Parental Rights--Who will Defend it when parents are too tired to know they are in trouble?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 04:35PM
City On A Hill in Constitution, Education, UN Treaty on the Rights of a Child, beth schultz, betty peters, common core stan, common core state standards, donna gardner, jim milgram, peyton wolcott, sandra stotsky
Listen to the above latest interview on the shaping of America's future.  Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn. --Ben Franklin
Today most parents are in the dark about two attacks on their rights to raise their children.  They are so busy  just trying to make it through their day what with work, chores and the additional ball games, dance classes and other activities on their almost full plate.  Many expect the news they see on 6 o'clock to tell them everything they need.  But alas, they should know by now-mainstream media doesn't tell them everything they need to know especially on the Common Core States Standards (CCSS) or Common Core Standards Initiative (CCSI).
Here's the scoop parents--there are two merging actions that without you to stop it--will be taking away your parental rights.  One is what is touted as the Common Core States Standards supposedly to help train your students to become college and career ready.  And after all shouldn't a child in all states have equal access to that kind of education?  
The other is called the UN Treaty on the Rights of a Child.  Children should have rights to good things like food, care etc.  Sounds good at the top but what's underneath it stinks--like the right of a child to take you to court over your decisions he or she disagrees.  Sounds preposterous but unfortunately it's already happening in Europe.
These things will make this already confused world worse and parents can't run to home-schooling as the UN Treaty on the Rights of a Child will take that option away.  The clock is ticking and as you can tell this administration is working fast and furiously before the Nov election.  
Please pray and open your eyes.  Hear the truth from experts.  Of course there are those who would rather you remain asleep--it works better for their agenda that way.
Link to Article by Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum
Link from Missouri Education Watchdog
Here are the links to the Common Core Standards Initiative or Common Core States Standards:
 Part I     Part II   
Watch 5 min video from State Board of Ed Member Warning
Here is the link to the UN Treaty On The Rights of a Child

If you want to do something--pick up some ideas here

For great in-depth look check out this link--to find Common Sense on Common Core

Great video about the money behind it.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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