How Important is our Military to the President and You?
Friday, June 10, 2011 at 08:09PM
City On A Hill in Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, Consitution, DADT, Don't Ask Don't Telll, Military, National Defense Authorization, Soldiers, homosexual agenda, homosexuals in military, military funding

Hear an interview with Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt as he shares with us the latest attack to our military's state of readiness.  It clearly shows where this President's allegiance belongs and what he truly cares about.  Please listen and share and prayerfully consider what you can do.  As our brave men and women give of their lives and their families--the least we can do is urge our Congress to do the right thing.

A few excerpts from the interview:

"Obama passed a repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell and moved it forward by training troops on homosexual conduct.  Pentagon has announced they are already 50 per cent complete...

2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was passed by Congress which extended the certification from three member to seven (Pres, Sec of Defense--Chm of joint chiefs of staff)... The Congress is trying to add the four members of the join chiefs of staff (the top generals of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines) to certify it would not hurt morale or troops ability to fight if Don't Ask Don't Tell  is repealed...House passed this bill language added by Duncan Hunter of California -overwhelminghly passed by the House members ,75 %,  to expand  but  he (Obama) is threatening to veto the entire bill...He has written thru his Office of Executives a memo opposing that paragraph in the National Defense Authorization Act...he is signaling to stop that language from the bill...


...unfortunately probably force military  chaplains to conduct homosexual weddings-in violation of 1996 Defense of Marriage is the law of the land...being violated by President, disrespected by Atty. Gen. Holder who refused to defend it in court...openly defied enforcement of the law...President is chief law enforcement officer to excecute the laws... and make sure they are enforced ..

Atty-Gen directed by President Obama to stop enforcing 1996 Defense of Marriage Act..."

Please listen to entire interview and share it.


May God help us and may you help by at least calling your Congress (202) 224-3121.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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