Budget Battle--Pork Train Out of Tracks or Not? You Decide
Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 02:35PM
City On A Hill in budget battle, cost of illegal immigration, cost of war in Libya, depression, medicare bankrupt, medicare/medicaid, obama spending, obamacare, social security bankrupt, us national debt


 It's Not Just About Money


In government shutdown over budget battle did you know Obama has the perogative on what to close or not close down as he decides what is necessary to this nation and what is not?  So if you are in the military and warnings are being sent that there may be problems with your check--it makes you wonder how the Pres values this branch of government and really the nation's defense?

The budget that the Pres says must be passed now should have been passed before October 1st 2010.  But repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) and other things for his backers were of a higher priority--so why all the theatrics now?  Of course, it's a power play and posturing for 2012.

When you look at the facts and the stats,  a simple person can't help but know the piggy bank is broke.  But the Pork Train according to the Democrats have more traction while the Republicans are saying there are no more tracks and we are going to fall off the cliff just any moment.

Food for thought(study links for yourself):

Those are just a few of the expenditures for this now gigantic federal government which from its foundation to 1989 only had a total national debt at 2 trillion.


Obama inauguration--national debt was:


as of April 6,2011--national debt was:


Obama so far has spent:   


George Bush 8 yrs of spending was:


 And to hear the Harry Reid call the Republicans reckless in their budget proposal is like the pot calling the kettle black as truth be known they've been reckless with the budget for a very long time and their concerns are more for their cronies or backers in the next election than the budget for the government.  Hope the people will see the truth and let them know how they feel (Congress 202-224-3121).

 And last but most importantly--remember what is passed will affect us spiritually as well.  When laws affirm the killing of more innocent babes, indoctrination of childrens' innocent minds away fro God and panels that decide who lives and dies--I don't think we can wash our hands like Pontius Pilate on these important matters.  Get informed and involved in honoring the blessings of God to live in this land and may it stay free and home to the brave.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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