Hope Our Leaders Get A Wake Up Call--Like Evel Knievel Did--In This New Year
Saturday, December 29, 2012 at 08:36AM
City On A Hill in Evil Knievel, Jesus Christ, Living God, atheist, evil ways

Evel Knievel's Testimony -about how he had been praying to a god that left him empty until he realized he had to go to the Living God and now he is complete.


He always believed in god (power) but always had a problem believing in Jesus Christ. He now knows there's more to life than what he's had.  He wrote a book called Evil Ways.  He said he's had a life better than any king or any president or any prince and now calls that thinking--"HogWash".  He was talking about the Rolls Royce (he had 5 of them), the Ferraris(he had 5 of them), the Stetsons, the Lamborghinis, the jet airplanes-two of them (he flew one alongside the other so he could read his name on the side),the diamonds, gold, racehorses, women and booze. He tells us the difference between a Christian and an atheist--a Christian wants to believe in everything about Christianity and Jesus.  An atheist doesn't believe in God because he does not want to.  He stays away, he gets mad and he doesn't want to hear about it.  But...

He says, "If YOU don't believe that Jesus Christ is what he says he is you'll surely die and die in your sins.  Let me see how many of you have felt what I feel (he asks the crowd in Robert Schuller's church where he is giving his testimony).  Isn't it a wonderful feeling to say I have a God I can believe in-a real God I can believe in?  Isn't it a wonderful feeling to wake up in the middle of the night and say I am glad I woke up and can go back to sleep a few minutes but in the meantime I am going to think about Jesus Christ--it's such a warm wonderful feeling."

Hope in this New Year that more of us and our leaders would realize the truth he finally saw and also to see the many things taking up our lives unnecessarily as HogWash.  It's time for America to clean up its act from the bottom to the top and may God have mercy on US in this coming year and let's start with praying for our leaders to get their wake up call.

Matthew 16:26 
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?


Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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