Perspectives from Veterans such as Col. Danny McKnight, USMC Sgt. John Bernard and Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt on DADT and Their Stand For The Brave 
Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 10:06PM
City On A Hill in Black Hawk Down, Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, Col. Danny McKnight, DADT, Military, Rules of Engagement, Sgt. John Bernar, Soldiers, Somalia, dont ask dont tell, middle east, terrorism, war on terror, war on terror
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Hear perspectives from two great patriots-Col. Danny McKnight (Ret.) US Army and USMC John Bernard(Ret.). Danny McKnight's experience with leading his troops in Somalia's Black Hawk Down incident as well as John Bernard's deep loss for his son Joshua Bernard (KIA Afghanistan '09) leads us into a hard look at the war on terror.  Also hear perspective of Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt and the parallel spiritual warfare raging.  DADT is an issue they see of outmost importance in defending the rights and abilities of our soldiers to fight well in this world full of turmoil where we as a nation demand the best.  The same applies to us--citizens.  Failing our military is ultimatelly failing to defend our country as the repercussions are really of importance to every family today.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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