What Does Movie GOD Is NOT Dead Have To Do With Common Core-In Short That Is A Main Subject Of Common Core
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 11:47PM
City On A Hill in God's Not Dead movie, common core state standards

There is a new movie out called God is not Dead and it stars Kevin Sorbo.  This is a must watch for all but specially for teens.  There has been a huge movement to remove God from schools , the halls of Congress, the military (even in military funerals) and you see the results.  But no matter how hard those who do not believe try--GOD's Not Dead.  He Lives!!!For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Here is an interview with the author of the book God's Not Dead:

Here is a trailer for those who would like to see:

This movie is so timely as everyone is struggling with so many things.  It seems like the world and problems are spinning faster than ever.  At times it takes a lot just to make it through a day.  Even something that used to be so simple as sending your kids to school is not so simple anymore.  You used to could trust that the school was a safe place for your child to learn so that he would have a good foundation for the future.

But alas, as always there are those who like the character Kevin Sorbo plays--think they are God.  Some are in business like Bill Gates of Microsoft and his cronies and some are in the highest offices of the land who with the power they weild can make mountains of policies move as we saw in Obamacare.  Then they have their minions throughout the land and throughout the states seeing the changes within the plan are carried it out for the intended result.  The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun and how evident is that today.

But just when the top dog like Bill Gates think he has all the power--even he, will realize that he is just a puppet on a string.

Mark 8:36 sends a warning:

 What good is it if someone gains the whole world but loses his soul?

But I guess if you hold so much power the Words from an Awesome God may not mean much to you.

 Here is a video to remind you of the awesome power of the one who holds us together:

Abraham Lincoln: "Philosophy Of Classroom In One Generation Will Be Philosophy Of Government In The Next"

Those words from Abe Lincoln is so true and the planners of what is now being passed across the country (Common Core) knows that full well.  

The Top Dog--Russia Knows it well(look under list of members)

The Top Business Men in the World Knows it well too

This Nation's Former Terrorist and His Friends Also knows that.


What Is A Parent To Do?

Educate yourself on Common Core--Here is a link with some info and there are many.  Please like on fb the Stop Common Core page in your state--this is a must, to gain access to how you can affect your state's fight against it.

Fight for your child in school, Homeschool if possible(--here's a link to help).

Fight for your school in the education system--learn about opting him out so that he doesn't have to go through the mental stress of the tests (here's an example for one state -Alabama and the suggested back of it should have this .  Study your state's laws as for example in NY I Refuse is better than Opt Out.

Get your friends, family, teachers and church educated (Please listen to these audio to help get some important points in your mind...

David Barton--reclaiming truth about education

Joan Landes and Jackie Virga--mental health aspect

Part II of David Barton Conference

Part III of David Barton Conference


Please listen to our show City On a Hill and get up to date and thought provoking information.  Go over our library of podcasts with interviews from Prof Jim Milgram, Prof Sandra Stotsky and many more.


Most of all--PRAY and let your child read and hear the Word of God.  Let them know how much you love them and that you are there for them.  In these dark times,  God's light shines the brightest.  Give everything to God in prayer and know that He is able.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2nd Tim 1:7


I personally highly recommend Stormie O'Martian's Power of Praying Parent book.  Seek God for help. 


Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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