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Cross in the ashes of the WTC

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The Powerful Story on the Twins
Lifting Each Other in Prayer with Ms. Margaret
Remembering 9/11 in'09
Fresh Hope, the ministry of Susan Sieweke, D.Min.

For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Our Children Our Future
What If A Nation Prayed

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Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

Know How They Voted

Truths To Share As Freedom Isn't Free

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Join with us in prayer (National Prayer List)


Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield


What Churches Can and Cannot Do and How Do You Kill Millions? With Lies/ It's Time To Let The Truth Flow Like A River...

Mike Huckabee had a very insightful interview with the Andy Andrews,author of How Do YOu Kill 11 Million People, (referring to Holocaust) this past week-end and here is an excerpt from an article:

Andrews told the Huckabee viewers that “telling the truth” is a “great starting point.” But, he continued, “The question we need to ask ourselves is what are our standards for being led?” He said the danger is not a politician with ill intent. No, “the biggest danger we face is a populace who’s able to sit aside and allow a liar to lead them"-read more from article.

Please get informed on what your church can and cannot do through this very informative page from Liberty Council.  Pray and make copies and share with your church family.    It would be great if on the back side you would print the article below or something else that would help inform.  Pray and be bold for truth to set our nation free.



Sandra Cano, the former "Doe" of Doe v Bolton companion case to Roe v Wade in the 1973 Supreme Court decisions allowing abortion and even permitting late-term abortion, believes we need Rick Santorum for President.  "Senator Santorum has strong faith and family values.  He's our man!" 
Sandra Cano has placed her trust in Rick Santorum and her "trust" is not lightly given. 

She was taken advantage of when she was a poor, uneducated, pregnant woman.  Although she was told she was getting legal-aid for divorce and custody of her children,  instead her case was used to open the door to abortion on demand.  Sandra Cano has never had an abortion, considered abortion or supported it.  She champions the rights of the unborn and disabled children.  

Recently Sandra Cano's story was made part of a documentary called, "The Gift of Life" narrated by Mike Huckabee.   In an interview with City On A Hill Radio Show that airs in southeast Alabama, she said

"I think (all) life will have a better chance if Senator Santorum gets to be our long as he has God first, he will protect life and care about the people he is going to serve."  

This is a link to an interview where she talks about being used as part of a great lie that has murdered millions of innocent babies.  So, as you can tell--Mrs. Sandra Cano has a passion for truth and righteousness and she believes we must have it back in America's leadership again.

We heard earlier this year the news about of the fight for life in Rick Santorum's child Bella.  According to Santorum,  “I don’t know whether her life is going to be measured — it’s always been measured — in days and weeks. Yet here I am. … because I feel like I wouldn’t be a good dad if I wasn’t out here fighting for a country that would see the dignity in her and every other child", from Palm Beach Post 1-28-12.

Indeed with Rick Santorum one can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he knows how precious life is and  will serve this nation knowing that-- not just in his head--but his heart.  He has a passion to see the quick repeal of the life-destroying Obamacare.  Like Santorum, Sandra Cano is a fighter for life and she says with Rick Santorum as President you can be sure--"life" has a chance.


If you would like to hear Sandra Cano's Feb '09 interview--here is link to a portion of it she is on halfway through program (  podsite section)



Power To The Churches To Shine The Light This Election

Neil Mammen, author of Jesus Is Involved In Politics, has a desire to wake up America.  In his website he states--

"Almost 40M Evangelicals and Conservative Catholics DON’T VOTE! Get 1/3 of them out to the polls - and we win every election; without having to argue with a single independent or non-Christian. This site and book are aimed at helping Christians start small groups and give Biblical and Historical reasons to convince their Pastors, Elder Boards and fellow Christians, why Christians and the Church critically need to be involved in Politics.

Answers every objection your pastor/priest may have. Prove WHY the Church SHOULD be involved in Politics. Show why charity is the job of the Church & not Government. Show why socialism violates the Bible and why Atheists needn’t fear a Christian Taliban!".  Here are some more food for thought!  The three listed comes out of his book.  Share below along with the one from Liberty Council (on the backside)--showing what churches can and cannot do--powerful!  Pray and give copies to your Sunday School Class and friends and see what God will do with it. 


Success Comes When We Seek And Follow God's Ways-America's Christians Have Power-Vote Biblically!

1.Vote for morals over money

2.  Make sure the person  you vote for knows the difference between unalienable rights vs goods.  A right is something we are given from God and is not based on someone else's sacrifice.  Goods are things that are a product of someone's work.  You have a right to your own goods, but  you have no right to anyone else's goods.  For instance food, healthcare, clothing and a house, are all goods.  No one has a right to these.  The only right they have is the freedom to strive to gain these goods without unfair rules, regulations or oppression.  A government that allocates goods as rights will eventually have to enslave some or "all" men to ensure an ample supply of those goods.

3.  When voting for a propositon, ask yourself if it is allocation of goods as rights?  If so vote "No".  Even if you really wish you could have those "goods." 

Go to for more.

Matt 6:31-33

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Please study the records of the candidates--Romney says he is a true conservative--yet unconstitutionally allowed through his own directives to his Dept of Health the issuance of same-sex marriage licenses.  Immediately homosexual indoctrination started from K-12 and parents could not opt kids out.   See more of his record at and in this book Romney vs. Family Values: His Administration's Homosexual Programs Targeting Children--(Book available on Kindle for $4.95).  It says:

"Massachusetts has been the incubator for harmful sexual-radical programs directed at children. It was, after all, through the Governor’s Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth that Kevin Jennings (GLSEN founder, “Safe Schools Czar”) got his start in the early 1990s. It was, in fact, Jennings’ then “partner” who designed the Massachusetts DOE’s “Safe Schools” programs. The goal of these programs is to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism for children of all ages, while demonizing traditional values and denigrating parental authority.

As for Mitt Romney’s role: The Governor enabled sexual radicals whose goal is the destruction of traditional family values. "Yet, Romney claims to believe in traditional marriage and every child needing a home with a father and a mother."


In stark contrast is Santorum, who is pro-life because God has given him a reminder of the value of life in his own family with a disabled child.  His record also stands out.  There were people that predicted Santorum would never be able to successfully reform the welfare program in America.  He got it done.  In fact, it was the only successful reform of an entitlement program in the  history of our country.  It sent milllions from the welfare program  to work including both houses of Congress--see link.  That's what happens when you seek God and his ways!

The Founding Fathers knew that and God  blessed them greatly-what will we leave our children and their children's children?  Please pray for wisdom and right action.
Read more from this book that churches are using to help reclaim America for God--Jesus Is Involved In Politics.


Let's Not Forget Who Wants To Change The Future of Americans Through Education

Folks please study this--it's happening in Alabama but it is also happening in other state.  In Alabama they are trying to pass this quickly and we need to learn a lesson from Tx--they have over 30 Turkish charter schools go to this website below and after being outraged  Alabamians need to call the legislature as they are trying to pass this by next week. Citizenship issue must be on this bill--let's not hurry it through! Interviewed Mrs. Betty Peters today and we all need to be very, very concerned.
Link to interview--Mrs. Betty came on about 40 min into the program --listen
Let's wake up our legislators. Thanks.
Numbers to Call to stop-HB 541, Alabama's Charter School Bill --Operator 334-242-8000, Senate 334-242-7800, House 334-242-7600 Changes must be made!
The problem:   HB 541 must be amended to insure Alabama offers the best possible charter schools for our students. Many states are now trying to correct serious problems with their charter schools that we can avoid if our legislature takes its time and diligently studies and debates all aspects of the bill. Regarding Mississippi's pending charter school bill, their House Education Committee Chairman John Moore recently stated, "I don't want the biggest education legislation in years to be a big error. We have to be very careful. "We don't want to unleash a monster."
AL"s HB 541 authorizes charter schools to borrow money and issue bonds, but if they go out of business while in debt as many in the nation have, the state is stuck with paying the creditors. This potentially creates a significant liability for the state. Eric Fleischauer wrote in the Decatur Times on April 2, 2012, "A few states have laws that managed to create beneficial charter schools without devastating public schools in the process. A bill pending in the Alabama Legislature, however, fails to find this balance."
Fleischauer also warns that the bill does not limit charter schools to low-performing districts.  (It is commendable that the legislature is currently debating amending this part of the bill. ) Fleischauer also mentioned that although the bill restricts awarding charters to non-profits and secular groups, a charter school can turn around and contract with for-profit or secular groups for management and operations, including educational services.
A huge consideration we in AL likely will be facing if this bill is passed in its current form is Turkish charter schools, yet few people are discussing it in our state.   This rapidly growing network of public charter schools  has become a rapidly growing problem in many states. The entity in AL involved in the controversial Gulen Turkish Charter Movement is the Peace Valley Foundation in Huntsville, and it is part of a regional group in the Southeast called the Istanbul Institute. A guest article by Sharon Higgins featured in Valerie Strauss's 3/27/12  Washington Post column explains this issue well.  Since this subject is virtually unknown by our legislators and citizens, I will include a good deal of Ms. Higgins'  article  for your convenience.  The entire column can be read here:
Higgins wrote:  "The largest charter school network in the United States is operated by people in and associated with the Gulen Movement (GM), a secretive and controversial Turkish religious sect. With 135 schools enrolling more than 45,000 students, this network is substantially larger than KIPP, the well-known charter management organization with only 109 schools.  A lack of awareness about this situation persists despite it being addressed in a national paper and in articles about Gulen charter schools in Utah, Arizona, , Illinois, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Jersey, Georgia, and North Carolina..  Ms. Higgins mentioned it has been reported that "the FBI and the Departments of Labor and Education are investigating practices at these schools.” 
"The concerns raised about the charter schools in the GM network have related to questionable admissions practices; the channeling of school funds to close associates; abuse of contractors; participation in biased, GM-created competitions; incidents of bribing; using the schools to generate political connections; science fair projects being done by teachers; unfair hiring and termination practices; and more. Still, authorizers continue to approve charter applications, ill-informed parents continue to use them, and taxpayers keep funding the schools – all without much discussion."
"The Gulen Movement originated in Turkey in the late 1960s.... Its members are followers of Fethullah Gulen (b. 1941) a self-exiled Turkish preacher [an imam] who has been living on a secluded compound in rural Pennsylvania since 1998. Members call themselves hizmet, meaning “volunteer services” movement. The GM conducts four primary activities around the world: a media empire, business organizations, an enormous number of Turkish culture-promoting and interfaith dialog organizations, and a network of schools in over 100 countries, a large portion of which are U.S. charter schools."
"After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the GM began to establish schools outside of Turkey, first in the newly established republics of Central Asia and then beyond. One expert noted that the “...worldwide extent of Fethullah Gulen’s educational network testifies to the internationalist, even imperialist, nature of the movement. Last year an analyst viewed the raison d'être for the schools “spreading across the globe” in this way: “Students will learn how to speak Turkish, the national anthem, how to be the 'right kind of Muslim', etc. In essence, it buys [the GM] loyalty.”
"The first Gulen charter school was opened in 1999. U.S. officials have known about the movement’s involvement in charter schools since at least 2006 when our Istanbul consulate noticed that a large number of Turkish men, suspected to be GM-affiliated, were seeking visas to work at charter schools. A company specializing in geopolitical analysis reported in 2010 that the GM was running “...more than 90 charter public schools in at least 20 states.”
"Board members of Gulen charter schools are primarily Turkish or Turkic and often can be tied to other Gulenist organizations. GM schools around the world emphasize math, science, and technology, and always provide Turkish cultural instruction. Turkish or Turkic individuals, almost all male, are imported (referred to as “international” teachers) to teach those subjects and serve as school administrators. They sometimes transfer to other schools, but only those within the movement’s network. Around the world, local teachers are usually hired for elementary grades and the non-Gulen favored subjects. The charter schools have been criticized for importing so many teachers but defend their practice by claiming that they are unable to find qualified Americans. "
" 2009, readers of Sabah were presented with an account of GM insiders discussing how the U.S. charter schools serve the movement’s goals: “...through education, we can teach tens of thousands of people the Turkish language and our national anthem, introduce them to our culture and win them over. And this is what the Gulen Movement is striving for....A Turkish observer remarked, “No society would tolerate this big of an organization being this untransparent.” When the GM has been exposed involuntarily or criticized, it has been known to respond with evasive measures or defensive attacks. Because of our charter school system, the United States is the only country where the Gulen Movement has been able to establish schools which are fully funded with public money. "
"Gulen charter schools regularly take students to Turkey. The movement’s interfaith dialog and Turkish culture-promoting organizations also provide Turkey trips to academics, journalists, politicians and other public officials*. Tours include sightseeing as well as visits to GM-affiliated institutions (news outlets, schools, etc.). A special feature of these guided “cultural immersion” trips is at least one visit to the home of a Turkish family, with up to three different home visits within nine days. A GM insider once explained that hosting visitors is a way for members to contribute to the cause. It is extremely likely that American travelers don’t realize that their experience in Turkey has been carefully designed to be a concentrated and sustained exposure to the social and political views of one religious group. It’s also likely that they do not understand exactly why their trips were made to be so inexpensive, or even free."
"Concerns about this group have arisen in other countries, too, especially about their schools being used to recruit members, and spread Turkish culture and fundamentalist religious ideas.  There has been wide speculation on what the Gulen Movement really wants." {Recently while Mississippi;'s legislature has been working on a charter school bill, Jackson's  Clarion Ledger warned readers that "A Turkish foundation ...could be among those seeking to operate charter schools in Mississippi if state lawmakers clear the way.} Mahmut Gok, Mississippi representative for the Raindrop Turkish House... said the Cosmos Foundation {a Gulen affiliate} might be interested. A group of Turkish professionals started the Houston-based Cosmos Foundation, now the largest charter school operator in Texas. The foundation runs 33 Harmony Schools in all the major cities in Texas, educating more than 16,000 children and receiving more than $100 million in taxpayer monies."  See: The Ledger explained, "In a story last year, The New York Times questioned whether any taxpayer funds are going to support followers of Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish preacher who teaches a moderate brand of Islam and promotes a philosophy of "peace, mutual respect, the culture of coexistence." The schools import hundreds of teachers from Turkey each year, according to a 2010 USA Today report.
Our neighbor to the north, Tennessee, also has had problems with the Gulen-affiliated Knox Carter Academy in Tennessee as evidenced by this video: :
A  website with extensive information on Turkish Charter schools and organizations in TN as well as in GA is located at;  Another highly respected website with Turkish Charter schools information is located at:
How could AL legislators improve HB 541? Some suggestions for starters:
1. Amend the AL charter school bill to mandate that charters must provide proof of US citizenship for all charter school operator board members and top 5 highest paid administrators. In addition, mandate names, titles, and biographies be posted online at the school website for all charter operator board members and top 5 highest paid administrators. (KIPP Charter Schools already does this.)
2. Add language that a chartering authority may not approve a charter school application unless it limits its staff positions for teachers, administrators, ancillary support personnel or other employees to not more than 5% of the total number of positions at a single school being holders of a non-immigrant foreign worker H1B or J1 visa.
3. Amend language to clarify that charter schools cannot contract with for-profit or religious groups for instructional services.
4 Amend language to mandate all charter schools must offer health insurance and retirement benefits.
5. Add language to require that the source and amount of all gifts and/or grants be posted on-line.
6. Change language so that only local schools can issue charters, and applicants who are turned down can appeal to the state school board, which is an elected board.. Do not set up an appointed board for Charter School Application Review.
7. Insure legislation does not authorize charter schools to issue bonds or borrow money.
8. Clarify whether charter schools must use the same standards/courses of study and assessments as other AL public schools.
As our legislature discusses this important bill, and as the public becomes better informed on the issue and shares their suggestions with their representatives, many excellent ideas should be generated. Just think--Alabama could end up with the best charter schools in the nation.
Betty Peters
District 2 Representative
AL State Board of Education
526 Beatrice Rd.
Kinsey, AL 36303
334/ 794- 8024

Santorum Has A Passion For Leading Us Into A Better America

"Santorum Led the Fight To Get Rid of Heinous Procedure”

by Donna Garner



A partial birth abortion occurs in the second or third trimester and involves the physician inducing the woman to have a breech delivery with forceps, delivering the legs, arms, and torso only.  Then the baby's skull is punctured with scissors and a catheter is inserted into the skull. The baby's brain tissue is sucked out; and when completed, the baby's remains are discarded. 

It was Senator Rick Santorum who was the sponsor of S.3 called the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 --

It was Santorum who brought this heinous procedure to a halt in the United States. Because of the gruesomeness of this procedure, a Gallup poll in 2003 found that 70% of the respondents favored a ban on partial-birth abortion. 

The ban on Partial Birth Abortion was enacted on Nov. 5, 2003 and upheld to be Constitutional by the U. S. Supreme Court in 2007. 


Santorum's Act prohibits partial-birth abortion, and any physician who performs such an abortion and kills a human fetus shall be fined and/or or imprisoned (for not more than two years).  


Please watch Senator Santorum as he passionately argued on the floor of the Senate in 2003 for passage of his bill to ban partial-birth abortion:



On 1.23.12, the Wall Street Journal published an article entitled "My Fight for Life" by Rick Santorum --


Following are excerpts from that article:

…We don't judge hearts but we do judge records. President Obama's record of support for abortion is radical and extreme. He stood alone not to defend life but to oppose the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in the Illinois State Senate. He opposed ending the horrific procedure of partial-birth abortion. He supported federal funds for abortion through ObamaCare and told Catholic Charities that there was no room in the inn if they wanted to help women abused by sex traffickers and be pro-life at the same time.


...Ron Paul embraces the 10th Amendment but ignores the 14th Amendment when he refuses to support federal protections for the unborn. The Constitution protects not only property rights but people, too. What is liberty without the right to life?


...Mitt Romney's passion for life was apparently overwhelmed by Democrats when he put Planned Parenthood on the advisory board for RomneyCare and did not fight government-funded abortions while governor of Massachusetts. He was, it seems, too intimidated to support judges who understood the plain meaning of the Constitution on the right to life.


Newt Gingrich has pushed social issues to the back bench. In a pledge to America that the Congress tried to put together in 2010, my phone was ringing off the hook from people who said he went in and told them to keep social issues out of the pledge for the 2010 elections. Do we want a president who talks on both sides or one who is unafraid to put social issues in the forefront where they belong? ...


Following are excerpts dated 12.5.03 from William J. Murray, Chairman of  Religious Freedom Coalition.  In this article, Murray described Santorum's life experiences that brought him to author and pass the Partial Birth Abortion legislation:


Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) is Catholic but by his own admission never mentioned the word abortion on the floor of the House while he was a Congressman. He began his service in the Senate in 1995 and for that first year was not active on any social conservative issues and once again by his own admission never mentioned the word abortion on the floor of the Senate. In 1996 something happened to Rick Santorum.

He was on the floor of the Senate when then Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) brought out a chart and described the partial birth abortion procedure. Rick Santorum was horrified by the knowledge that something like this could be happening regularly in the United States. He turned to God and asked for direction. By the end of the year he was the floor manager of the bill and the most outspoken member of the Senate against partial birth abortion. God had touched his heart.

Rick and his wife Karen have seven healthy children but during the eight-year battle to eliminate partial birth abortion, tragedy struck their family. During one of Karen's pregnancies they were given the bad news that their child, a boy, had a posterior urethral valve and would not survive. They did not seek an abortion, but rather had extreme "in womb" surgery performed to save the boy's life. The surgery was successful but Karen's womb became inflamed and the boy, Gabriel, was born prematurely. Their son lived just two hours as they took turns holding him.

In the middle of the fight to save children from the abortionist's knife Rick and Karen Santorum tried to save the life of a son many would have simply aborted. Rather than treating him like so much tissue, they gave him a name.

This tragedy did not dent the faith of Rick Santorum and his wife Karen. And more than that, it led to peace for others. While pregnant with each of her children, Karen Santorum had written letters to the baby she was carrying.

There was no exception with little Gabriel. When Garbiel died, Karen showed the letters to her mother who had once lost a child to SIDS. Her mother was so touched by the letters that they gave her comfort in a loss she had felt for nearly fifty years, and she insisted that Karen publish the letters to help others. The letters appeared in a book titled Letters to Gabriel and helped many who had lost a child.

Rick Santorum went on to fight the battle for the Partial Birth Abortion Ban and stood behind the President on stage as the ban was signed into law on November 5, 2003.

I was there, I saw the tears in Senator Santorum’s eyes. He was wearing a small angel pin on his lapel that day, the same one he always wears. He will tell you, if you ask, that the pin reminds him of his angel Gabriel in Heaven.

...Why is Senator Santorum so passionate about his pro-life stance? During the battle against partial birth abortion he grew closer to God. At some point he asked God to direct him. He recalls talking for nearly 90 minutes at the end of one debate, much to the dismay of so many Senators who wanted to go home late at night. He felt called by God to talk just a little longer against abortion.

The next day his speech had not changed the vote at all, but he did receive an e-mail from a college girl in his home state who had watched his speech on television and as a result had decided not to keep her appointment with an abortionist the next day....



Rick Santorum: Prolife Candidate for America:


Santorum: Man of Faith:


Donna Garner




Independents and Santorum Have in Common-Distrust of Obamacare

What do many independents and Santorum have in common?  Ironically the issue at the heart of Santorum--Obamacare.  He more than any candidate knows the reality of Obamacare will affect his family and in particular children like his little Bella.  God is gracious to let America see itself in the mirror. Santorum talked about euthanasia and what it has done in Europe.   Also a friend Luca who lives in that Socialism has this to say:

"Socialism always end in genocide. You have the silent massacre of unborn humans, that costed hundreds of millions of lives. Now you have the genocide of "not useful" people, old and sick, that would "burden" the Leviathan, the unholy, all knowing and all powerful government. Not surprised one bit. Theirs is a religion of hate, of death, of despair. There can be no peace with that kind of persons. Ours is not a time for shades of grey."

Indeed, these are the times when the stark contrast of what Obamacare pretends to offer you (government help) with what this article re: euthanasia in the Netherlands shows you.

In it is a quote "Schadenberg said the Netherlands does not collect information on how many people with disabilities die by euthanasia, nor was information provided in the government report on how many infants born with disabilities are euthanized based on the request of the parents and the agreement of the physician." Santorum was criticized about his euthanasia remarks but with Obamacare--the death panel will have various tools as apparently the Netherlands does.  So rise up America and get rid of Obamacare and with the right candidate that will make sure it protects you and his family.

The end of the article says:

"The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is wondering how many people with disabilities are coerced into death by euthanasia based on a false concept that living with a disability is a life of suffering,"..

Here is a link that lists people with disabilities--you decide is Obamacare worth keeping at the expense of others--that's what Socialism will do and the most ironic thing is like it or not--you will be paying for it.

Pray and act!


Santorum-The Candidate With Ideas To Help The 100 Per Cent


His vision for America is to restore America's greatness through the promotion of faith, family and freedom. 



  • Cut and simplify personal income taxes by cutting the number of tax rates to just two - 10% and 28% returning to the Reagan era pro-growth top tax rate
  • Simplify the tax code and reduce middle income taxes by eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
  • Simplify the tax code, encourage savings and investment and reduce taxes by eliminating the Death Tax
  • Lower the Capital Gains and Dividend tax rates to 12% to spur economic growth and investment
  • Reduce taxes for families by tripling the personal deduction for each child
  • Reduce and simplify taxes for families by eliminating marriage tax penalties throughout the federal tax code
  • Retain deductions for charitable giving, home mortgage interest, healthcare, retirement savings, and children
  • Cut the corporate income tax rate in half to make our businesses competitive around the world, from 35% to 17.5%
  • Eliminate the corporate income tax for manufacturers - from 35% to 0% - which will spur middle income job creation in the United States and will create a job multiplier effect for workers
  • Spur innovation in America by increasing the Research & Development Tax Credit from 14% to 20% and make it permanent
  • Eliminate the tax on repatriated taxable corporate income - from 35% from 0% - when manufacturers invest in plant and equipment; and reduce the corporate tax rate from 35% to 5.25% on other repatriated income and allow for 100% expensing for new business equipment
  • Repeal and Replace ObamaCare with market based healthcare innovation and competition to improve America and America's health and create jobs;
  • Reduce Federal (non-defense discretionary spending) to 2008 levels through across the board spending cuts;
  • Eliminate all agriculture and energy subsidies within four years letting the markets work, eliminate resources for job killing radical regulatory approaches at the EPA and refocus its mission on safe and clean water and air and commonsense conservation, eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood and support adoption, reduce funding for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for extreme positions undermining economic freedom, eliminate funding for implementation of ObamaCare, and eliminate funding for United Nations organizations that undermine America's interests
  • Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution capping government spending at 18% of GDP
  • Support Legislation to Reform the Congressional Budget Process and support legislation that requires Congress to pass constitutionally required spending bills or forfeit its members' pay for the next fiscal year
  • Eliminate all other Obama era regulations with economic impact over $100 million
  • Negotiate 5 Free Trade Agreements and submit to Congress in first year of Presidency
  • Tap into America's vast domestic energy resources to power our 21st century economy without picking winners and losers so all American families and businesses can have lower energy cost
  • Unleash innovation in telecommunications and Internet consumer options by getting government out of the way which will expand productivity and lower costs
  • Reform Social Security and Medicare for sustainable retirements
  • Block Grant Medicaid, Housing, Job Training, and other social services to the States
  • Freeze current non-defense related federal worker pay levels for a year and reduce federal workforce by at least 10% with no compensatory increase in the contract workforce
  • Secure our border, streamline the legal immigration process to attract highly skilled talent and entrepreneurs from around the world and reform the agriculture worker program so it works for America's farmers
  • Reclaim the role of parents as the decision makers in their children's education and incentivize the states to promote parental choice and quality educational options because the family is the foundation of the economy
  • Promote tort reform and alternatives to litigation for federal policies and programs; and incentivize the states to expand these reforms across our economy
  • Approve the Keystone Pipeline and other job creating initiatives delayed and burdened excessively by government regulation
  • Overturn the National Labor Relations decision preventing Boeing from opening up its airplane factory in South Carolina and prevent other decisions like it
  • Phase out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's government backed role in mortgages and homeownership within five years
  • Audit the Federal Reserve and return it to its original purpose - a single charter to only manage inflation
  • Strengthen our national security and national defense so that we are not dependent upon our foes or competitors for critical manufacturing, technology, energy and other security needs--read entirety.

Santorum Cares Also About Those Not Able--You See God Gave His Fami(and US) A Special Reminder In A Gift Named " Bella".  Indeed What A Beautiful Gift She Is To US All...


Has Our Heavenly Father ever lacked for money?  Of course, not but we as a nation have forgotten that.  Now He brings us back to him on our knees for various reasons, some for money, some like the Santorum family for what matters most--praying for each breath of life for their precious beautiful Bella.

You see, America in her striving for success and money forgot to teach her children their true history.  The mother's premiere job of rearing the children in the training and admonition of the Lord soon was turned over to more and more years of public education.  The younger the child could get in the better-and we failed to realize where it would lead but now we see it in the news--horrid, stark, sad but true. 

In time the greatness of America was diminished when the acknowledgment of God was little by little seen as no longer necessary--after all we can teach without referring to God with prayers or the Bible.

And in short time generations sprung up to make sure that more of God's influence was erased to the point that God's strong men-- the Pastor's are now told what they can and can not say in the pulpit.  After all, it was the law was what more churches said--but I wonder what about God's law and loving God with our all?

I recently interviewed Neil Mammen who wrote a book--Jesus Is Involved In Politics--a must read if we want to change this nation and put it back in the right direction--he says:


"Almost 40M Evangelicals and Conservative Catholics DON’T VOTE! Get 1/3 of them out to the polls - and we win every election; without having to argue with a single independent or non-Christian. This site and book are aimed at helping Christians start small groups and give Biblical and Historical reasons to convince their Pastors, Elder Boards and fellow Christians, why Christians and the Church critically need to be involved in Politics."

Answers every objection your pastor/priest may have. Prove WHY the Church SHOULD be involved in Politics."  Visit  his site-- and get excited as God has breathed hope back in America and ironic enough--it started with a little life named "Bella".  How good is God--he gives us what we don't deserve--a chance.  Please don't miss the adventure...


Santorum in Plano, Texas--Shining The Light of Hope And The People Listened

Watch a video of Rick Santorum speaking in Texas.  The first part of the clip is a little q and a with a very important question and he asks can we imagine what another four years of Obama will do.  America is at a crossroad where tyranny and freedom are clashing and freedom are being lost daily.  But here Texans saw a shiny hope in a man who spoke and remembers that freedom comes from God not government.  Santorum is unleashing an excitement unparalleled by other candidates.  God said seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you.  America seems to be trying to get its house in order and faith like David's is rising amongst mulitudes.  Get wind of the excitement in this video.