Making Sense Out of Common Core--Facts On The Why And Who Are Behind These Rotten Standards
Thursday, July 25, 2013 at 02:34PM
City On A Hill in Charlotte Iserbyt, Education For All Committee, UNESCO, common core, common core state standards, national education, who and why behind common core

Hear are some very insightful links for you to study and get a handle on Common Core State Standards:

Proponents say:

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort that established a single set of clear educational standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English language arts and mathematics that states voluntarily adopt.

States across the country collaborated with teachers, researchers, and leading experts to design and develop the Common Core State Standards. Each state independently made the decision to adopt the Common Core State Standards, beginning in 2010. The federal government was NOT involved in the development of the standards.

The Common Core State Standards are a clear set of shared goals and expectations for the knowledge and skills students need in English language arts and mathematics at each grade level to ultimately be prepared to graduate college and career ready. The standards establish what students need to learn, but they do not dictate how teachers should teach. Teachers will continue to devise lesson plans and tailor instruction to the individual needs of the students in their classrooms.

This process is state-led, and has support from across the country, including CCSSO, the NGA Center, Achieve, Inc, ACT, the College Board, the National Association of State Boards of Education, the Alliance for Excellent Education, the Hunt Institute, the National Parent Teacher Association, the State Higher Education Executive Officers, the American Association of School Administrators, and the Business Roundtable.

The Subjects:

English language arts and math were the subjects chosen for the Common Core State Standards because they are areas upon which students build skill sets which are used in other subjects. They are also the subjects most frequently assessed for accountability purposes.

Other Areas:

CCSSO and NGA are not leading the development of standards in other academic content areas. Below is information on efforts of other organizations to develop standards in other academic subjects.

The Other Side:

Guess what else they have developed?


"Students need opportunities to engage in cooperative and active  learning strategies, and sufficient time must be allocated for students to practice  skills relating to sexuality education."  Read more.

LISA HARRIS (former teacher from Georgia) said: " Two examples how the standards are reduced--Algebra is being moved from 8th to 9th--hurts math success. In English Language Arts--there is an increase of informational text vs literature--which uses lower level of thinking skills instead of the higher thinking skills which are taught through literary devices (as in great literature). 

EMMETT MCGROARTY (The American Principles Project) has stated-"Common Core infringes on state autonomy-Standards were developed by private entities. Entities that have copyrighted the standards. Participation in Common Core commits states to using 100 percent of standards. States can add 15 per cent but CANNOT CHANGE any of it."

Professors JIM MILGRAM (nation's Math expert) and SANDRA STOTSKY (nation's English Language Arts Expert) was on Nat'l. Validation Committee of Common Core-would not sign off on it. Prof. MILGRAM suggests parents homeschool their children!

Prof. STOTSKY warns:  "For these Superintendent and others who say we've spent so much and we got to continue--No! If you're feeding poison to your children, you don't want to continue using that poison supply even if you've invested a lot of money buying it

Common Core's Approach is going to Raise a Generation that is Easily Manipulated!

Utahn's Against Common Core Video of Interview With Mental Health Therapist:

Risk of this type of approach could seriously set the mental health resilience of children back 50 years because the concept they advocate are opposed to the research used now.

Children are being taught to think and use words that have high emotional impact that gives biggest reaction creates anger, competition, resentment (negative).

Children's reasoning abilities won't be finished 'til age 24--what is finished is their primitive part, the limbic system, part that engage when we feel threatened, shamed.

What we should be doing for children is not training them in the limbic system with emotionally charged activity...

We need to use the research we know and not ignore it or trash it as Common Core is doing as these facts are important to the teaching of children

We will rear generation that is not just more vulnerable to emotional stress, emotional challenges but is very easily manipulated. It just takes one trigger and you have a national mob-that is being motivated by anger and revenge-very easily manipulated.

In contrast a generation that knows how to think independently--they are free because they aren't easily manipulated.

Excerpts from Beverly Eastman's  The Dark Side of Nationwide Tests

More prophetically, Wirtz and LaPointe wrote: "A different kind of assessment would help correct the tilt in the educational-standards concept toward functional literacy and away from excellence."

Direct education away from excellence?  That's right.  The authors detailed how a clearinghouse-style database incorporating demographic and psychological-profiling data would help steer schools toward what these "experts" deemed a more realistic ideal: mere functional literacy.


Then there are the student-identification methods applied to "confidential" tests and surveys the testers say are not "individually identifiable."  This doesn't mean, however, that students are not "individually identified."  Confused?  The National Center for Education Statistics 1993 Field Restricted Use Data Procedures Manual explains this semantic sleight of hand.  Techniques range from simple bar-coding and "slugging" to more-complicated exercises such as "sticky-labelling" and inserting "embedded identifiers."

To the testers, however, the term "confidential" means "need to know."  The "confidential" label casually applied by officials to modern testing and survey devices invariably is taken for anonymity, thereby masking the fact that:

  1. higher scores are accorded "preferred" viewpoints,
  2. curriculum is modified and targeted to specific groups of children to correct "inappropriate" attitudes and, more ominously,
  3. certain views that once were considered "principled" now are deemed "rigid" and associated with mental illness or psychological defects..please read article on Scribd

The Charlotte Iserbyt Interview--Tell All--The Education Whistle-Blower (Mind Control)

The Planners: 

Lou Gerstner's (Achieve-who wrote Common Core) suggestions:(Wall Street Journal article Nov 23, 2008)-to the president elect Obama:

..."I’m going to suggest is that he convene the 50 governors, and the first thing they do is they abolish the 16,000 school districts we have in the United States. Sixteen thousand school districts are what we’re trying to cram this reform through...

These organizations stand in the way of what we want to do.

Now, the governors could decide, we’ll keep them as advisory, we can keep them as community support, but they will not be involved in the fundamental direction of public education in America. Second, this group of governors will then select 50 school districts, plus I’d say 20 major cities, so we got 70 school districts. Seventy instead of 16, more

All road will lead to Common Core even School Choice--read this


Unesco and Bill Gates Agreement

One of its goals, he said, is "fostering web-based communities of practice including content development and worldwide curricula reflecting UNESCO values." No doubt that is agreeable to Bill Gates because the Agreement states that "Microsoft supports the objectives of UNESCO as stipulated in UNESCO's Constitution."  Read...


The Mindset

1. "Cities are less important.   Only Mega-Regions are important."
2. "We need to transcend local control."
3. "We need to stop having public meetings.   Just get on with the plan."
4. "We only need 4 people to make the decisions." '
5. "Top-down Federal government is best. Bottom up: local officials?—everybody
talks about nothing forever. WE (Seven 50),  decides who makes what decision
and when, and then download to others later."
6. "Those who seceded from us—we will crush you."

Watch the video

What to do?  Please visit and find out what you can do in your own state.

Also please go to and get alternative media where you can learn what the planners (who are using regular media) do not want you to know.

Listen to our conversation with the Pres of Breaking News Journal and let' s make sense out of the manipulation called Common Core.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
See website for complete article licensing information.