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Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in common core state standards (24)


America Needs Heroes To Save Their Children From Common Core And It Begins With Parents

Why Are Heroes Needed to Save Children from Common Core State Standards?

America is called the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave".  Why is that?  Could it be because in its very beginning those who came upon its shores were indeed very brave and they were seeking to live in the land that was free.  In William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation-their children was one of the main reasons many came to America. 

Chapter IV of Of Plymouth Plantation (reading this excerpt will make you want to read more of what they were dealing with--for such a time as this...)--"But that which was more lamentable, and of all sorrows most heavy to be borne, was that many of their children, by these occasions and the great licentiousness of youth in that country,5 and the manifold temptations of the place, were drawn away by evil examples into extravagant and dangerous courses, getting the reins off their necks and departing from their parents. Some became soldiers, others took upon them far voyages by sea, and others some worse courses tending to dissoluteness and the danger of their souls, to the great grief of their parents and dishonour of God. So that they saw their posterity would be in danger to degenerate and be corrupted."

They braved the unknown and sacrificed much for the love of their children.  Hundreds of years later we have benefitted greatly.  But alas today, most of America's parents are asleep to the dangers their children are facing.  But awaken they must so they can be the heroes so necessary for their very own precious children.  Professor Sandra Stotsky who was on the National Validation Committe of Common Core said it well--you don't keep giving poison to children no matter how much you've invested in buying the poison--that is her warning to Superintendents who use the excuse of how much money they have already invested in Common Core.  Also the other true expert on National Validation Committee was the Math Expert-Professor Jim Milgram and he said that psychologist was involved and indeed the outcomes show it (hear interviews with these two experts below).  In video of clinical psychologist is a very powerful warning of the kind of people that will be raised by these runaway standards.  The Common Core standards biggest violation (and there are many) is that it takes away parental authority.  So get informed parents because if you didn't know--you will never gain it back and who will suffer most?  The child in front of your very eyes.  So take time out of your very busy schedule-study and do your homework--most Superintendents,Principals and Legislators haven't and it's proving dangerous for America's children.


Mom of twins on damage to 3rd grader due to Common Core

Clinical psychologist on detrimental standards in all places English!

National Sexuality Standards?!

On page 9 under "Guiding Values and Principles"

"Instruction by qualified sexuality education teachers is essential for student achievement." 
Wouldn't that be the parents? Who decides who is "qualified"?    

"Students need opportunities to engage in cooperative and active (I underlined those two words) learning strategies, and sufficient time must be allocated for students to practice (I underlined that one too) skills relating to sexuality education."
What does that mean? Something like this

And I just have to highlight this principle:
Students need multiple opportunities and a variety of assessment strategies to determine their achievement of the sexuality education standards and performance.

President Obama’s new budget, submitted a few weeks ago, eliminates all funding for any abstinence education programs and directs the funding to US HHS to establish yet another new contraception program!

This is the Obama policy with sex education:  Eliminate abstinence programs and direct the money towards sexually explicit sex education for middle and high school students.

Millions of Obama administration dollars have been funneled into SC to promote shocking sex education materials and to support those that oppose abstinence-until-marriage programs.

I pray more people will study and support Martha Roby's Bill to defend State's Rights:

Alabama's common core fight makes its way to Congress –


Her bill:


Professor Jim Milgram's interview

 Professor Sandra Stotsky

Please visit Citizens United for Responsible Education--CURENat and get very informed as Truth is your best weapon.  It will make you--your child's best defender which is exactly what the enemy does not want.  May God help you!

  Take the time to smell the stench of Common Core amidst the flowery speeches and resolve to make a difference and may it be as in Isaiah 54-

13 All your children will be taught by the Lord,
    and great will be their peace.
14 In righteousness you will be established:
Tyranny will be far from you;
    you will have nothing to fear.
Terror will be far removed;
    it will not come near you.
15 If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing;
    whoever attacks you will surrender to you.

16 “See, it is I who created the blacksmith
    who fans the coals into flame
    and forges a weapon fit for its work.
And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc;
17     no weapon forged against you will prevail,
    and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
    and this is their vindication from me,”
declares the Lord.



Agreement Between the Settlers at New Plymouth : 1620

IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape-Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini; 1620.

Mr. John Carver,

Mr. William Bradford,
Mr Edward Winslow,
Mr. William Brewster.
Isaac Allerton,
Myles Standish,
John Alden,
John Turner,
Francis Eaton,
James Chilton,
John Craxton,
John Billington,
Joses Fletcher,
John Goodman,
Mr. Samuel Fuller,
Mr. Christopher Martin,
Mr. William Mullins,
Mr. William White,
Mr. Richard Warren,
John Howland,
Mr. Steven Hopkins,
Digery Priest,
Thomas Williams,
Gilbert Winslow,
Edmund Margesson,
Peter Brown,
Richard Britteridge
George Soule,
Edward Tilly,
John Tilly,
Francis Cooke,
Thomas Rogers,
Thomas Tinker,
John Ridgdale
Edward Fuller,
Richard Clark,
Richard Gardiner,
Mr. John Allerton,
Thomas English,
Edward Doten,
Edward Liester.


Response To State school board member speaks out on common core repeal vote

Mary Scott Hunter one of the newest addition to the Alabama State School Board has taken on the role of Tommy Bice spokesman and sadly she also does the same thing he does--misrepresents.

"Students in Alabama are showing some remarkable progress in mathematics," she said of the common core math standards that took effect this school year. "This has been long in coming, and is so needed for them, for us and for our future."

She neglected to say that Alabama has been gaining because of their Math Initiative --read this:

"MONTGOMERY—Governor Robert Bentley today announced that Alabama leads the nation in reading gains and meets the national average in reading for the first time, according to data released from the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP). The report indicates that, since the last national assessment in 2009, Alabama is one of only four states in the nation to show significant gains in 4th grade reading scores.  

NAEP also measures math achievement in grades 4 and 8. Alabama is one of only nine states in the country to show significant improvement since 2009 in 4th grade math. Of the nine states, Alabama shows the second highest gain behind Arizona." more..

Mary Scott Hunter also says-the state is not a recipient of any federal grants that would tie it to the common core.  But she neglects to state that we are tied to Common Core in our No Child Left Behind Waiver.

And in the closing words of the article on Mary Scott Hunter's stance--"Alabama was not awarded such a grant, despite its application."--the reporter also neglected to report that we are tied to Common Core due to the No Child Left Behind waiver.  Sad that truth is omitted too many times--wonder why?

 Helpful links to study on NCLB waiver and common core

 Listen to why Georgia is now considering getting out of common core:


Parents Wake Up For Chance To Repeal Common Core --Alabama's SB403 Will Be Voted Wednesday 4-17-13 By Senate Education Committee--Contact Info Here


A NEW Common Core bill, SB 403, has been introduced by Scott Beason (very similar to the one what was killed in committee).  SB 403 WILL BE VOTED ON by the Senate Education Policy Committee on Wednesday, April 17th, in Room 727 at 8:30 a.m at the State House.  This is the same room the other hearing was held.  It's important for as many people as possible to attend this meeting.

IMPORTANT:  The vote on Wednesday will determine if our bill SB 403 dies or survives.

UPDATE ON COMMON CORE BILLS:  Two bills will be voted on by the Education Policy Committee on Wednesday.

I was most surprised to learn yesterday that Senator Dick Brewbaker has filed a new bill on data only.  As you know, Senator Brewbaker carried the first repeal bill that died in his committee.  SB 190 was an outstanding bill and included both privacy protections for students and the repeal of Common Core.   These two issues should be linked in ONE BILL, not separated.  However, Senator Brewbaker has separated these issues and has submitted only a data bill.   A comparison of Senator Brewbaker's original bill SB 190 and his new bill on data only, SB 424, shows that the data provisions have been badly weakened in his new bill.   Primarily, our concern is the collection of personal, non-academic information on students and their families and the sharing of this information with third parties -- in and outside of Alabama -- as well as with the federal government.  SB 424 DOES NOT ADDRESS THIS!

Please contact Senator Brewbaker and other Republican members of the Education Policy Committee and ask them to (1) not vote for SB 424 since it does not include repeal of Common Core and it falls short of what is needed for privacy protection, and (2) vote for SB 403 which repeals Common Core AND protects the privacy of students.  Their names and contact information follow: 

Dick Brewbaker:; (334) 242-7895
Gerald Allen:; (334) 242-7889
Slade Blackwell:; (334) 242-7851
Bill Holzclaw:; (334) 242-7854
Shad McGill:; (334) 242-7858
Trip Pittman:; (334) 242-7897

Ask legislators why they are going against the combined national and state Republican leadership and their Republican base?  The RNC just adopted a Resolution supporting repeal of Common Core.  Our two U.S. Senators and four Republican Congressmembers are on record as opposing Common Core.  The GOP State Executive Committee passed a Resolution to repeal Common Core.   NFRW passed a Resolution to repeal Common Core.  AFRW supports repeal.
Grassroots groups in 40 states are working to repeal of Common Core.  This movement is growing and it will not go away -- nor will we!
If you have any questions, please let me know. 
Elois Zeanah

Basic Flyer For All States On Common Core 101 for Parents, Grandparents, Educators

Print handout for all who care about children.  Danger! Danger!

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Race To The Top Applications for Federal Dollars were issued on Nov '09 and states Dept. of Ed signed on Jan '10 to Common Core State Standards aka CCSS (what is to be taught your children) before final draft came out in March '10  (and without approval from legislatures.) The CCSS are copyrighted and can't be changed by states (only allowed to add up to 15%).

Copyright:  This website and all content on this website, including in particular the Common Core State Standards, are the property of NGA Center and CCSSO, and NGA Center and CCSSO retain all right, title, and interest in and to the same.  Read more on their site

The NGA Center for Best Practices is the only policy research and development firm that directly serves the nation’s governors by developing innovative solutions to today’s most pressing public policy challenges.  See Page 6 on their site.

Please hand-out and send emails to awaken parents and all concerned for the children!!!

See Wording of NCLB Waiver Request (See the term Common Core State Standards.  Some Sup says these are their state's standards but here you see they are Common Core):  E S E A F L E X I B I L I T Y–R E Q U E S T F O R W  I N D O W 3 U . S . D E P A R T M E N T O F  ED U C A T I O N iii  June 7, 2012  INTRODUCTION

The U.S. Department of Education (Department) is offering each State educational agency (SEA) the opportunity to request flexibility on behalf of itself, ... This voluntary opportunity will provide educators and State and local leaders with flexibility regarding specific requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)...Prior to submitting this request, Alabama teachers, leaders, college and university faculty, and lay citizens reviewed the Alabama standards and the Common Core State Standards and compiled the best of both into the Alabama College-and Career-Ready Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts,

 Remember:  Common Core State Standards are copyrighted-not owned by the state . "Compiled the best of both" means the copyrighted Common Core State Standards plus the state's specific standards(up to 15% and which will not be tested).No changes can by made by the states. There will no longer be the recourse for parents to help effect change through their school board.  Please study and learn of the loss of parental input; the emphasis on testing, data gathering and psycho-analysis.  Repeal Common Core while you can!  It is worse than you think as the developers of Tx CSCOPE helped develop Common Core!!!  This is so bad RNC just passed an Anti-Common Core Resolution!


Resources to Research in Full What Is Common Core




“Do Not Give in to Common Core Standards”

By Donna Garner



The public is finally waking up to the dangers of Common Core Standards.  People all over this country are no longer sitting back and blindly allowing the Obama administration to take over their children’s public schools with his social justice agenda. 


Information is power.  The better informed the public is, the better able they will be equipped to fend off the Common Core Standards.


To help in that effort, I have compiled a list of anti-Common Core Standards resources going all the way back to 12.11.09.  I trust that people will use these resources to help them battle this “monster-takeover” by the federal government of our public school children’s minds and hearts. I have checked these links; and as of this date, they are all active.  


Donna Garner






2.19.13 – “Former Texas Chief Robert Scott Takes Anti-Common-Core Show on Road”

By Catherine Gewertz – --




2.19.13 “The Other Problems With Florida’s New Education Standards And Testing” -- by Elle Moxley (Tony Bennett was Superintendent of Public Instruction in Indiana for one term. He lost his re-election bid in November 2012, and was appointed Florida's schools chief by Governor Rick Scott.) --




2.18.13 – “President Obama’s Education Roadmap: Linda Darling-Hammond” – by Alisa Ellis, Truth in American Education --




2.19.13 – “Common Core resolution is the most laughable bill of 2013” – by Oak Norton, Deseret News --


2.18.13 -- “Common core standards spark controversy in South Dakota House education committee” – by Allison Jarrell – Capital Journal --




2.18.13 --“Dr. Sandra Stotsky’s Gift to America: An Education” -- by Donna Garner --





2.18.13 – “Bill would withdraw Georgia from Common Core” – by Joy Pullman, The Heartland Institute –




2.15.13 – “Anti-Common Core Bill Filed in Missouri House” – by Shane Vander Hart --




2.14.13 – “Critics Pan Common Core in Kansas House Hearing” – by Celia Llopis-Jensen, The Capital-Journal --




2.9.13 – “Former Texas Commissioner of Education Robert Scott Testifies Before Georgia Joint Meeting of the House and Senate Education Committee” – Part 1:  and Part 2:




2.1.13 – “Alabama Withdraws From Both Testing Consortia” – by Catherine Gewertz -- --





1.25.13 – “Common Core crushing the education system” – by Chasidy White --




1.24.13 – “Debunking Misconceptions: ‘The Common Core Is State-Led’ “ – by Shane Vander Hart --




1.23.13 – “Rotten to the Core: Obama’s War on Academic Standards (Part 1)” – by Michelle Malkin --



1.25.13 – “Rotten to the Core (Part 2): Readin', Writin' and Deconstructionism” by Michelle Malkin --



1.21.13 – “8th Grade History Teacher: Stop the Common Core” -- by C. E. White


1.20.13 – “One step to new standards, one giant leap of logic” – by Alyson Williams --



1.19.13 – “Common Core -- Orwellian Lessons in Florida” – by Mary Grabar --





1.16.13 – “Children for Sale” – by Alyson Williams, Common Core Without Representation --






1.16.13 – “Who’s Writing Common Core Social Studies Standards?” – by J. R. Wilson – --


1.7.13 – “Stop Common Core: Talk Given by Christel Swasey of Utah” --



12.27.12 – “Why all the cool kids are reading Executive Order 13423” – by Lindsey M. Burke, Heritage Foundation --



12.29.12 – “Face: Huge Gaps in Common Core Standards” – by Donna Garner --



12.28.11 – How the feds are tracking your kid” – by Emmett McGroarty and Jane Robbins --  New York Post --


12.17.12 --  “Beware Homeschoolers: Common Core State Standards Initiative: Too Close to a National Curriculum” -- by William A. Estrada, Esq., HSLDA, Director of Federal Relations --



12.15.12 – “Thankfully Most Texas Schools Were Rejected by RTTT-D” – by Donna Garner --






12.12.12 – “Bill Ayers explains the left’s power is in schools and classrooms” – by Sibyl West, --




12.11.12 – “Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact on Literary Study and Analytical Thinking” – by Dr. Sandra Stotsky – Heritage Foundation --


12.7.12 – “Colorado Board of Education Hears Common Core Critics” – by Ben DeGrow --




12.5.12 – “How Much Literature Will Kids Actually Read?: -- by Shane Vander Hart, Truth in American Education --




12.5.12 -- “Obama and Your Child’s Mind” – by Stanley Kurtz – --






11.26.12 – “Wyoming Proves That Common Core Standards Is a Federal-Led Initiative -- Not State-Led” – Truth in American Education --





11.20.12 – “A New Kind of Problem: The Common Core Math Standards” – by Barry Garelick – The Atlantic --



11.16.12 – “Series of Five Videos: The Common Core Standards Pose a Real Threat to the U. S. Education System” --




10.28.12 – “Beware of ObamaCore” – by Robert Nemeth -- Worchester Telegram & Gazette --





10.15.12 -- “States’ Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core” – by Henry W. Burke



To see a list of anti-Common Core resources that I compiled going all the back to 12.11.09 and going through 10.22.12, please go to the following link:


Donna Garner


Alabama HB254 and SB190 on Getting Alabama Out of Common Core

We need more parents to understand and share the truth that their parental input will be gone because standards will now be coming out of Washington DC through the "Common Core (National) Standards".  Below are some key information that all parents should realize. There are the thoughts of the two professors that were asked to be part of forming those standards--learn the truth and realize this plan to nationalize education must die in our state and hopefully others also as it is very dangerous.  No matter what anyone else may say--governors etc--these educators who have dedicated their lives to working and helping students know the inside story--may America listen and learn:

Most prominent are the perspective from Professor Jim Milgram and Professor Sandra Stotsky who were in the national validation committee as part of the development of the common core standards.

 Majority of the states agreed to the common core states standards as part of their application to get "race to the top" grants-( Applications for Race to the Top funding were released by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2009 and were due in January 2010, even though most state legislatures aren’t in session during that time) 

---before the standards were published in June 2010.  And these are just some of the problems they see--will we listen?

"How can the State Boards of Education make decisions when they haven't even read the standards? Many state's Board Member had never been initiated into what was in these documents.  What were the policy issues coming out of these documents and whether these analyses were truly were in a sense legitimate academic analysis-- a really serious issue of uninformed Boards of Education in this country which they would never do on most other issues.  These are very serious issues about what self- government means at the state and local government level."--Sandra Stotsky,  professor in the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas, and holds the 21st Century Chair in Teacher Quality.


Link to full explanation why Mrs. Sandra Stotsky could not endorse the common core standards

"...the requirement to automaticity on their own self- invented algorithms was one of the political issues that came in at the last moment and it's  absolutely crazy.  And then there was an entire list of similar ones, that equally made no sense whatsoever in terms of the long term development of children's mathematical capacity." --  Dr. R. James Milgram, professor of mathematics at Stanford University.


Please call your legislators and everyone in these committees and ask each to please support these two bilss HB254 and SB190 to fight Common Core and defend our children.  Belowe are links with phone numbers.


Chair; Mary Sue McClurkin, Vice Chair; Phil Williams, Ranking Minority Member; Marcel Black

Committee Clerk: Karen Reeves
(334) 242-7251

Elaine Beech, Mac Buttram, Ed Henry, Thomas Jackson, Joseph Mitchell, Kerry Rich, David Sessions, Lesley Vance




Higher Education

Phil Williams, Chair; Marcel Black, Ed Henry, Joseph Mitchell, Allen Treadaway, Lesley Vance, David Sessions.

K - 12

Lesley Vance, Chair; Elaine Beech, Mac Buttram, Ed Henry, Thomas Jackson, David Sessions, Phil Williams.

 Links to phone numbers of Alabama House of Representatives--Click Here

 Links to phone numbers of Alabama Senate Members--Click Here

 Seanate Education Committee:

Brewbaker, Chairperson; Ross, Vice Chairperson; Allen, Blackwell, Figures, Holtzclaw, McGill, Pittman, Sanders.


By Representatives Barton, Long, Sessions and Henry
RFD Education Policy
Rd 1 12-FEB-13

SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, the State Board of Education is directed to establish a core curriculum for every student in grades kindergarten through twelve in the state's public schools.
  This bill would prohibit the State Board of Education from adopting and the Department of Education from implementing the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative.
  This bill would prohibit the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and other state bodies from compiling or sharing data about students or teachers, except under limited circumstances.
  This bill would prohibit the State Board of Education from entering into an agreement or joining a consortium that would cede any control to an entity outside the state.
  This bill would also require notice and public hearings before the State Board of Education adopts or implements any statewide standards.


Relating to education and core curriculum standards; to prohibit the State Board of Education from adopting and the Department of Education from implementing the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative; to prohibit the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and other state bodies from compiling or sharing data about students or teachers, except under limited circumstances; to prohibit the State Board of Education from entering into an agreement or joining a consortium that would cede any control to an entity outside the state; and to require notice and public hearings before the State Board of Education adopts or implements any statewide standards.


Section 1. (a) The adoption and funding of the Common Core State Standards Initiative are hereby repealed.

(b) The State Board of Education may not adopt, and the Department of Education may not implement, the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Any actions taken to adopt or implement the Common Core State Standards at the state or district level as of the effective date of this act are void ab initio.

(c) Beginning with the remainder of the 2012-2013 fiscal year, the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and any other state may not do the following:

(1) Expend any funds, whether originating from Race to the Top grants or elsewhere, on construction, enhancement, or expansion of any Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) designed to track students or compile their personal information beyond what is necessary for basic administrative needs or compliance with requirements of the United States Department of Education.

(2) Share any data compiled on students or teachers, whether personally identifiable or aggregate, with any entity outside the state, including any federal agency, except as follows:

a. Student or teacher data may be shared with the United States Department of Education only when:

1. Such data-sharing is required by the United States Department of Education as a condition of receiving a federal grant.

2. The United States Department of Education agrees in writing to use the data only to evaluate the program or programs funded by the grant.

3. The United States Department of Education agrees in writing that the data will not be used for any research beyond that related to evaluation of the program or programs funded by the grant, unless a parent or guardian of any student whose data are to be so used, or any teacher whose data are to be so used, affirmatively consents in writing to that use.

4. The United States Department of Education agrees in writing to destroy the data upon completion of the evaluation of the program or programs for which the data were compiled.

5. The grant or program in connection with which the data are required is one authorized by statute or by rule properly promulgated under the Federal Administrative Procedure Act.

b. If the United States Department of Education requires, as a condition of making an educational grant to a recipient in the state, that the recipient share student or teacher data under circumstances that do not comply with paragraph a. the recipient shall notify, in writing, the parents or guardians of every student whose data are demanded by the United States Department of Education,

1. That the recipient has been required to share the student's or teacher's data with the United States Department of Education;

2. That neither the recipient nor any other entity within the state will have control over the use or sharing of that student's or teacher's data by the United States Department of Education; and

3. The contact information, including telephone number and e-mail address, of the United States Department of Education official who demands the data.

(c) Student or teacher data may be shared with any testing consortium of which the state is a member only when:

(1) The data are transmitted in nonindividual record format; and

(2) The data are limited to information directly related to the testing, such as the student's grade level and test scores.

Section 2. The State of Alabama shall retain sole control over the development and revision of school standards. Therefore, the Alabama State Board of Education may not enter into any agreement or join any consortium or other association that cedes any measure of control to entities outside the state. Any statewide school standard may not be adopted or implemented unless:

(1) A public hearing is held in each Congressional District.

(2) The State Board of Education solicits input from educators, content experts, parents, and other members of the community during an open comment period of one year.

(3) Joint open hearings are held before the Senate Education Policy Committee and the House of Representatives Education Policy Committee.

(4) The standard receives a majority vote of the Alabama Legislature.

Section 3. The provisions of this act are severable. If any part of this act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, that declaration shall not affect the part which remains.

Section 4. This act shall become effective immediately following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.




By Senators Brewbaker, Ward, Scofield, Allen, Fielding, Whatley, Pittman, Beason, Sanford, McGill, Glover, Holtzclaw, Williams, Blackwell and Waggoner
RFD Education
Rd 1 12-FEB-13

SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, the State Board of Education is directed to establish a core curriculum for every student in grades kindergarten through twelve in the state's public schools.
  This bill would prohibit the State Board of Education from adopting and the Department of Education from implementing the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative.
  This bill would prohibit the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and other state bodies from compiling or sharing data about students or teachers, except under limited circumstances.
  This bill would prohibit the State Board of Education from entering into an agreement or joining a consortium that would cede any control to an entity outside the state.
  This bill would also require notice and public hearings before the State Board of Education adopts or implements any statewide standards.


Relating to education and core curriculum standards; to prohibit the State Board of Education from adopting and the Department of Education from implementing the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative; to prohibit the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and other state bodies from compiling or sharing data about students or teachers, except under limited circumstances; to prohibit the State Board of Education from entering into an agreement or joining a consortium that would cede any control to an entity outside the state; and to require notice and public hearings before the State Board of Education adopts or implements any statewide standards.


Section 1. (a) The adoption and funding of the Common Core State Standards Initiative are hereby repealed.

(b) The State Board of Education may not adopt, and the Department of Education may not implement, the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Any actions taken to adopt or implement the Common Core State Standards at the state or district level as of the effective date of this act are void ab initio.

(c) Beginning with the remainder of the 2012-2013 fiscal year, the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and any other state may not do the following:

(1) Expend any funds, whether originating from Race to the Top grants or elsewhere, on construction, enhancement, or expansion of any Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) designed to track students or compile their personal information beyond what is necessary for basic administrative needs or compliance with requirements of the United States Department of Education.

(2) Share any data compiled on students or teachers, whether personally identifiable or aggregate, with any entity outside the state, including any federal agency, except as follows:

a. Student or teacher data may be shared with the United States Department of Education only when:

1. Such data-sharing is required by the United States Department of Education as a condition of receiving a federal grant.

2. The United States Department of Education agrees in writing to use the data only to evaluate the program or programs funded by the grant.

3. The United States Department of Education agrees in writing that the data will not be used for any research beyond that related to evaluation of the program or programs funded by the grant, unless a parent or guardian of any student whose data are to be so used, or any teacher whose data are to be so used, affirmatively consents in writing to that use.

4. The United States Department of Education agrees in writing to destroy the data upon completion of the evaluation of the program or programs for which the data were compiled.

5. The grant or program in connection with which the data are required is one authorized by statute or by rule properly promulgated under the Federal Administrative Procedure Act.

b. If the United States Department of Education requires, as a condition of making an educational grant to a recipient in the state, that the recipient share student or teacher data under circumstances that do not comply with paragraph a. the recipient shall notify, in writing, the parents or guardians of every student whose data are demanded by the United States Department of Education,

1. That the recipient has been required to share the student's or teacher's data with the United States Department of Education;

2. That neither the recipient nor any other entity within the state will have control over the use or sharing of that student's or teacher's data by the United States Department of Education; and

3. The contact information, including telephone number and e-mail address, of the United States Department of Education official who demands the data.

(c) Student or teacher data may be shared with any testing consortium of which the state is a member only when:

(1) The data are transmitted in nonindividual record format; and

(2) The data are limited to information directly related to the testing, such as the student's grade level and test scores.

Section 2. The State of Alabama shall retain sole control over the development and revision of school standards. Therefore, the Alabama State Board of Education may not enter into any agreement or join any consortium or other association that cedes any measure of control to entities outside the state. Any statewide school standard may not be adopted or implemented unless:

(1) A public hearing is held in each Congressional District.

(2) The State Board of Education solicits input from educators, content experts, parents, and other members of the community during an open comment period of one year.

(3) Joint open hearings are held before the Senate Education Policy Committee and the House of Representatives Education Policy Committee.

(4) The standard receives a majority vote of the Alabama Legislature.

Section 3. The provisions of this act are severable. If any part of this act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, that declaration shall not affect the part which remains.

Section 4. This act shall become effective immediately following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.

Phone Numbers and Emails of Legislators:


Alan Baker Baldwin & Escambia
Mike Ball Madison
Jim Barton Mobile
Richard Baughn Tuscaloosa, Walker, & Winston
Paul Beckman Autauga & Elmore
Alan Boothe Dale & Pike
DuWayne Bridges Chambers & Lee
K.L. Brown Calhoun
Mack Butler Etowah & St. Clair
Mac Buttram Cullman
Jim Carns Jefferson & Shelby
Donnie Chesteen Geneva & Houston
Steve Clouse Dale & Houston
Terri Collins Morgan
Randy Davis Baldwin & Mobile
Paul DeMarco Jefferson
Dickie Drake St. Clair & Jefferson
Allen Farley Jefferson
Joe Faust Baldwin
Chad Fincher Mobile
Victor Gaston Mobile
Lynn Greer Lauderdale
Micky Hammon Limestone & Morgan
Alan Harper Pickens & Tuscaloosa
Ed Henry Cullman & Morgan
Mike Hill Shelby
Mike Hubbard Lee
Jamie Ison Mobile
Ken Johnson Lawrence & Winston
Ron Johnson Coosa & Talladega
Wayne Johnson Jackson & Madison
Mike Jones, Jr. Covington & Escambia
Paul Lee Houston
Wes Long Marshall
Jay Love Montgomery
Barry Mask Coosa & Elmore
Jim McClendon St. Clair & Shelby
Mary Sue McClurkin Jefferson & Shelby
Mac McCutcheon Limsetone & Madison
Steve McMillan Baldwin
John Merrill Tuscaloosa
Barry Moore Coffe
Becky Nordgren Dekalb & Etowah
Jim Patterson Madison
Bill Poole Tuscaloosa
Kerry Rich  DeKalb & Marshall
Bill Roberts Walker
Howard Sanderford Madison
David Sessions Mobile
Harry Shiver Baldwin, Conecuh, Escambia, & Monroe
David Standridge Blount & Jefferson
Allen Treadaway Jefferson
Mark Tuggle Lee & Tallapoosa
Lesley Vance Lee & Russell
Kurt Wallace Chilton & Shelby
April Weaver Bibb & Shleby
Dan Williams Limestone
Jack Williams Jefferson
Phil Williams Madison
Randy Wood Calhoun & St. Clair
Greg Wren Montgomery & Elmore



Flexibility Act HB84--Why passed so quickly yet doesn't really give local control as it seems to indicate?  See below and compare with HB254 and SB190

Rep(s). By Representative Fincher


To establish the Local Control School Flexibility Act of 2013, relating to public K-12 education; to authorize the establishment of innovative schools and school systems in the state; to provide legislative findings and purposes; to provide an overview; to authorize the State Board of Education to enter into school flexibility contracts with local school systems; to require the local board of education to submit a document of assurance; to require the State Board of Education to promulgate rules and regulations relating to innovative school systems; to require local school systems to submit an innovation plan to the State Department of Education in order to qualify for innovation status; and to provide for an effective date.


Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the Local Control School Flexibility Act of 2013.

Section 2. (a) Innovative schools and school systems may be established in Alabama in accordance with this act.

(b) The purpose of this act is to advance the benefits of local school and school system autonomy in innovation and creativity by allowing flexibility from state laws, regulations, and policies.

Section 3. (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:

(1) To further the goals of public education throughout the state, each school system should be able to have maximum possible flexibility to meet the needs of students and the communities within its jurisdiction.

(2) There is a critical need for innovative models of public education that are tailored to the unique circumstances and needs of the students in all schools and communities, and especially in schools and communities that are struggling to improve academic outcomes and close the achievement gap.

(3) To better serve students and better use available resources, local boards of education and local school systems need the ability to explore flexible alternatives in an effort to be more efficient and effective in providing operational and programmatic services.

(b) Therefore, it is the intent of the Legislature to do all of the following:

(1) Allow school systems greater flexibility in meeting the educational needs of a diverse student population.

(2) Improve educational performance through greater individual school autonomy and managerial flexibility with regard to programs and budgetary matters.

(3) Encourage innovation in education by providing local school systems and school administrators with greater control over decisions including, but not limited to, budgetary matters, staffing, personnel, scheduling, and educational programming, including curriculum and instruction.

Section 4. For the purposes of this act, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(1) FLEXIBILITY CONTRACT. A school flexibility contract between the local school system and the State Board of Education wherein a local school system may apply for programmatic flexibility or budgetary flexibility, or both, from state laws, regulations, and policies, including regulations and policies promulgated by the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education.

(2) INNOVATION PLAN. The request of a local school system for flexibility and plan for annual accountability measures and five-year targets for all participating schools within the school system.

(3) LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION. A city or county board of education that exercises management and control of a local school system pursuant to state law.

(4) LOCAL SCHOOL SYSTEM. A public agency that establishes and supervises one or more public schools within its geographical limits pursuant to state law.

(5) SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR. A local superintendent of education or local school principal, unless otherwise specified.

Section 5. (a) Pursuant to this act, to be considered as an innovative school system, a local school system shall successfully comply with the requirements and procedures set forth by the State Department of Education regarding school flexibility contracts, which include, but are not limited to:

(1) Submission to the State Department of Education of a letter of intent to pursue a school flexibility contract.

(2) Submission to the State Department of Education of a resolution adopted by the local board of education supporting the intent of the local school system to pursue a school flexibility contract.

(3) Submission to the State Department of Education of a document of assurance stating that the local board of education shall provide consistency in leadership and a commitment to state standards, assessments, and academic rigor.

(4) Submission to the State Board of Education of a resolution adopted by the local board of education supporting the flexibility contract proposal and the anticipated timeline of the local school system.

(b) Pursuant to State Board of Education rules, each local school system shall provide an opportunity for full discussion and public input , including a public hearing, before submitting a school flexibility contract proposal to the State Board of Education.

(c) A local school system shall ensure that its school flexibility contract proposal and innovation plan is easily accessible to the general public on the website of the local school system.

Section 6. (a) The innovation plan of a local school system shall include, at a minimum, all of the following:

(1) The school year that the local school system expects the school flexibility contract to begin.

(2) The list of state laws, regulations, and policies, including rules, regulations, and policies promulgated by the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education, that the local school system is seeking to waive in its school flexibility contract.

(3) A list of schools included in the innovation plan of the local school system.

(b) A local school system is accountable to the state for the performance of all schools in its system, including innovative schools, under state and federal accountability requirements.

(c) A local school system may not, pursuant to this act, waive requirements imposed by federal law, requirements related to the health and safety of students or employees, requirements imposed by ethics laws, requirements imposed by open records or open meetings laws, requirements related to financial or academic reporting or transparency, requirements designed to protect the civil rights of students or employees, requirements related to participation in a the state retirement system or state health insurance plan, or requirements imposed by Section 16-13-231, Code of Alabama 1975. This act may not be construed to allow a local school system to compensate a current employee at an annual rate that is less than the amount the current employee local school system to compensate an employee at an annual amount that is less than the amount the employee would otherwise be afforded through the State Minimum Salary Schedule included in the annual Education Trust Fund Appropriations Act in force at the time. Additionally, this act may not be construed to allow a local school system to require any employee or future employee who attains tenure or nonprobationary status to involuntarily relinquish any rights or privileges acquired by that employee as a result of attaining tenure or nonprobationary status under the Students First Act.

No provision of this act shall be construed or shall be used to authorize the formation of a charter school.

(d) Nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit the approval of a flexibility contract that gives potential, current, or future employees the option to voluntarily waive any rights or privileges already acquired or that could potentially be acquired as a result of attaining tenure or nonprobationary status, provided, however, that any employee provided this option is also provided the option of retaining or potentially obtaining any rights or privileges provided under the Students First Act, Chapter 24C of Title 16, Code of Alabama 1975.

(d) (e) The State Department of Education shall finalize all school data and the local school system shall seek approval of the local board of education before final submission to the State Department of Education and the State Board of Education.

(e) (f) The final innovation plan, as recommended by the local superintendent of education and approved by the local board of education, shall accompany the formal submission of the local school system to the State Department of Education.

(f) (g) Within 60 days of receiving the final submission, the State Superintendent of Education shall decide whether or not the school flexibility contract and the innovation plan should be approved. If the State Superintendent of Education denies a school flexibility contract and innovation plan, he or she shall provide a written explanation for his or her decision to the local board of education. Likewise, a written letter of approval by the State Superintendent of Education shall be provided to the local board of education that submitted the final school flexibility contract and innovation plan.

(f) (g) (h) The State Board of Education shall promulgate any necessary rules and regulations required to implement this act including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(1) The specification of timelines for submission and approval of the innovation plan and school flexibility contract of a local school system.

(2) An authorization for the State Department of Education, upon approval by the State Board of Education after periodic review, to revoke a school flexibility contract for noncompliance or nonperformance, or both, by a local school system.

(3) An outline of procedures and necessary steps that a local school system shall follow, upon denial of an original submission, to amend and resubmit an innovation plan and school flexibility contract for approval.

Section 7. The State Board of Education and the State Department of Education shall ensure equal opportunity for all school systems that apply for programmatic flexibility or budgetary flexibility, or both, as delineated in this act, and in no way shall one local school system be favored over another local school system based upon its size, location, student population, or any other possible discriminatory measure.

Section 8. This act shall become effective immediately following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.


Local Control School Flexibility Act
Board of Education, City
Board of Education, County
Board of Education, State
State Department of Education
Superintendent of Education, State




When Money and Social Engineering Together Becomes The Goal Behind Education--The Dangerous Alignment of Bill Gates and Obama

2.12.13 – The Washington Examiner

Private funding influenced public education policy

February 12, 2013 | 5:43 pm | Modified: February 12, 2013 at 5:50 pm


Michal Conger

Staff Writer

The Washington Examiner

[2.13.13 – Comments from Donna Garner:  Yes, Bill Gates is to blame for using his $173 Million to market the Common Core Standards/Race to the Top federal takeover of the public schools; but we must not forget that Gates was doing it to further the Obama administration’s social justice agenda.  

Obama, Arne Duncan, Linda Darling-Hammond, Bill Ayers, and the U. S. Department of Education are the originators of the plan; and they used Bill Gates’ millions to accomplish their goals. He, of course, was only too glad to join them in their unscrupulous and unconstitutional efforts because he supports the social justice agenda himself. 

More importantly, Bill Gates and Microsoft stand to make billions from his investment because of the technological infrastructure required to implement the CCS standards, curriculum, assessments, and personally intrusive national database that states’ taxpayers will be required to fund.

The disturbing aspect is that the Republican majority in the U. S. House that controls the appropriations could have shut down the CCS/RTTT federal grants any time they had wanted to do so over these last four years as the initiative was going forward. All they had to do was to stop the flow of federal dollars to CCS/RTTT, and the entire initiative would have come crumbling down.  Where were the Republicans in the House who were supposed to stand for fiscal responsibility? They were AWOL. Is it too late for them to stop the appropriations for the national assessments?  Without the national assessments, the Common Core Standards would be dumped. -- Donna Garner]



Education watchdogs are raising concerns over the Gates Foundation’s involvement in shaping public education policy, saying the private foundation’s influence in public education policy interferes with the democratic process and local input.

The foundation, owned by Bill and Melinda Gates, is the world’s largest philanthropy and has been heavily involved in funding states’ new Common Core curriculum, the Heartland Institute reported on Monday.

Gates has spent $173 million in grants to develop Common Core standards and win support for the curriculum, according to a Heartland analysis of the Foundation’s grant database.

The Foundation’s funding amounts to a marketing campaign for Common Core, Jane Robbins, a senior fellow with American Principles Project, told The Washington Examiner.

The Gates Foundation “has determined what it thinks education policy should be” and funded efforts to put that policy into effect, Robbins said.

“It’s the way [Gates is] doing it that we think is curious,” said Scott Thomas, dean of Claremont Graduate University’s education school, according to Heartland. “It’s an intrusion into the public sphere more directly that has not been seen before. They’re jumping into the policy process itself. That’s an interesting position, for a nonprofit to be involved in things that look a lot like lobbying.”

The problem with this expensive marketing campaign is that the policies Gates helped fund were created “under the radar,” without input from stakeholders or legislators, said Robbins. Now the curriculum is taught to students across the country.

The grants were made to nonprofit organizations whose policy-making meetings were conducted behind closed doors, including the the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers, according to Heartland.

“Nobody really knew what was going on,” said Robbins.

The timeline of states’ Race to the Top applications, which included a requirement for a standard core curriculum that essentially excluded programs other than Common Core, was also problematic, she said.

Applications for Race to the Top funding were released by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2009 and were due in January 2010, even though most state legislatures aren’t in session during that time. Common Core standards were not released until June 2010, when states were given two months to sign off on them, again at a time when most state legislatures are not in session.

Instead, states’ boards of education signed off on the standards, and the majority of legislatures did not give their stamp of approval to Common Core at all, Robbins said.

“There was no chance to look at these standards, or to sign off on them,” she said.

The lack of transparency and local input is the primary problem APP and other education watchdogs have with Common Core and the Gates Foundation’s funding of it.

“There’s no accountability there,” Robbins said. “That’s the threat to the democratic process.”

The Gates Foundation told The Washington Examiner it did not fund Race to the Top, but did not speak on the record for this story.



Donna Garner