What Rudy Giuliani the former Gov of New York, Fighter of the War On Terror and other experts are pointing out behind the Obama video-blame.
Friday, October 26, 2012 at 01:38AM
City On A Hill in Libya and Al Qaeda, Obama Cover Up, Obama cover up on Benghazi Libya, Rudy Giuliani, Ty Woods, terrorist attack in Libya

1. First question was why not give the protection asked for again and again by Ambassador -after all Pres knew of the earlier attacks in April and June and even the British Consulate had left.
2.  The President knew what happened through Drone video (saw on real-time).
3.  The President could have given orders for help to be flown in an hour-- they sat on it--7 hours.
4.  CIA, NSA, Dept of Defense all got cables about the attack (plus e-mails) White House knew.

Giuliani who besides being experienced and an expert on the war on terror--was also a former prosecutor said it took him two days to figure out it was a Cover Up see vid on Greta 10-24
Libya was promoted by Obama administration as a great success in which they defeated Al Qaeda-- they killed Ben Laden.  They were afraid of the political consequence.  They thought they could build this lie and ride it out for a couple of months with the help of American mainstream media

Study this WND article on G Beck and CIA Lopez:“Our diplomats fought for seven hours without any aid from outside the country. Four Americans died while the Obama national-security team and our military passively watched and listened,” West wrote.

It is time for We the People to do our part...can you hear--Genesis 4:10--The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground."

Please look at this link and see what truths you can share with your church.  Share this page and on back side the Liberty Council link.  Listen to this plea from Ty Woods father.  Ty Woods answered the call for help and gave his life -he was supposed to come home had a new baby he'd just spent a couple of days with--he was asked to stay and he did -6 more days he would have been home

On the morning Mr. Charles Woods got the call about his son he had a dream about "protecting the Treasure that's his family"--I wonder if that's for us all as when this stays covered up you can bet your life your family will not be safe.  Ty Woods stood on what he had been trained to do--defend America--can we not do our part?  Share the truth that this nation may again be set free.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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