Monday, April 9, 2012 at 11:19AM
City On A Hill in 2012 Primary Election, Mitt Romney, Presidential Primary 2012, Rick Santorum


“Rick Santorum Can Win; Romney Is Not Inevitable Candidate”

by Donna Garner



We voters must not listen to the liberal-left news media who want Romney to be elected because they believe he can be easily defeated by Obama. 


We also must not listen to the moderate country club Republicans who are always much too ready to compromise on all-important, conservative principles. These moderates only care about fiscal issues but cannot seem to figure out that the social issues and entitlement programs are what are driving the insurmountable national debt. 


Romney is not the “inevitable candidate.” 


We grassroots voters do not have to settle for less by choosing Romney.


We grassroots citizens orchestrated a conservative tsunami in the elections of Nov. 2010, and we have gathered strength and more political savvy since then. Our numbers are growing as more and more Americans see the dangerous plight of our nation.


We are losing our freedoms; we are drowning in debt; the Obama administration is taking over our public school children and our nation’s healthcare system. He is bullying the U. S. Supreme Court members, deliberately fueling hatred and prejudice among people in our society, and is trying to elevate the Executive branch above the Constitution of the United States.

The stability of the world is being threatened by Obama’s mishandling of foreign policy.


The Middle East is turning into a cauldron stoked by those who intend to perpetrate a nuclear attack on Israel and others supported by the United States. 


Our own country is in jeopardy of being targeted by homegrown terrorists who live among us.


For the sake of the future of our children and grandchildren, we simply must elect the authentic conservative who is Rick Santorum. Santorum understands the working man; he knows how to get our country out of debt; he has a solid plan to create jobs; he values faith and family; he knows the Source of all Wisdom and Knowledge; and he loves America and other people more than himself.  


Here is the Good News: Santorum can be elected!  Let’s look at the facts:



4.5.12 -- Rasmussen – Poll of likely GOP primary voters --


Pennsylvania GOP:  Santorum 42%, Romney 38%:






4.6.12 -- Daily Presidential Tracking Poll:  Obama 46% -- Santorum 44%





4.5.12 --- From Rick Santorum: 

Let me be clear: the final goal of our campaign is the defeat of Barack Obama. That's why I ran for President in the first place…

I firmly believe Mitt Romney's support for his Massachusetts health care mandate, Cap and Trade and the bailouts make him unelectable in the fall. We cannot afford a nominee that does not stand strong for our conservative principles.

We need a principled, Reagan conservative to challenge Barack Obama in the fall and nothing less.


4.1.12 – From Santorum Team: 

Two new polls show Rick gaining ground in Nebraska and the key swing state of North Carolina. Pollsters noted that Mitt Romney was more unpopular in Nebraska than President Obama. And in North Carolina, we're tied with Mitt Romney. The polling firm noted ‘More and more conservatives are unifying around Santorum as the alternative to Romney.’


4.2.12 – “Mitt Romney’s Weakness Is Also Strength — or Is It?”  -- Roll Call --


By Stuart Rothenberg

[Stuart Rothenberg is not known as a conservative. He has worked for PBS, CBS News, and CNN. He is a frequent contributor to Meet the Press, This Week, Face the Nation, The NewsHour, Nightline, The New York TimesThe Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and other newspapers. – Donna Garner]


In this article, Rothenberg surmises:


(1) The reason the moderate country club Republicans are supporting Romney is that they really do not believe him when he tries to portray himself as a conservative.


Romney’s great asset is that these voters figure he is merely pandering to evangelicals and the most conservative element of the GOP when he talks about cultural issues, immigration and taxes.



(2) Rothenberg also says that conservatives don’t believe Romney either.  They are not at all convinced that he is one of them in spite of his trying to sound like a conservative “to lock up the Republican nomination.”


Whether it is his multiple positions over the years on abortion, his support for an individual mandate in Massachusetts, his Mormon faith or simply his profile as a wealthy, impeccably dressed businessman, the most conservative Republican voters (many of whom are evangelicals) don’t believe that he is a passionate conservative who is ready to take on the political establishment.


Rothenberg concludes with a highly troubling statement for Republicans:


The bottom line, of course, is that nobody — not his critics and not his allies — really believes Mitt Romney...Is Romney such a mass of contradictions that voters can look at him and project their positions on him, allowing them to support him? Or is his credibility so shot that too many voters will simply conclude that they can’t trust him, making it impossible for them to support him?









Santorum camp looks to claim as many as 7 victories during May

Published: 4.5.12



Excerpts from this article:

A report released today by the Rick Santorum campaign says that the GOP primary tabulations being assembled by the media are wrong – and the former Pennsylvania senator actually is much closer to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney than is being portrayed.


And the report said Santorum will follow what always was expected to be a “difficult” month of April with the possibility of up to seven victories in May, which would leave him “heading into the June 5th primaries with a freight train of momentum.”


The report by Strategic National was released this afternoon by the campaign.


The report says a much more accurate assessment of the delegate totals in the GOP nomination race at this point is 571 for Romney, 342 for Santorum, 158 for Newt Gingrich and 91 for Ron Paul.


The Wall Street Journal, on the other hand, lists 658 for Romeny, 281 for Santorum, 135 for Gingrich and 51 for Ron Paul. Real Clear Politics lists 655 for Romney, 272 for Santorum, 140 for Gingrich and 67 for Paul.


The report released by Santorum’s campaign said, “There are a couple of fundamental flaws with the delegate counts that the media keeps that reveals that this race is much closer than they report.”


The report said Florida, Arizona and “possibly Puerto Rico” will be recalculated to disperse their delegates on a proportional basis. Those counts now go wholly to Romney.


“They broke RNC rules by going winner take all before the window and therefore RNC members and/or the convention will enforce the rules and make the delegations proportional. This will reduce Romney’s delegate total substantially and increase the other three candidates’ respective delegate totals,” the report said.


It also said national convention delegates are elected at county, district and state conventions, rather than “the initial beauty contests” in many states, and that could change totals...


The report also said media reports add “unbound delegates” to their counts, but those “should not be counted as if they are bound.


“The month of April was always going to be difficult but the calendar gets much more friendly for Rick Santorum in May, the report said. “North Carolina, Indiana, West Virginia, Nebraska, Oregon, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Texas might lead to Santorum winning roughly 7 out of 8 states in May, and heading into the June 5th primaries with a freight train of momentum.”


And the Santorum campaign continues to “reach out” to the Gingrich campaign to work together to prevent Romney from achieving 1,144, needed to claim the nomination, and to elect a conservative majority of delegates, the report said


“Santorum has what amounts to a five-part strategy to achieve victory: (1) disqualify the Romney delegations from Florida and Arizona’s winner-take-all primaries; (2) run up his total in states that select delegates by conventions, not primaries; (3) carry his home state of Pennsylvania; (4) take advantage of ‘the map in May’ which, as Mr. Santorum told ‘Fox News Sunday’ moderator Chris Wallace this weeks, ‘looks very, very good’; and (5) swing over uncommitted delegates.


Donna Garner




Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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