Phase 1 and Phase 2 of RTTT received a total of $3.94 billion.




California was not awarded any funds under the Phase 1 and Phase 2 RTTT competition.  California received $104.208 million from the federal government in competitive awards from subsequent competitions.




In the Burke Table 1, CCS Loss Per State, the CCS Total Cost for California is $2,188.494 million ($2.188 billion); and the federal competitive award total is $104.208 million.  The difference is $2,084.286 million ($2.084 billion).




This means California will have to find $2.1 billion to pay for the implementation expense of CCS. 





B.  California CCS Cost



In the Burke Table 2, CCS Cost Per Student, we can see that California has a CCS Cost per Student of $350.  This is somewhat below the average cost per student of $379 (average cost for the 46 CCS states).




Table 3, Total CCS Cost, lists the components making up the Total CCS Cost of $2,188.494 million for California.  Testing cost is $185.690 million; Professional Development cost is $605.938 million; Textbook cost is $374.295 million; and Technology cost is $1,022.571 million.




In round numbers, California will spend $186 million on Testing, $606 million on Professional Development, $374 million on Textbooks, and $1,022 million on Technology.  The Total CCS Cost for California will be $2,188 million ($2.188 billion).





Explanation of Figures


1.  Testing -- Testing is a function of the number of students tested.  Table 5 in my report shows the Total Nationwide Cost for the 46 CCS states.  My Table 5 duplicates Pioneer Figure 2B (on page 2 of the PI report).  Figure 2B shows a Total Testing Cost of $1,240,641,297. 



Table 6 (Burke report) lists the number of students and teachers in each of the 46 states; the total for the 46 states is 41,805,062 students.  I obtained all of the numbers in Table 6 from the Pioneer report Appendices (NCES: 2009 - 2010 School Year). 



When I divided $1,240,641,297 by 41,805,062 students, I obtained a factor of $29.67681993 per student.  This Testing cost factor was applied to each of the 46 states to get the Testing cost for each state.  My Total Testing Cost of $1,240.641 million agrees with the Pioneer Figure 2B number.



California has a total student enrollment of 6,257,082 students (Table 6 of Burke report).  When I multiplied 6,257,082 students by the $29.6768 factor per student, I obtained $185.690 million.

[6,257,082 students  x  $29.67681993 per student = $185,690,296]





2.  Professional Development -- The purpose of Professional Development is to train the teachers on the new Common Core academic standards.  Professional Development is a function of the number of teachers that must be trained.  Pioneer used a Professional Development cost of $1,931 per teacher.



California has 313,795 teachers (Table 6 of Burke report).  When I multiplied 313,795 teachers by $1,931 per teacher, I obtained $605.938 million.

[313,795 teachers  x  $1,931 per teacher = $605,938,145]



Incidentally, my calculations produced a Professional Development Cost for California of $605.938 million.  The PI report bar graph showed the number $606 million for California.  This verifies that my calculation assumptions and methodology are correct.





3.  Textbooks -- I obtained the Textbook cost for California directly from the Pioneer Institute Appendix.  The Table in the Appendix showed a Total Textbook Cost for California of $374,294,768 ($374.295 million).



The PI Appendix listed the following numbers for Textbooks and Instructional Materials:




California Textbook Cost

(Millions of Dollars)




Textbook Cost

($ Millions)















  Subtotal -- K - 6










  Subtotal -- 7 - 9










  Subtotal -- 10 - 12




    Total -- K - 12







4.  Technology -- I obtained the Technology cost for California directly from the Pioneer Appendix.  The PI Appendix lists the Total Technology Cost for California as $1,022,570,559 ($1,022.571 million).



The PI Appendix provides the following information:




California Technology Cost 

(Millions of Dollars)






($ Millions)




($ Millions)

One-Time Costs



Year 1 Operations



Years 2 - 7 Operations (Annual)



Total for 6 Years (Years 2 - 7)



    Total Technology Cost









Please contact me if you would like copies of my two reports.





Henry W. Burke



Alabama Common Core Implementation Costs

Alabama Common Core Implementation Costs


by Henry W. Burke







It will cost Alabama $282 million to implement the Common Core Standards (CCS).  Where will Alabama find $282 million to implement the mediocre Common Core Standards?   




I will call your attention to an excellent Pioneer Institute report, "National Cost of Aligning States and Localities to the Common Core Standards," dated February 2012 (PI report) and my report, "States' Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards," by Henry W. Burke, dated 10.15.12 (Burke report).  These are the links to the reports:





I also wrote a companion report applicable to the states that did not adopt the Common Core Standards, "Non-Common Core States Will Save Millions of Dollars," by Henry W. Burke, 10.18.12:




Alabama gave up very good state standards to adopt the inferior Common Core Standards.  According to a 2010 Fordham Institute report that compared the state standards with the Common Core Standards, Alabama had good English Language Arts (ELA) standards and Mathematics standards ("Too Close to Call"). 



I encourage you to realistically evaluate the costs versus the benefits for the State of Alabama.  I will focus only on the cost of implementing the Common Core Standards (CCS) versus the dollar awards received from the federal government.  (Alabama received zero dollars in competitive awards.) 



I thought I would offer a little insight into the CCS implementation costs.  This explanation includes the Pioneer report figures and my assumptions.  Obviously, I cannot speak for the Pioneer Institute nor its partners in the white paper, Accountability Works and Pacific Research Institute.  These are strictly my thoughts, assumptions and calculations.



The Pioneer Institute report identified four cost categories for CCS implementation.  The categories are: Testing, Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  Pioneer calculated the total CCS implementation cost over a 7-year time period. 



The PI report included bar graphs (without dollar figures) for each state in Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  The Appendices to the PI report showed exact dollar figures for each state in only the Textbooks and Technology categories.  This is the link to the Pioneer Institute Appendices:



Consequently, I had to derive figures for Testing and Professional Development for each of the 46 states.  My goal was to duplicate the Pioneer figures as closely as possible.  My nationwide totals for the four categories agree quite closely with the Pioneer Institute report. 




A.  Alabama CCS Loss



The State of Alabama submitted a proposal to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Race to the Top (RTTT) program and received a rank of No. 37 in Phase 1 and a rank of No. 36 in Phase 2 of that competition.  The 12 "winning" states under Phase 1 and Phase 2 of RTTT received a total of $3.94 billion.  Alabama did not receive any funds from the federal government for competitive awards.



In the Burke Table 1, CCS Loss Per State, the CCS Total Cost for Alabama is $281.693 million; and the federal competitive award total is zero dollars.  The difference is $281.693 million.



This means Alabama will have to find $282 million to pay for the implementation expense of CCS.





B.  Alabama CCS Cost



In the Burke Table 2, CCS Cost Per Student, we can see that Alabama has a CCS Cost per Student of $376.  This is almost identical to the average cost per student of $379 (average cost for the 46 CCS states).



Table 3, Total CCS Cost, lists the components making up the Total CCS Cost of $281.693 million for Alabama.  Testing cost is $22.225 million; Professional Development cost is $91.707 million; Textbook cost is $44.643 million; and Technology cost is $123.118 million.



In round numbers, Alabama will spend $22 million on Testing, $92 million on Professional Development, $45 million on Textbooks, and $123 million on Technology.  The Total CCS Cost for Alabama will be $282 million.




Explanation of Figures


1.  Testing -- Testing is a function of the number of students tested.  Table 5 in my report shows the Total Nationwide Cost for the 46 CCS states.  My Table 5 duplicates Pioneer Figure 2B (on page 2 of the PI report).  Figure 2B shows a Total Testing Cost of $1,240,641,297. 



Table 6 (Burke report) lists the number of students and teachers in each of the 46 states; the total for the 46 states is 41,805,062 students.  I obtained all of the numbers in Table 6 from the Pioneer report Appendices (NCES: 2009 - 2010 School Year). 



When I divided $1,240,641,297 by 41,805,062 students, I obtained a factor of $29.67681993 per student.  This Testing cost factor was applied to each of the 46 states to get the Testing cost for each state.  My Total Testing Cost of $1,240.641 million agrees with the Pioneer Figure 2B number.



Alabama has a total student enrollment of 748,889 students.  When I multiplied 748,889 students by the $29.6768 factor per student, I obtained $22.225 million.

[748,889 students  x  $29.67681993 per student = $22,224,644]




2.  Professional Development -- The purpose of Professional Development is to train the teachers on the new Common Core academic standards.  Professional Development is a function of the number of teachers that must be trained.  Pioneer used a Professional Development cost of $1,931 per teacher.



Alabama has 47,492 teachers.  When I multiplied 47,492 teachers by $1,931 per teacher, I obtained $91.707 million.

[47,492 teachers  x  $1,931 per teacher = $91,707,052]



Incidentally, my calculations produced a Professional Development Cost for California of $605.938 million.  The PI report bar graph showed the number $606 million for California.  This verifies that my calculation assumptions and methodology are correct.




3.  Textbooks -- I obtained the Textbook cost for Alabama directly from the Pioneer Institute Appendix.  The Table in the Appendix showed a Total Textbook Cost for Alabama of $44,642,925 ($44.643 million).



The PI Appendix listed the following numbers for Textbooks and Instructional Materials:




Alabama Textbook Cost

(Millions of Dollars)




Textbook Cost

($ Millions)















  Subtotal -- K - 6










  Subtotal -- 7 - 9










  Subtotal -- 10 - 12




    Total -- K - 12






4.  Technology -- I obtained the Technology cost for Alabama directly from the Pioneer Appendix.  The PI Appendix lists the Total Technology Cost for Alabama as $123,117,754 ($123.118 million).



The PI Appendix provides the following information:




Alabama Technology Cost 

(Millions of Dollars)






($ Millions)




($ Millions)

One-Time Costs



Year 1 Operations



Years 2 - 7 Operations (Annual)



Total for 6 Years (Years 2 - 7)



    Total Technology Cost









Please contact me if you would like copies of my two reports.




Henry W. Burke



Washington State Common Core Implementation Costs

Randy Dorn, Alan Burke and Edie Harding (WashingtonState Officials): 



On 10.15.12, I sent this comprehensive report to you, "States' Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards," by Henry W. Burke, 10.15.12.


Today, I prepared an analysis of the "WashingtonState Common Core Implementation Costs" (shown below) especially for you.  This analysis is based on my report and the Pioneer Institute white paper.  I strongly encourage you to realistically examine the costs of implementing the Common Core Standards. 



Is the State of Washington prepared to lose (spend) $331 million on a mediocre set of education standards?  





Henry W. Burke 








Washington State Common Core

Implementation Costs


by Henry W. Burke










I will call your attention to an excellent Pioneer Institute report, "National Cost of Aligning States and Localities to the Common Core Standards," dated February 2012 (PI report) and my report, "States' Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards," by Henry W. Burke, dated 10.15.12 (Burke report).  These are the links to the reports:





I also wrote a companion report applicable to the states that did not adopt the Common Core Standards, "Non-Common Core States Will Save Millions of Dollars," by Henry W. Burke, 10.18.12:





I encourage you to realistically evaluate the costs versus the benefits for the State of Washington.  I will focus only on the cost of implementing the Common Core Standards (CCS) versus the dollar awards received from the federal government.



I thought I would offer a little insight into the CCS implementation costs.  This explanation includes the Pioneer report figures and my assumptions.  Obviously, I cannot speak for the Pioneer Institute nor its partners in the white paper, Accountability Works and Pacific Research Institute.  These are strictly my thoughts, assumptions and calculations.



The Pioneer Institute report identified four cost categories for CCS implementation.  The categories are: Testing, Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  Pioneer calculated the total CCS implementation cost over a 7-year time period. 



 The PI report included bar graphs (without dollar figures) for each state in Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  The Appendices to the PI report showed exact dollar figures for each state in only the Textbooks and Technology categories.  This is the link to the Pioneer Institute Appendices:



Consequently, I had to derive figures for Testing and Professional Development for each of the 46 states.  My goal was to duplicate the Pioneer figures as closely as possible.  My nationwide totals for the four categories agree quite closely with the Pioneer Institute report. 




A.  Washington State CCS Loss



The State of Washington submitted a proposal to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) for Phase 2 of the Race to the Top (RTTT) program and received a Rank of No. 32 in that competition.  Washington obtained zero dollars in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of RTTT.  (Washington did not submit a proposal for Phase 1.)  The 12 "winning" states under Phase 1 and Phase 2 of RTTT received a total of $3.94 billion.  In subsequent competitions, Washington received $34,329,658 ($34.330 million) in competitive stimulus awards.



According to my Table 8, Competitive Stimulus Awards, WashingtonState was ranked No. 21 in competitive grants per student, with $33 per student.



In the Burke Table 1, CCS Loss Per State, the CCS Total Cost for WashingtonState is $365.092 million; and the federal competitive award total is $34.330 million.  The difference is $330.762 million.

[$365.092 million - $34.330 million = $330.762 million]



This means WashingtonState will have to find $330.8 million to pay for the implementation expense of CCS.





B.  Washington State CCS Cost



In Table 2, CCS Cost Per Student, we can see that Washington has a CCS Cost per Student of $353.  This is slightly below the average cost per student of $379 (average cost for the 46 CCS states).



Table 3, Total CCS Cost, lists the components making up the Total CCS Cost of $365.092 million for WashingtonState.  Testing cost is $30.726 million; Professional Development cost is $103.208 million; Textbook cost is $61.909 million; and Technology cost is $169.249 million.



In round numbers, Washington will spend $31 million on Testing, $103 million on Professional Development, $62 million on Textbooks, and $169 million on Technology.  The Total CCS Cost for Washington will be $365 million.




Explanation of Figures


1.  Testing -- Testing is a function of the number of students tested.  Table 5 in my report shows the Total Nationwide Cost for the 46 CCS states.  My Table 5 duplicates Pioneer Figure 2B (on page 2 of the PI report).  Figure 2B shows a Total Testing Cost of $1,240,641,297. 



Table 6 (Burke report) lists the number of students and teachers in each of the 46 states; the total for the 46 states is 41,805,062 students.  I obtained all of the numbers in Table 6 from the Pioneer report Appendices (NCES: 2009 - 2010 School Year). 



When I divided $1,240,641,297 by 41,805,062 students, I obtained a factor of $29.67681993 per student.  This Testing cost factor was applied to each of the 46 states to get the Testing cost for each state.  My Total Testing Cost of $1,240.641 million agrees with the Pioneer Figure 2B number.



Washington State has a total student enrollment of 1,035,347 students.  When I multiplied 1,035,347 students by the $29.6768 factor per student, I obtained $30.726 million.

[1,035,347 students  x  $29.67681993 per student = $30,725,806]




2.  Professional Development -- The purpose of Professional Development is to train the teachers on the new Common Core academic standards.  Professional Development is a function of the number of teachers that must be trained.  Pioneer used a Professional Development cost of $1,931 per teacher.



Washington State has 53,448 teachers.  When I multiplied 53,448 teachers by $1,931 per teacher, I obtained $103.208 million.

[53,448 teachers  x  $1,931 per teacher = $103,208,088]



Incidentally, my calculations produced a Professional Development Cost for California of $605.938 million.  The PI report bar graph showed the number $606 million for California.  This verifies that my calculation assumptions and methodology are correct.




3.  Textbooks -- I obtained the Textbook cost for Washington State directly from the Pioneer Institute Appendix.  The Table in the Appendix showed a Total Textbook Cost for Washington of $61,908,492 ($61.909 million).



The PI Appendix listed the following numbers for Textbooks and Instructional Materials:




WashingtonTextbook Cost

(Millions of Dollars)




Textbook Cost

($ Millions)















  Subtotal -- K - 6










  Subtotal -- 7 - 9










  Subtotal -- 10 - 12




    Total -- K - 12






4.  Technology -- I obtained the Technology cost for WashingtonState directly from the Pioneer Appendix.  The PI Appendix lists the Total Technology Cost for Washington as $169,248,689 ($169.249 million).



The PI Appendix provides the following information:




Washington Technology Cost 

(Millions of Dollars)






($ Millions)




($ Millions)

One-Time Costs



Year 1 Operations



Years 2 - 7 Operations (Annual)



Total for 6 Years (Years 2 - 7)



    Total Technology Cost








Please contact me if you would like copies of my two reports.




Henry W. Burke 




Kansas Common Core Implementation Costs

Kansas Common Core Implementation Costs


(Information for KansasState Board of Education)



by Henry W. Burke







Thank you for your correspondence and your interest in the Pioneer Institute report, "National Cost of Aligning States and Localities to the Common Core Standards," dated February 2012 (PI report) and my report, "States' Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards," dated 10.15.12 (Burke report).  These are the links to the reports:





I encourage you to realistically evaluate the costs versus the benefits for the State of Kansas.  I will focus only on the cost of implementing the Common Core Standards (CCS) versus the dollar awards received from the federal government.



I thought I would offer a little insight into the CCS implementation costs.  This explanation includes the Pioneer report figures and my assumptions.  Obviously, I cannot speak for the Pioneer Institute nor its partners in the white paper, Accountability Works and Pacific Research Institute.  These are strictly my thoughts, assumptions and calculations.


The Pioneer Institute report identified four cost categories for CCS implementation.  The categories are: Testing, Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  Pioneer calculated the total CCS implementation cost over a 7-year time period. 



 The PI report included bar graphs (without dollar figures) for each state in Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  The Appendices to the PI report showed exact dollar figures for each state in only the Textbooks and Technology categories.  This is the link to the Pioneer Institute Appendices:



Consequently, I had to derive figures for Testing and Professional Development for each of the 46 states.  My goal was to duplicate the Pioneer figures as closely as possible.  My nationwide totals for the four categories agree quite closely with the Pioneer Institute report. 




A.  Kansas CCS Loss



The State of Kansas submitted a proposal to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) for Phase 1 of the Race to the Top (RTTT) program and received a Rank of No. 29 in that competition.  Only two states (Delaware and Tennessee) received awards in Phase 1.  Kansas did not submit a proposal for Phase 2 of RTTT.  In subsequent competitions, Kansas received $11,180,442 ($11.180 million) in competitive stimulus awards.



According to my Table 8, Competitive Stimulus Awards, Kansas was ranked No. 27 in competitive grants per student, with $24 per student.



In the Burke Table 1, CCS Loss Per State, the CCS Total Cost is $185.515 million; and the federal competitive award total is $11.180 million.  The difference is $174.335 million.

[$185.515 million - $11.180 million = $174.335 million]



This means Kansas will have to find $174.3 million to pay for the implementation expense of CCS.



In Table 2, CCS Cost Per Student, we can see that Kansas has a CCS Cost per Student of $395.  This is slightly above the average cost per student of $379 (average cost for the 46 CCS states).





B.  Kansas CCS Cost



Table 3, Total CCS Cost, lists the components making up the Total CCS Cost of $185.515 million.  Testing cost is $13.950 million; Professional Development cost is $67.006 million; Textbook cost is $27.758 million; and Technology cost is $76.801 million.



In round numbers, Kansas will spend $14 million on Testing, $67 million on Professional Development, $28 million on Textbooks, and $77 million on Technology.  The Total CCS Cost for Kansas will be $186 million.




Explanation of Figures


1.  Testing -- Testing is a function of the number of students tested.  Table 5 in my report shows the Total Nationwide Cost for the 46 CCS states.  My Table 5 duplicates Pioneer Figure 2B (on page 2 of the PI report).  Figure 2B shows a Total Testing Cost of $1,240,641,297. 



Table 6 (Burke report) lists the number of students and teachers in each of the 46 states; the total for the 46 states is 41,805,062 students.  I obtained all of the numbers in Table 6 from the Pioneer report Appendices (NCES: 2009 - 2010 School Year). 



When I divided $1,240,641,297 by 41,805,062 students, I obtained a factor of $29.67681993 per student.  This Testing cost factor was applied to each of the 46 states to get the Testing cost for each state.  My Total Testing Cost of $1,240.641 agrees with the Pioneer Figure 2B number.



Kansas has a total student enrollment of 470,057 students.  When I multiplied 470,057 students by the $29.6768 factor per student, I obtained $13.950 million.

[470,057 students  x  $29.67681993 per student = $13,949,797]




2.  Professional Development -- The purpose of Professional Development is to train the teachers on the new Common Core academic standards.  Professional Development is a function of the number of teachers that must be trained.  Pioneer used a Professional Development cost of $1,931 per teacher.



Kansas has 34,700 teachers.  When I multiplied 34,700 teachers by $1,931 per teacher, I obtained $67.006 million.

[34,700 teachers  x  $1,931 per teacher = $67,005,700]



Incidentally, my calculations produced a Professional Development Cost for California of $605.938 million.  The PI report bar graph showed a number of $606 million for California.  This verifies that my calculation assumptions are correct.




3.  Textbooks -- I obtained the Textbook cost for Kansas directly from the Pioneer Institute Appendix.  The Table in the Appendix showed a Total Textbook Cost for Kansas of $27,757,804 ($27.758 million).



The PI Appendix listed the following numbers for Textbooks and Instructional Materials:




Kansas Textbook Cost

(Millions of Dollars)




Textbook Cost

($ Millions)















  Subtotal -- K - 6










  Subtotal -- 7 - 9










  Subtotal -- 10 - 12




    Total -- K - 12






4.  Technology -- I obtained the Technology cost for Kansas directly from the Pioneer Appendix.  The PI Appendix lists the Total Technology Cost for Kansas as $76,801,493 ($76.801 million).



The PI Appendix provides the following information:




Kansas Technology Cost 

(Millions of Dollars)






($ Millions)




($ Millions)

One-Time Costs



Year 1 Operations



Years 2 - 7 Operations (Annual)



Total for 6 Years (Years 2 - 7)



    Total Technology Cost










Henry W. Burke 




Indiana Common Core Costs

Indiana Department of Education:



It will cost Indiana$387 million to implement the Common Core Standards in the state.  Where will Indiana get $387 million in these difficult economic times?


The cost to implement the Common Core Standards (CCS) should be a major consideration for each of the 46 states (45 states plus the District of Columbia) that adopted the CCS.  The Pioneer Institute has published a major white paper that defines the CCS implementation costs; I produced a report that shows the cost for each of the 46 states.


You have just experienced a difficult election that impacted Dr. Tony Bennett's position.  This might be a good time to take a hard look at the Common Core Standards in your state.  How much will it really cost to implement the new Common Core Standards?  The following analysis and the two reports can assist you in this endeavor.  



Henry W. Burke








Indiana Common Core Implementation Costs


by Henry W. Burke







It will cost Indiana $387 million to implement the Common Core Standards (CCS).  Why would Indiana spend $387 million to adopt the mediocre CCS when its state standards were exemplary?




I will call your attention to an excellent Pioneer Institute report, "National Cost of Aligning States and Localities to the Common Core Standards," dated February 2012 (PI report) and my report, "States' Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards," by Henry W. Burke, dated 10.15.12 (Burke report).  These are the links to the reports:





I also wrote a companion report applicable to the states that did not adopt the Common Core Standards, "Non-Common Core States Will Save Millions of Dollars," by Henry W. Burke, 10.18.12:




Indiana gave up very good state standards to adopt the inferior Common Core Standards.  According to a 2010 Fordham Institute report that compared the state standards with the Common Core Standards, Indiana had "Clearly Superior" English Language Arts standards and "Too Close to Call" Math standards.



I encourage you to realistically evaluate the costs versus the benefits for the State of Indiana.  I will focus only on the cost of implementing the Common Core Standards (CCS) versus the dollar awards received from the federal government.  (Because Indiana received no federal RTTT awards, the benefit was zero.)



I thought I would offer a little insight into the CCS implementation costs.  This explanation includes the Pioneer report figures and my assumptions.  Obviously, I cannot speak for the Pioneer Institute nor its partners in the white paper, Accountability Works and Pacific Research Institute.  These are strictly my thoughts, assumptions and calculations.



The Pioneer Institute report identified four cost categories for CCS implementation.  The categories are: Testing, Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  Pioneer calculated the total CCS implementation cost over a 7-year time period. 



 The PI report included bar graphs (without dollar figures) for each state in Professional Development, Textbooks, and Technology.  The Appendices to the PI report showed exact dollar figures for each state in only the Textbooks and Technology categories.  This is the link to the Pioneer Institute Appendices:



Consequently, I had to derive figures for Testing and Professional Development for each of the 46 states.  My goal was to duplicate the Pioneer figures as closely as possible.  My nationwide totals for the four categories agree quite closely with the Pioneer Institute report. 




A.  Indiana CCS Loss



The State of Indiana submitted a proposal to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) for Phase 1 of the Race to the Top (RTTT) program and received a Rank of No. 23 in that competition.  Indiana obtained zero dollars in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of RTTT.  (Indiana did not submit a proposal for Phase 2.)  The 12 "winning" states under Phase 1 and Phase 2 of RTTT received a total of $3.94 billion.  In subsequent competitions, Indiana received no funds for competitive stimulus awards.




In the Burke Table 1, CCS Loss Per State, the CCS Total Cost for Indiana is $386.623 million; and the federal competitive award total is $0.  The difference is $386.623 million.

[$386.623 million - $0 million = $386.623 million]



This means Indiana will have to find $387 million to pay for the implementation expense of CCS.





B.  Indiana CCS Cost



In Table 2, CCS Cost Per Student, we can see that Indiana has a CCS Cost per Student of $369.  This is slightly below the average cost per student of $379 (average cost for the 46 CCS states).



Table 3, Total CCS Cost, lists the components making up the Total CCS Cost of $386.623 million for Indiana.  Testing cost is $31.062 million; Professional Development cost is $120.220 million; Textbook cost is $62.427 million; and Technology cost is $172.914 million.



In round numbers, Indiana will spend $31 million on Testing, $120 million on Professional Development, $63 million on Textbooks, and $173 million on Technology.  The Total CCS Cost for Washington will be $387 million.




Explanation of Figures


1.  Testing -- Testing is a function of the number of students tested.  Table 5 in my report shows the Total Nationwide Cost for the 46 CCS states.  My Table 5 duplicates Pioneer Figure 2B (on page 2 of the PI report).  Figure 2B shows a Total Testing Cost of $1,240,641,297. 



Table 6 (Burke report) lists the number of students and teachers in each of the 46 states; the total for the 46 states is 41,805,062 students.  I obtained all of the numbers in Table 6 from the Pioneer report Appendices (NCES: 2009 - 2010 School Year). 



When I divided $1,240,641,297 by 41,805,062 students, I obtained a factor of $29.67681993 per student.  This Testing cost factor was applied to each of the 46 states to get the Testing cost for each state.  My Total Testing Cost of $1,240.641 million agrees with the Pioneer Figure 2B number.



Indiana has a total student enrollment of 1,046,661 students.  When I multiplied 1,046,661 students by the $29.6768 factor per student, I obtained $31.062 million.

[1,046,661 students  x  $29.67681993 per student = $31,061,570]




2.  Professional Development -- The purpose of Professional Development is to train the teachers on the new Common Core academic standards.  Professional Development is a function of the number of teachers that must be trained.  Pioneer used a Professional Development cost of $1,931 per teacher.



Indiana has 62,258 teachers.  When I multiplied 62,258 teachers by $1,931 per teacher, I obtained $120.220 million.

[53,448 teachers  x  $1,931 per teacher = $120,220,198]



Incidentally, my calculations produced a Professional Development Cost for California of $605.938 million.  The PI report bar graph showed the number $606 million for California.  This verifies that my calculation assumptions and methodology are correct.




3.  Textbooks -- I obtained the Textbook cost for Indiana directly from the Pioneer Institute Appendix.  The Table in the Appendix showed a Total Textbook Cost for Indiana of $62,426,988 ($62.427 million).



The PI Appendix listed the following numbers for Textbooks and Instructional Materials:




IndianaTextbook Cost

(Millions of Dollars)




Textbook Cost

($ Millions)















  Subtotal -- K - 6










  Subtotal -- 7 - 9










  Subtotal -- 10 - 12




    Total -- K - 12






4.  Technology -- I obtained the Technology cost for Indiana directly from the Pioneer Appendix.  The PI Appendix lists the Total Technology Cost for Indiana as $172,914,317 ($172.914 million).



The PI Appendix provides the following information:




Indiana Technology Cost 

(Millions of Dollars)






($ Millions)




($ Millions)

One-Time Costs



Year 1 Operations



Years 2 - 7 Operations (Annual)



Total for 6 Years (Years 2 - 7)



    Total Technology Cost









Please contact me if you would like copies of my two reports.




Henry W. Burke 
