What Churches Can and Cannot Do and How Do You Kill Millions? With Lies/ It's Time To Let The Truth Flow Like A River...
Friday, April 6, 2012 at 12:03AM
City On A Hill in 2012 Election, Liberty Council legislative guidelines for churches, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, abortion, doe v bolton, faith, pPresidential Primary 2012, pro life, roe v wade, sandra cano

Mike Huckabee had a very insightful interview with the Andy Andrews,author of How Do YOu Kill 11 Million People, (referring to Holocaust) this past week-end and here is an excerpt from an article:

Andrews told the Huckabee viewers that “telling the truth” is a “great starting point.” But, he continued, “The question we need to ask ourselves is what are our standards for being led?” He said the danger is not a politician with ill intent. No, “the biggest danger we face is a populace who’s able to sit aside and allow a liar to lead them"-read more from article.

Please get informed on what your church can and cannot do through this very informative page from Liberty Council.  Pray and make copies and share with your church family.    It would be great if on the back side you would print the article below or something else that would help inform.  Pray and be bold for truth to set our nation free.



Sandra Cano, the former "Doe" of Doe v Bolton companion case to Roe v Wade in the 1973 Supreme Court decisions allowing abortion and even permitting late-term abortion, believes we need Rick Santorum for President.  "Senator Santorum has strong faith and family values.  He's our man!" 
Sandra Cano has placed her trust in Rick Santorum and her "trust" is not lightly given. 

She was taken advantage of when she was a poor, uneducated, pregnant woman.  Although she was told she was getting legal-aid for divorce and custody of her children,  instead her case was used to open the door to abortion on demand.  Sandra Cano has never had an abortion, considered abortion or supported it.  She champions the rights of the unborn and disabled children.  

Recently Sandra Cano's story was made part of a documentary called, "The Gift of Life" narrated by Mike Huckabee.   In an interview with City On A Hill Radio Show that airs in southeast Alabama, she said

"I think (all) life will have a better chance if Senator Santorum gets to be our President...as long as he has God first, he will protect life and care about the people he is going to serve."  

This is a link to an interview where she talks about being used as part of a great lie that has murdered millions of innocent babies.  So, as you can tell--Mrs. Sandra Cano has a passion for truth and righteousness and she believes we must have it back in America's leadership again.

We heard earlier this year the news about of the fight for life in Rick Santorum's child Bella.  According to Santorum,  “I don’t know whether her life is going to be measured — it’s always been measured — in days and weeks. Yet here I am. … because I feel like I wouldn’t be a good dad if I wasn’t out here fighting for a country that would see the dignity in her and every other child", from Palm Beach Post 1-28-12.

Indeed with Rick Santorum one can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he knows how precious life is and  will serve this nation knowing that-- not just in his head--but his heart.  He has a passion to see the quick repeal of the life-destroying Obamacare.  Like Santorum, Sandra Cano is a fighter for life and she says with Rick Santorum as President you can be sure--"life" has a chance.


If you would like to hear Sandra Cano's Feb '09 interview--here is link to a portion of it she is on halfway through program (www.cityonahill.tv  podsite section)


Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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