APUSH Rightfully Rejected By Texas SBOE As Any Grateful American Should
Saturday, September 20, 2014 at 03:25AM
City On A Hill in alice linahan, apush rejected by Texas SBOE, david coleman ap us history, ken mercer, luca bocci, rebecca forest, unpatriotic apush

In an 8-4 decision on 9-19-2014, the Texas SBOE rejected the highly controversial or should we say highly unpatriotic Advance Placement US History (APUSH).  In today's world where most SBOE does the wrong thing, the Texas Board of Ed did their state proud.  Of course it took a lot of work from determined individuals like Alice Linahan and Rebecca Forest of Women on the Wall along with stand up state board members such as Ken Mercer and many more wonderful freedom-loving parents, teachers etc. (including Luca Bocci of Tea Party Italia who took the time to appear before board hearing-read his thoughts here).

Rebecca Forest had talked Linahan to have a counter conference against Arne Duncan and his National PTA Convention and out of that was the realization from guest Jane Robbins and APUSH educator Larry Krieger of the new APUSH framework.  The new president of the College Board is the well known author of Common Core, David Coleman and the APUSH framework had become a promotion of anti-American sentiments (as can be seen also in the Common Core.)  Dean Kalahar's article is one of the best expose on the mindset of Common Core's authors (a must read).

 In SBOE member Ken Mercer's Op Ed is this quote:

“For today’s patriots, this is our Valley Forge and our D-Day -
this is the Revolution of 2014!”  

Indeed, the audacity of leaving out almost every Founding Father, our WWII heroes-the"Greatest Generation", Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks and many other heroes (hear detailed interview from Larry Krieger) was too much for many to take.  I remember hearing the words of one whose uncle never came back from Normandy, one of many who never experienced coming home and marrying his sweetheart and becoming a proud father.  Stories about Founders who when they signed The Declaration of Independence knew they were signing away their lives as they would be hunted down and many of their families sacrificed.  Proudly today, we can say that one state stood tall against the onslaught to remove the memories of America's heroes from the minds of her children.  It is a stand that hopefully will be made across the land as freedom-loving states, whose citizen's hearts still remembers that their ability to live in this "Land of the Free", means they have to be the "Brave" (thank God too for Merril Hope).  Thank God for Brave Texans!  From one proud simple American to others...here's hoping we can find it within to stand and with help from the One from whom all blessings flow, find the strength to "keep on" and remember true history.  May God bless America.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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