Alabama's Immigration Law Under Attack-- What Moves The Attorney General?
Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 12:04AM
City On A Hill in Alabama Federation of Republican Women, Alabama's Immigration Law, Arizona Immigration Law, Elois Zeanah, Governor Bentely

Hear an interview with Mrs. Elois Zeanah of the Alabama Federation of Republican Women on the Alabama Immigration Policy and what the results are.  Where is it headed and why.  Get information on the state whose policy is turning their state as well as the nation's thinking upside down.  It has resulted in lower unemployment rate and that is causing changes in perceptions across the land.  Here is an excellent handout to help on this issue.  Also please hear this very informative interview:



Alabama’s Immigration Law is Under Attack And Needs YOUR Help
The immigration law is working!

Why, then, is this law under attack by GOP leaders?--Maybe the repeal for Section 29--which requires proof of citizenship to register to vote--may hint at the heart of the matter!!!
Read and be shocked.


PROBLEM:  The Alabama Attorney General has taken what I believe is an unprecedented step to recommend repeal of key sections of Alabama’s immigration law while the judicial review is underway.  In my view, this act jeopardizes Alabama’s law and prejudices the state’s defense.
The AG’s recommendations to repeal key sections of Alabama’s immigration bill that encourage illegal aliens to leave the state would drastically weaken the bill.  His revisions seem to show an unwillingness to vigorously defend the bill, as well as a strange desire to surrender in areas where the state is winning.  According to the papers, the Governor and House Speaker are working with the AG to pre-file a bill to change our immigration law.
ACTION REQUESTED:  Please contact your legislators and request that NO CHANGES, whether major or minor, be voted on by the Legislature until after the U.S. Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of the Arizona law, which will directly impact Alabama’s law.   This ruling will happen in May or June, so it is not too much to ask our legislators to wait if they are sincere in their statement that they do not intend to weaken the bill.
·    Legislators had the courage to take intense heat and gave us the strongest immigration bill in the nation.  We applaud them!  
·    The law is working:  Trailer parks, jobs, and schools are being emptied as illegals flee the state.  The state is saving money as the demand for public benefits by illegal aliens is down.  Courts have upheld most of the law.  
Why cave, then, to the Obama administration and businesses which want their cheap illegal labor back and rush to change this bill before the Supreme Court rules in just three months?  
Legislative action on the immigration bill BEFORE the U.S. Supreme Court rules in May or June would give the impression that Republicans were never committed to a strong immigration bill, and all the time had planned to use “tweaks” as the Trojan horse to axe this bill.
1.    SECTION 5 authorizes citizens to sue government officials who refuse to enforce Alabama’s immigration law.  The purpose is to ensure that Alabama does not become a sanctuary state.   These sections were not enjoined by either the District Court or the Appeals Court.  One excuse given for repeal is that police fear they will be sued.  This is a fallacious excuse since police are exempted from lawsuits under Section 5(g).
2.    SECTION 10 requires aliens to carry registration documents on their person to show they are in the country legally.  This requirement is not new; it has been federal law for decades and all countries require this.  This requirement, perhaps more than any other, motivates illegal aliens to leave our state since most illegal aliens are caught during routine traffic stops.  
3.    SECTION 13 (a) holds landlords accountable for knowingly renting to illegal aliens, and (b) makes it a crime to encourage an illegal alien to move to the state.  Landlords talk about how their rental houses were vacated immediately after the law went into effect; and the Washington Post reports that trailer parks were emptied as well.  
4.    SECTION 27 prohibits courts from enforcing any contract with an illegal alien if the party knew the alien was in Alabama unlawfully.  Neither the District Court nor the Appeals Court enjoined this section.  So why repeal it?
5.    SECTION 28 requires schools to count the number of children of illegal aliens who attend public schools to better budget education costs.  Alabama citizens must show documentation, so why would the AG want to exempt aliens?  The AG did not cite any law that this provision violates.  
6.    SECTION 29 requires proof of citizenship to register to vote.  This section was not enjoined by EITHER the District Court or the Appeals Court of Appeals, so why repeal it?  I can’t imagine any other Alabama citizen who would not want aliens to prove their eligibility to vote to prevent voter fraud.
The AG’s recommendations for repeal remove sections that encourage illegal aliens to leave Alabama.  The Legislature should not agree to consider any changes to the immigration law that’s working so well until after the U.S. Supreme Court rules so that the Legislature will know which sections, if any, of our immigration law do not pass constitutional muster.  
If you have any questions, please contact:
Elois Zeanah, President
Alabama Federation of Republican Women
Email:  eloisz@hotmail. com



Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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