Power To The Churches To Shine The Light This Election
Thursday, April 5, 2012 at 07:44PM
City On A Hill in Mitt Romney, Presidential Primary 2012, Rick Santorum

Neil Mammen, author of Jesus Is Involved In Politics, has a desire to wake up America.  In his website he states--

"Almost 40M Evangelicals and Conservative Catholics DON’T VOTE! Get 1/3 of them out to the polls - and we win every election; without having to argue with a single independent or non-Christian. This site and book are aimed at helping Christians start small groups and give Biblical and Historical reasons to convince their Pastors, Elder Boards and fellow Christians, why Christians and the Church critically need to be involved in Politics.

Answers every objection your pastor/priest may have. Prove WHY the Church SHOULD be involved in Politics. Show why charity is the job of the Church & not Government. Show why socialism violates the Bible and why Atheists needn’t fear a Christian Taliban!".  Here are some more food for thought!  The three listed comes out of his book.  Share below along with the one from Liberty Council (on the backside)--showing what churches can and cannot do--powerful!  Pray and give copies to your Sunday School Class and friends and see what God will do with it. 


Success Comes When We Seek And Follow God's Ways-America's Christians Have Power-Vote Biblically!

1.Vote for morals over money

2.  Make sure the person  you vote for knows the difference between unalienable rights vs goods.  A right is something we are given from God and is not based on someone else's sacrifice.  Goods are things that are a product of someone's work.  You have a right to your own goods, but  you have no right to anyone else's goods.  For instance food, healthcare, clothing and a house, are all goods.  No one has a right to these.  The only right they have is the freedom to strive to gain these goods without unfair rules, regulations or oppression.  A government that allocates goods as rights will eventually have to enslave some or "all" men to ensure an ample supply of those goods.

3.  When voting for a propositon, ask yourself if it is allocation of goods as rights?  If so vote "No".  Even if you really wish you could have those "goods." 

Go to Jesusisinvolvedinpolitics.com for more.

Matt 6:31-33

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Please study the records of the candidates--Romney says he is a true conservative--yet unconstitutionally allowed through his own directives to his Dept of Health the issuance of same-sex marriage licenses.  Immediately homosexual indoctrination started from K-12 and parents could not opt kids out.   See more of his record at www.Massresistance.org and in this book Romney vs. Family Values: His Administration's Homosexual Programs Targeting Children--(Book available on Kindle for $4.95).  It says:

"Massachusetts has been the incubator for harmful sexual-radical programs directed at children. It was, after all, through the Governor’s Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth that Kevin Jennings (GLSEN founder, “Safe Schools Czar”) got his start in the early 1990s. It was, in fact, Jennings’ then “partner” who designed the Massachusetts DOE’s “Safe Schools” programs. The goal of these programs is to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism for children of all ages, while demonizing traditional values and denigrating parental authority.

As for Mitt Romney’s role: The Governor enabled sexual radicals whose goal is the destruction of traditional family values. "Yet, Romney claims to believe in traditional marriage and every child needing a home with a father and a mother."


In stark contrast is Santorum, who is pro-life because God has given him a reminder of the value of life in his own family with a disabled child.  His record also stands out.  There were people that predicted Santorum would never be able to successfully reform the welfare program in America.  He got it done.  In fact, it was the only successful reform of an entitlement program in the  history of our country.  It sent milllions from the welfare program  to work including both houses of Congress--see link.  That's what happens when you seek God and his ways!

The Founding Fathers knew that and God  blessed them greatly-what will we leave our children and their children's children?  Please pray for wisdom and right action.
Read more from this book that churches are using to help reclaim America for God--Jesus Is Involved In Politics.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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