Where Is The Hope For Italy's Economy? Tea Party Italia
Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 12:14AM
City On A Hill in Communism, United Nations, communism, david mazzerelli, luca bocci, obamacare, socialism, socialism, tea party italia


Today we had an interview with someone who loves Italy and is very concerned for where his nation is headed.  His desire is to share truths that will  bring Italy back from the pit of destruction.  He believes it will require a getting back to basics.  He is very well founded and reminds me of one Alexander de Tocqueville of a long time ago.  He too wanted better for his country and he too saw the answer.  We saw the road taken by France and today so much at stake in Italy and the rest of Europe.  Will a brave band of brothers (and sisters) who have pledged to do their best to serve their nation at her hour of need--(Tea Party Italia) will their wisdom be heeded?

Just as Alexander de Tocqueville saw the key to America's greatness--so does our new found friend.  But in a world so complex, so modern, so technological  and with access to instant information can simple truths even be accepted?  Just like here in America, we are seeing the pitfalls of socialism.  Our own economy doesn't know where to go.  There is so much manipulation by leaders who have given cronyism more stature than patriotism and true public servants have become rare. 

Our guest shares how hard working Italians are being manipulated so well that they don't even know that in truth their income is diminished by about 70 per cent.  They have also failed to realize that the security that was set up for workers to keep jobs have stifled the tools for free market to the point their economy is dying under the weight of so much security for the future of the masses.  In reality it is what's going to end their future of a sovereign Italy as there is a call to give it up for the sake of a better future.  Our guests sends out a call himself for those with Italian heritage to come to their aid.  Listen to the interview and know his love for Italy and he hopes you will care about his Italy too.  Please visit their website teapartyitalia.it

May those who came here from that amazing country hear the call and answer.  Please don't forget to pray as it matters a lot--just remember George Washington and  his prayers--it made all lthe difference.

* *Please notice on top right is a google translator to help translate this in other languages such as Italian.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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