Response To State school board member speaks out on common core repeal vote
Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 01:30AM
City On A Hill in Mary Scott Hunter spokesperson for Tommy Bice, NCLB waiver, common core state standards

Mary Scott Hunter one of the newest addition to the Alabama State School Board has taken on the role of Tommy Bice spokesman and sadly she also does the same thing he does--misrepresents.

"Students in Alabama are showing some remarkable progress in mathematics," she said of the common core math standards that took effect this school year. "This has been long in coming, and is so needed for them, for us and for our future."

She neglected to say that Alabama has been gaining because of their Math Initiative --read this:

"MONTGOMERY—Governor Robert Bentley today announced that Alabama leads the nation in reading gains and meets the national average in reading for the first time, according to data released from the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP). The report indicates that, since the last national assessment in 2009, Alabama is one of only four states in the nation to show significant gains in 4th grade reading scores.  

NAEP also measures math achievement in grades 4 and 8. Alabama is one of only nine states in the country to show significant improvement since 2009 in 4th grade math. Of the nine states, Alabama shows the second highest gain behind Arizona." more..

Mary Scott Hunter also says-the state is not a recipient of any federal grants that would tie it to the common core.  But she neglects to state that we are tied to Common Core in our No Child Left Behind Waiver.

And in the closing words of the article on Mary Scott Hunter's stance--"Alabama was not awarded such a grant, despite its application."--the reporter also neglected to report that we are tied to Common Core due to the No Child Left Behind waiver.  Sad that truth is omitted too many times--wonder why?

 Helpful links to study on NCLB waiver and common core

 Listen to why Georgia is now considering getting out of common core:

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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