Nation Without Borders In Support of Israel--It Is Time 
Friday, May 20, 2011 at 02:48AM
City On A Hill in Bible Prophecy, Israel, Israel, Israel's borders. land for peace, golan heights, iran, judea, middle east, obama, samaria

Hear interview with our friend Luden in Israel as he shares his perspective on the latest speech by Obama that has sent chills to many hearts.  Indeed the Bible proves itself so true.  Hope you will get your house in order for the harvest is ripe.

Obama is posturing when he sends out a message to go for the borders that he knew very well the Israeli's could not give him.  He was shocked at the way Netanyahu dared to show his displeasure at the Pres request.  But then how could Obama expect anything else when he voices a plan that would open the total annihiliation of Israel.

Is it possible that his goal was to shock Israel into moving back to the negotiation table and after his announcement-- may instead give into his desire for the division of Jerusalem?  That is the prize he probably  believes they will now be a little bit more willing to negotiate--a more practical small piece rather than the larger indefensible one- he had asked for.  Some in Israel may see that as a good compromise and inside Obama and his staff hopes to see themselves as winners in the game of mideast manipulation.

Of course, most Christians who have read the Bible and are seeing it's predictions slowly but surely coming to pass knows who will be the Victor.   Obama and his plans are just pawns in the game between the Master and the great liar.  Hope you know which side your on.




Hear Part I  of the story about Israel and the Palestinians and the fight for one of the smallest nation in the world.  How did it start and what keeps adding fuel to the fire over this land (the apple of God's eye.)   Get informed so that you can know the small and big picture of this ongoing conflict over a land that the Jesus says will be a sign of his coming.  Listen and share this incredible history lesson with your children, friends and family.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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