Out of Control Al Superintendent Reigned In For Over-Reach Of $$ From Reading and Math Initiatives-Next Reign In Over Reach To Parents Rights Over Children--Support Scott Beason Bill To Repeal Common Core
Thursday, April 11, 2013 at 12:27PM
City On A Hill in Alabama Legislature vs Tommy Bice Over reach, Alabama Math Initiative, Alabma Reading Initiative, Illegal action of Tommy Bice to take away money for reading and math initiatives, NY Principal outraged over RTT and Common Core, Superintendent Tommy Bice

Major monumental over-reach when State Board of Ed takes away parents input in their chidren's education by misrepresenting facts.  Al State Superintendent Tommy Bice needs to clarify what he calls as Alabama Common Core Standards that are supposedly owned by Alabama  when you understand the definition of Common Core (also it is clear from the NCLB waiver application that even though we did not win $$ through Race To The Top--we still signed on to Common Core Standards as part of waiver application.) (read)

Copyright:  This website and all content on this website, including in particular the Common Core State Standards, are the property of NGA Center and CCSSO, and NGA Center and CCSSO retain all right, title, and interest in and to the same. Study more...


Simplified--Common Core State Standards are copyrighted and Alabama like the other states who signed on cannot change them--ony allowed to add 15 percent which will not be tested.

Another over reach and it is good to finally see the legislature reign in Superintendent Tommy Bice when he reached in to disperse funds that were already ear-marked.  That tells you Tommy Bice can be wrong to the point of going past what he is constitutionally allowed to do.  Common Core State Standards is another constitutional error on his part and we hope the Alabama Legislature will also correct that as parents are starting to learn that their parental rights over their children's education are being taken away.  They are learning the truth above that Common Core is copyrighted and as such Alabama will no longer have control over Alabama's standards and parents in Alabama are outraged (to put it mildly) when they find out.  There is a tidal wave coming as even in New York 1,539 principals are outraged at the results to their teachers and children of Common Core and all its testing and assessments.  Read more and get informed and share with your legislators so that they too will make the right stand.  Alabama parents constitutional rights must be protected.  End the over-reach as other states are also waking up and truth is shining (even though mainstream is behind--parents are the newsmakers).  Contact your legislators and read Elois Zeanah's (Pres of AFRW) warning.




Here is link to amendment to Budget Bill --HB166
(it may say page expired but just hit ok and it will appear)

 On page 18, after line 3 insert the following

 "It is the intent of the Legislature that funds
 appropriated for the Alabama Reading Initiative be expended
 only for the Alabama Reading Initiative program. The State
 Superintendent of Education shall report semi-annually to the
 Chairs of the Senate Committee on Finance and Taxation -
 Education, the House Ways and Means Education Committee, the
 Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on Finances and Budgets
 and the Legislative Fiscal Officer on the expenditures for the
 Alabama Reading Initiative program. Such report shall include,
 but not be limited to, the amounts expended for professional
 development, on-site support and for school coaches and other
 support staff."

 On page 18, after line 29 insert the following

 "It is the intent of the Legislature that funds
 appropriated for the Math/Science/Technology Initiative be
 expended only for the Math/Science/Technology Initiative
 program. The State Superintendent of Education shall report
 semi-annually to the Chairs of the Senate Committee on Finance
 and Taxation - Education, the House Ways and Means Education
 Committee, the Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on
 Finances and Budgets and the Legislative Fiscal Officer on the
 expenditures for the Math/Science/Technology Initiative
 program. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, the
 amounts expended for the equipment, materials and supplies
 needed to teach math and science, as well as the amounts
 expended for professional development and on-site support.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.