Grassroots Media Reaching America With Truths on Common Core
Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 11:45PM
City On A Hill in Professor Sandra Stotsky, grassroots fighting common core, interview with mental health therapist


  Mainstream media has missed out on bringing one of the biggest stories ever in American History--the attempt to change America from land of freedom to tyranny in the schoolroom.  But because this affects the center of families there is a movement astir in the hearts and minds of parents and grandparents and others who love America and its children.  They have grasped the mainstream media omission.  So they are taking to the streets, to the churches and yes to the small town festivals etc. because they know this has eternal implications and the God of Truth is on their side.  They stand on very powerful scriptures such as:

Mathew 18:5-6 states: “ And whoever receives and welcomes one little child like this for MY sake and in MY name receives and welcomes ME.
Vs6: But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in and cleave to me to stumble and sin-- who entices or hinders him in the right conduct or thought—it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be sunk in the depth of the sea.
Ezekiel 22:30 states: “And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall, and stand in the gap before ME for the land, that I should not destroy it; But I Found NONE…

They know they can not afford to be here's a sample of one outreach and there will be many more as the Sleeping Giant has awakened and they can not be bought.

Here are some pictures and what was used to share the truth--hope it gives others ideas on what to do for such a time as this.

Here is a link to the flyer used (front side) (optional-copy and paste for back side)

Points to consider as to why you would need to get involved is:

  1. Greatest fear with this curriculum is they are teaching children in the emotional activity part of the brain which doesn't think.  The person who is there most of their day is very emotionally reactive and will therefore be easily manipulated and all one has to do is trigger their fear, anger, resentment and they react because there is not great thought process there (it is fight or flight).  
  2. The idea that students should get together and that group think is source of truth--a real problem as group think is extremely volatile.  Group think is extemely pressurizing and give great value to conformity than independence and individual thought.
  3. We need to use the research we know and not ignore it or trash it as Common Core is doing as these facts are important to the teaching of children.
  4. We will rear generation that is not just more vulnerable to emotional stress, emotional challenges but is very easily manipulated.  It just takes one trigger and you have a national mob-that is being motivated by anger and revenge-very easily manipulated.
  5. In contrast a generation that knows how to think independently--they are free because they aren't easily manipulated.  

These are observations off of Elementary Grade Textbooks--why these kind of textbooks are in existence should make every parent want to do their own research.  Please do--here are a couple of websites:


Find out why RNC is against Common Core. 

Words of wisdom from Professor Sandra Stotsky (the only ELA expert on the National Validation Committee  and would not sign off on Common Core):"For these Superintendent and others who say we've spent so much and we gotta continue--No! If you're feeding poison to your children, you don't want to continue using that posion supply even if you've invested a lot of money buying it!"  Here is her interview link.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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