First Amendment Fact--Count Your Blessings When Comparing To The World Around
Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 11:08PM
City On A Hill in Constitution, Education, faith, first amendment, harvard, princeton, separation between church and state, yale



Tonight I watched a little bit of a true adventure show called Travel the Road--about two young very brave travelers who goes into the heart of dangerous nations to proclaim that there is a better way.  That better way comes from the Word.  In this nation (started by also very brave travelers) wise men who knew that truth founded a great nation and gave their God the glory.  They acknowledged Him in all their ways most specially in governing themselves and in the rearing of their children.  And the land they lived in flowed with milk and honey.  They established schools of learning to honor that God (Harvard, Yale, Princeton etc.)  Their leaders prayed to him as they knew unless the Lord builds they labour in vain.  God smiled upon them and they multiplied in numbers and stature all the while acknowledging Him from whom all blessing flowed. 

In their success, certain men (such as Hugo Black) started proclaiming a lie to be the truth--see link as to how one man started it and the road to separation between church and state became a new mantra.  Many leaders have almost forgotten and many more just refused to admit that truth that this nation was founded on the acknowledgment of God.  Such leaders chosen by a people who have forgotten that the price of freedom is vigilance now has a torturous road ahead.   Will enough be awakened to make a difference?  Hopefully, yes, otherwise the blessings we didn't protect may become bitter sweet reminders of a past long gone. 

Count Your Blessings--but don't hide your head in the sand--get involved in your government and keep it the land of the free-home of the brave.  May God bless America.

Link to Travel The Road--watch it--you'll want to fight for freedom while you can and it starts with praying in Jesus name.  May the Lord bless you!!!

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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