Obama on Libya-Was It Constitutional or Not?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 03:20PM
City On A Hill in Constitution, Libya, Libya uprising, Presidential speech, budget, middle east, middle east, obama, terrorism, war on terror

Obama's Speech on Libya--Did it score points?  More importantly was it constitutional or not?  In today's America where troubles economically, socially are at an all time out of control high and a Congress and Pres that has not even yet passed a budget,  was Obama's intervetion in Libya justified?  Hear these two history teachers weigh in on the issue with a view of the past.  What is truly going on here is for the American voters to find out past the wonderful self-congratulatory speech so that they are not led down the house of cards that this administration seem to have built for us and wants us to buy-hook, line and sinker.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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