Common Core Repeal in Alabama--SB403 Beason Repeal CC and SB404 Beason Privacy Protection
Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 02:02AM
City On A Hill in SB403 Beason Repeal CommonCore, SB404 Beason Privacy Act, common core rotten core, ny principals outraged over common core, obamacore

Repeal Common Core--1,536 New York State Principals Rising up to Tell Their Legislature the Dangers--Should Be Front Page News(Read Why Not)

Alabama now have two new bills introduced by Senator Scott Beason SB403 is to Repeal Common Core and SB404 addresses the Privacy Protection.  Please make copy of this page and on the back if you can make copy of this link which is a one page summary of What Churches Can and Cannot Do.  Get your church family and friends involved.  1,536 New York State Principals have banded together pointing to the destructiveness to children's education and health that are the effects they experience under Common Core.  Points To Study:

  1. Alabama State Board of Education Superintendent Tommy Bice, who is leading the charge to keep Alabama in Common Core, is misrepresenting "Alabama" Common Core Standards as not the copyrighted Common Core.  However the application for No Child Left Behind Waiver show the truth.  It is Common Core Standards (copyrighted) plus the portion he can add up to 15 %.  Parental rights over children's education will be lost as it will be controlled by outsiders.  Hear on our podcasts what parents who have been under it for years are saying--State of Georgia's parents and teachers says it is a dumbing down.  Get to know about the two ed philosophies!
  2. This should be front page news--1,536 New York State Principals say they are very concerned that at the state level change is being imposed in a rapid manner and without high-quality evidentiary support (of course as Common Core not pilot tested).  They are banning together to tell their legislature the dangers they see:
    a) With a focus on the end of year testing, there inevitably will be a narrowing of the curriculum as teachers focus more on test preparation and skill and drill teaching.
    b) Schools will have an incentive to place struggling students in lower-level classes without standardized assessments.... If schools use Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) scores, as suggested by Commissioner King, schools might be more reluctant to challenge students upward for fear that poor test performance might result in teachers being unfairly penalized.
    c) Teachers will subtly be surely be incentivized to avoid students with health issues, students with disabilities, English Language Learners or students suffering from emothional issues.
    d) The dynamic between students and teacher will change. Instead of "teacher and student versus the exam," it will be "teacher versus students' performance" on the exam.
    e) Collaboration among teachers will be replaced by competition.

Many are concerned about "Data Mining" where information from your student will be part of a database--use and availabilty to who?

Please pray,share and act --call your legislators (334 242-7800 Senate and 334 2427600 for House) and Gov Bentley (334) 242-7100.  Read more articles and listen to interviews on help defend the children.  Developers of "allah is god curriculum passed in Tx under the radar are the same developers behind Common Core.  Find out more!

Tell them to Support Scott Beason's SB403 and SB404 Repeal of Common Core

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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