Waiting For Superman--Exposed
Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 10:56AM
City On A Hill in Education, ccssi, common core standards, common core standards, jim milgram, sandra stotsky, waiting for superman

Everywhere they are looking for a way to fix education.  The new movie Waiting For Superman hopes to give America the answer.  It addresses the problem of teachers who performs so badly and who can not be removed from their positions.  Some would have us to opt for a new kind of schools --Charter schools.  

The annual cost for inmate is more than double what is spent on a student in public schcol.  Congress passed the  No Child Left Behind act, and eight years later 70 percent of eighth graders could not read at grade level.  So Hollywood in its wonderful ability to play on our mind is going to convince us that the CCSSI-Common Core States Standards Initiative that the Gates Foundation started--(which will nationalize education) is the way to do it.  It will save our children.

I hope and pray parents will listen to interviews with Professors Jim Milgram and Sandra Stotsky (both with impeccable backgrounds as experts in education) both on National Validation Committee on the common core standards and who tells us what happens when the best intentions is married with politics and other motives.  Professor Jim Milgram, Math Professor from Stanford cites in this interview:


In light of just that can we really expect this to save America's children?  Food for thought-the CCSSI 

-hear complete interview--click on this link--click on the POD icon in gray at beginning of description.

Also hear more interviews and share before America is brainwashed and the truth hidden when Hollywood covers the issues as they truly can with so much glimmer and glitz.  Hope adults can see through it more than our kids can.

America doesn't have to wait--the answer is here (click on link).  It worked so well that one of Europe's social scientist remarked "... and there can be no greater proof of its utility, and of its conformity to human nature, than that its influence is most powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free nation of the earth."

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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