From Iran to Egypt--Will America Learn To See The Same Radicals Within
Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 11:42PM
City On A Hill in Bible Prophecy, Daniel Shayesteh, caliphate, egypt female genital mutilation, el baradei, iran, middle east, moslem brotherhood, mubarak, radical moslems, sharia law, terrorism, war on terror


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Hear an interview with Dr. Daniel Shayesteh, former partaker of the ousting of the Shah of Iran as he looks at the development of crisis in Egypt. What has he learned that can help us today in seeing the  struggle for domination right before our very eyes.  Also what's at stake when leadership with knowledge is lacking--results can destroy many nations.

Also read this great perspective and really open your eyes to more than you care to know but must!!!


 In a rigorously conducted face-to-face University of Maryland/ [10] interview survey [11] of 1000 Egyptian Muslims conducted between December 9, 2006 and February 15, 2007, 67% of those interviewed-more than 2/3, hardly a “fringe minority”-desired this outcome (i.e., “To unify all Islamic countries into a single Islamic state or Caliphate”). The internal validity of these data about the present longing for a Caliphate is strongly suggested by a concordant result: 74% of this Muslim sample approved the proposition “To require a strict [emphasis added] application of Sharia law in every Islamic country.” Subsequent confirmatory survey data just released in December 2010 [12] by Pew indicated that three-fourths of Egyptians favored these draconian Sharia-based punishments: lethal stoning for adultery, execution for “apostasy” from Islam, and limb amputations for theft. Moreover, Historian David Littman [13] reported to the UN Human Rights Commission on April 23, 2010, “The FGM (female genital mutilation) figure for Egypt… remains today a deadly 97%” This barbaric practice is sanctioned by the Shafiite school of Sunni Islamic Law that predominates in Egypt. The predictable medical complications of this barbarity—acute (“severe pain, shock, infection, bleeding, acute urinary infection, tetanus, and death”) and chronic (“chronic pain, difficulties with micturition and menstruation, pelvic infection leading to infertility, and prolonged and obstructed labor during childbirth”)—are described in this 1993 British Medical Journal [14] report. Indeed, it has been the semi-secular, authoritarian military regime of Mubarak that made FGM illegal in a vain attempt to protect Egyptian Muslim women against the obvious wishes of its citizenry. Read more at

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