Santorum-The Candidate With Ideas To Help The 100 Per Cent
Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 10:12PM
City On A Hill in Jesus is involved in politics, Santorum plan for America, c-span video on Santorum economic plan, national labor relations board decision on boeing, outline of Santorum economic plan, phase out fannie mae and freddie mac.keystone pipeline


His vision for America is to restore America's greatness through the promotion of faith, family and freedom. 



Santorum Cares Also About Those Not Able--You See God Gave His Fami(and US) A Special Reminder In A Gift Named " Bella".  Indeed What A Beautiful Gift She Is To US All...


Has Our Heavenly Father ever lacked for money?  Of course, not but we as a nation have forgotten that.  Now He brings us back to him on our knees for various reasons, some for money, some like the Santorum family for what matters most--praying for each breath of life for their precious beautiful Bella.

You see, America in her striving for success and money forgot to teach her children their true history.  The mother's premiere job of rearing the children in the training and admonition of the Lord soon was turned over to more and more years of public education.  The younger the child could get in the better-and we failed to realize where it would lead but now we see it in the news--horrid, stark, sad but true. 

In time the greatness of America was diminished when the acknowledgment of God was little by little seen as no longer necessary--after all we can teach without referring to God with prayers or the Bible.

And in short time generations sprung up to make sure that more of God's influence was erased to the point that God's strong men-- the Pastor's are now told what they can and can not say in the pulpit.  After all, it was the law was what more churches said--but I wonder what about God's law and loving God with our all?

I recently interviewed Neil Mammen who wrote a book--Jesus Is Involved In Politics--a must read if we want to change this nation and put it back in the right direction--he says:


"Almost 40M Evangelicals and Conservative Catholics DON’T VOTE! Get 1/3 of them out to the polls - and we win every election; without having to argue with a single independent or non-Christian. This site and book are aimed at helping Christians start small groups and give Biblical and Historical reasons to convince their Pastors, Elder Boards and fellow Christians, why Christians and the Church critically need to be involved in Politics."

Answers every objection your pastor/priest may have. Prove WHY the Church SHOULD be involved in Politics."  Visit  his site-- and get excited as God has breathed hope back in America and ironic enough--it started with a little life named "Bella".  How good is God--he gives us what we don't deserve--a chance.  Please don't miss the adventure...

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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