Sept18th Vote On Alabama Trust Fund Is Waking Voters About Education Budget of 5.4 Billion vs General Fund Budget of 1.67 Billion and the Redirecting of the 437.8 Million OWED by the Education Trust Fund. Is This A Shuffle Game And Will Alabama Voters Buy It?
Monday, September 17, 2012 at 08:50AM
City On A Hill in Alabama Budget Fix, Alabama Rainy Day Fund, Alabama Trust Fund, Education Trust Fund, Quin Hilyer video on ATF, dont bust the trust


Why is the vote on Sept 18th to raid the Alabama Trust Fund a Con Game by guess WHO?  Add it up for yourself!

1.  We are being told all sorts of horrible repercussions if we vote NO but yet Nov elections will contain moves for payraises for state employees (dire times indeed?)" href=""> Listen to this interview.

2. There is $650,000 in the state’s unbalanced budget for Weight Watchers programs for state employees and teachers! Page 152. Read this article.

3. $100,000,000  (100 Million) for Ipads/electronic tablets for 9th-12th grades.  Did you hear about this?  Read this bill--click on twice.  Hear why this is a bad idea from Silicon Valley Parents-see bottom video.

4. It asks voters to approve using Alabma Trust Fund 437.8 million to balance the General Fund budget for the next THREE years, not just for 2013 — by $145.8 million each year. (3) The $437.8 million effectively redirects the repayment of $437.8 million owed by the Education Trust Fund to the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day fund within the ATF.  As this Education Trust Fund Must BE Repaid within 3 years?  Is this what all the shuffle is about?!***!!!! 

READ And DEMAND WHAT IS RIGHT BY VOTING NO ON SEPT 18TH and Don't Bust The Trust.  It is the only thing propping up the General Fund and when it is gone--more taxes will take its place and in this dire economy who can afford that?


  Read this






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